This document appears to be a presentation about mobile augmented reality by Marc Rene Gardeya. It discusses several case studies and applications of augmented reality technology, including tourism in Rhone-Alpes, the German Yellow Pages, a public art project, a Quiznos campaign, social media applications, and games. It also covers topics like advertising, 3D spatial experiences, content management, consulting and training, future technologies, natural feature tracking, language translation, gesture control, augmented reality glasses, and hyperreality. The presentation emphasizes real world examples and provides insights from leaders in the technology industry.
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Hoppala at Creative Networks
1. Mobile Augmented Reality
Marc Ren辿 Gardeya, Founder and CEO
HOPPALA - Dipl.-Math. Marc Ren辿 Gardeya -
4. German Yellow Pages
HOPPALA - Dipl.-Math. Marc Ren辿 Gardeya -
5. Virtual Public Art Project
Key element of our application is that the
objects are site-speci鍖c. This is different
than most other digital media that can be
easily transfered and shared. This requires
the users presence and interaction with the
site itself.
Chris Manzione, Artist
HOPPALA - Dipl.-Math. Marc Ren辿 Gardeya -