Amicus productions was a British film production company run by Max Rosanburg and Milton Subotsky based at Shepperton Studios, England during the 1960s and 1970s. Brain Damage Films is an Arizona-based film label and production company run by Darrin Ramage and Dustin Lowry that is dedicated to selling and creating independent horror films such as God of Vampires, Nightmare Alley, and 300 Killers.
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Horror film production companies
1. AS Media
Secondary Research
Horror Movie production companies
By Madeleine Stidder
2. Amicus productions
 While Hammer productions were experimenting with re -using sets and
shared cast and crew. There was another production company which was
up and coming.
 Amicus productions was a new production company and was run by two
men, they were Max Rosanburg and Milton Subotsky.
 It is a British film production company, based at Shepperton Studios,
 Company produced films during the 1960’s and 1970’s
4. Brain Damage Films
 Brain Damage Films film label and production company dedicated
to selling and creating the best indie horror films in the
 Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
 Run by Darrin Ramage and Dustin Lowry.
 Responsible for films such as God of Vampires, Nightmare
Alley and 300 killers.