This document presents information from Himanshu Dhiran's presentation on hormone replacement therapy and potassium supplements. It discusses how HRT can help balance hormone levels during menopause and relieve symptoms. It outlines the types of hormones involved in HRT and benefits like reduced bone loss and cancer risk, as well as risks including certain cancers and blood clots. The document also discusses potassium's role in the body, its use as a supplement for hypokalemia, potential benefits for blood pressure and stroke, dosing guidelines, and natural food sources of potassium.
Roll No-
Facilitated by – Dr. Sharmishtha
Dept. – Drug Regulatory Affairs.
Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences &
Research University .
Presented by – Himanshu Dhiran
Roll No- 18/MRA/SPS/2021
1st M. Pharm, Drug Regulatory
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help
balance estrogen and progesterone levels
during or near menopause. There are also
many other reasons why a doctor might
prescribe supplementary sex hormones. Also
known as menopausal hormone therapy, HRT
can help relieve sweating, hot flashes, and
other symptoms of menopause.
3. Hormones are …
Powerful chemical messengers.
Derived from cholesterol.
Made in the brain, ovaries, testicles, adrenal
glands, and body fats.
Affects every tissues in the body.
4. Types of HRT…
Human growth hormone (HGH).
Melatonin (pineal hormone).
T3 and T4 (thyroid hormones).
Estrogen (female sex hormone).
Progesterone (female sex hormone).
Testosterone (male and female sex hormone).
5. Benefits of HRT…
Improvement of vasomotor symptoms (70-
Increase in bone mineral density (2-5%).
Decreased risk in vertebral and hip
Reduction in colorectal cancer (20%)Possibly
cardio protection.
7. Duration of HRT use…
Generally, use of HRT for a short period of 3-5
years have been advised. Reduction of dosage
should be done as soon as possible.
Menopausal women should maintain optimum
nutrition, ideal body weight and perform
regular exercise.
8. Contraindication of HRT…
Undiagnosed genital tract bleeding.
 Estrogen dependent neoplasm in the body.
History of venous thromboembolism Active
liver disease.
Gallbladder disease.
Known, Suspected or history of Breast cancer.
Potassium is a mineral that is important for
many body functions. Food sources include
fruits, cereals, beans, milk, and vegetables.
Potassium plays a role in the transmission of
nerve signals, muscle contractions, fluid
balance, and various chemical reactions.
potassium supplements may be needed by
patients who do not have enough potassium in
their regular diet or have lost too much
potassium because of illness or treatment with
certain medicines.
11. Uses & Effectiveness
Low levels of potassium in the blood
(hypokalemia). Taking potassium by mouth or
by IV prevents and treats low levels of
potassium in the blood. IV product scan only
be given by a healthcare provider.
12. Uses & Effectiveness
Likely Effective for-
High blood pressure. Taking potassium can
lower blood pressure. Potassium seems to
work best for people with high blood pressure.
Possibly Effective for- Stroke.
Higher intake of potassium from food has been
linked to up to a 20%reduced risk of stroke.
13. Special Precautions and Warnings
Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Disorders of the digestive tract.
Kidney disease.
It's recommended that adult females consume
2.6 grams daily, and adult males consume 3.4
grams daily to maintain adequate nutrition.
When pregnant, 2.9grams should be consumed
daily, and when breastfeeding, 2.8 grams
should be consumed daily, Recommended
amounts for children depend on age.
15. Natural Source of Potassium…
Peanuts and tree nuts such as almonds, pecans
and walnuts.
Citrus fruits.
Leafy, green vegetables.