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悖惘愕   10  悖悋惠 惺悋 悋悴惘 悋悴惆惆   I send you 10 wishes for the new Hijri year 142 9
悋悖 惶惆悋悸 One for frienship
悋惓悋悸 忰惡悸  A second one for love
悋惓悋惓悸 惠悋惠  惡悋惘慍 悋惘  One for wealth
悋惘悋惡惺悸 悖惠  惡悋愕惺悋惆悸  One for happiness
悋悽悋愕悸 惠悋惠  惡悋悴悋忰  One for success
悋愕悋惆愕悸 悖 惠慍惆悋惆 惺悋 惺惘悸  One for knowledge
悋愕悋惡惺悸 悖  悋 悒 愀悋惺惠  One for obedience
悋惓悋悸 悖 惘慍 悋 悋悒悽悋惶 悋惶惆   One for honesty
悋惠悋愕惺悸 惠悋惠  惡悋惶忰リ 悋惺悋悸  One for a healthy life!
悋悖悽惘悸 惠悋惠 悖愕惘悸 惡悋 惠惠     And the last one for family
悖惘悴  悋 悖  悋惺悋 悋悴惆惆 惺悋 悽惘 惡惘悸 惺 悋悴惺 I ask Allah to make this new year a year of blessing and prosperity
 惆悋 悵悋 悋惺悋 悖 惠惘惡  悋 悖惓惘   Let us this year come nearer to Allah
悒 悴 悖 惠惘愕 悖悋惠  It is nice to send wishes
悖惘愕 悵 悋慍惘悋惠   惠惠 惡  悋悋愕 Send these flowers to all persons you care about
悴慍悋 悋 悽惘悋 惺 悋惠愀 惡悋惘悋悄悸 悋 惠愕  惆惺悸 惶悋惆悸 惡惴惘 悋愃惡 悋 惠惡悽悋 惺 悋悽悋 惡悋惘愕悋悋 悋 忰惡  悋

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悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴
悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴
悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴
惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋
 惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋  惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋
惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋
悋惠 悋惷惘惘 悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸
悋惠 悋惷惘惘  悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸悋惠 悋惷惘惘  悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸
悋惠 悋惷惘惘 悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸
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悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴
悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴
悋愆悋愀 悋惆悋悽 悋悽悋惘悴
惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋
 惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋  惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋
惠惺 惘悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悋悧惺悸 悴惆悋 悴惆悋
悋惠 悋惷惘惘 悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸
悋惠 悋惷惘惘  悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸悋惠 悋惷惘惘  悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸
悋惠 悋惷惘惘 悋悒悽惠悋惘 惶悋悸
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