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Crisis Management lab
Panteion University
Advertising & Public Relations LAB
3/26/13 1Crisis management
3/26/13 Crisis management 2
3/26/13 3Crisis management
3/26/13 4Crisis management
Total articles (16 January-24 March) :273
3/26/13 5Crisis management
Total articles (16 January-24 March) :273
3/26/13 6Crisis management
Total articles (16 January-24 March) :273
How the horsemeat scandal unfolded  timeline
Press Association
3/26/13 7Crisis management
Total articles (16 January-24 March) :273
 documented (datas, opinions, quotes)
3/26/13 8Crisis management
Horsemeat scandal: the essential guide
Felicity Lawrence
3/26/13 Crisis management 9
Total articles (16 January-24 March) :273
 documented (datas, opinions, quotes)
 short news
3/26/13 10Crisis management
 not critical
3/26/13 Crisis management 11
 not critical
Horse? No problem. Just don't take us for a ride
Lucy Mangan
3/26/13 Crisis management 12
 not critical
 reassuring for the society of England
3/26/13 Crisis management 13
 not critical
 reassuring for the society of England
 self sarcastic, ironic
3/26/13 Crisis management 14

Martin Rowson
3/26/13 Crisis management 15
 not critical
 reassuring for the society of England
 self sarcastic, ironic
 well disposed
3/26/13 Crisis management 16
3/26/13 Crisis management 17
 Vs Nestle & Findus
3/26/13 Crisis management 18
 Vs Nestle & Findus
 Vs Poland
 often refers to EU  as it is the major horsemeat
trading partner to UK & Ireland
3/26/13 Crisis management 19
 Vs Nestle & Findus
 Vs Poland
 often refers to EU  as it is the major horsemeat
trading partner to UK & Ireland
3/26/13 Crisis management 20
 Camerons opinion
3/26/13 Crisis management 21
3/26/13 Crisis management 22
3/26/13 Crisis management 23
3/26/13 Crisis management 24
3/26/13 Crisis management 25
3/26/13 Crisis management 26
James Meikleis a special
correspondent for the Guardian
3/26/13 Crisis management 27
3/26/13 Crisis management 28
 Total articles ( 19 January-25 March) : 197
3/26/13 Crisis management 29
 Total articles ( 19 January-25 March) : 197
3/26/13 Crisis management 30
 Total articles ( 19 January-25 March) : 197
 emotional ( adjectives, parallelism, metaphors)
3/26/13 Crisis management 31
 Total articles ( 19 January-25 March) : 197
 emotional ( adjectives, parallelism, metaphors)
 not humor
3/26/13 Crisis management 32
3/26/13 Crisis management 33
3/26/13 Crisis management 34
 political orientation
3/26/13 Crisis management 35
 political orientation
 blames Romania
3/26/13 Crisis management 36
 Plenty of statements
3/26/13 Crisis management 37
 Plenty of statements
from politicians
3/26/13 Crisis management 38
3/26/13 Crisis management 39
 Plenty of statements
from politicians
from members of food business
3/26/13 Crisis management 40
3/26/13 Crisis management 41
 Plenty of statements
from politicians
from members of food business
from unionists and consortiums
3/26/13 Crisis management 42
3/26/13 Crisis management 43
 Paterson used words as
3/26/13 Crisis management 44
 Paterson used words as
3/26/13 Crisis management 45
 Paterson used words as
3/26/13 Crisis management 46
 Paterson used words as
3/26/13 Crisis management 47
 Paterson used words as
3/26/13 Crisis management 48
 Paterson used words as
3/26/13 Crisis management 49
 Blame on Spanghero
3/26/13 Crisis management 50
 Blame on Spanghero
by French government
3/26/13 Crisis management 51
 Blame on Spanghero
by French government
by British government
3/26/13 Crisis management 52
 Blame on Spanghero
by French government
by British government
by FSA officials inquiries
3/26/13 Crisis management 53
3/26/13 Crisis management 54
 Rare statements from Spanghero
3/26/13 Crisis management 55
Its a conspiracy
Statics and poll results
 About the influence in the
Meanwhile, 31% of 2,002
adults questioned for a
survey for two Sunday
newspapers said they had
stopped eating ready-meals
as a result of the scandal.
 About the effectiveness of
political measures
The survey, carried out on 13
and 14 February, also found
44% agreed with the
statement "the government
has responded well to the
findings of horsemeat in
ready meals" with 30%
3/26/13 Crisis management 56
ARTICLES anonymous
3/26/13 Crisis management 57
Alexou Mirella
Alevropoulou Alexia
Dimitrakopoulou Aikaterini
Papantonopoulos Giannis
Pappa Stella
Mania Xenou, Instructor, CEO at Reliant Communications
Betty Tsakarestou, Assistant Professor, Head of Adv. & PR Lab
Crisis management 58

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