This document discusses Dynamics 365 solutions and components. It addresses whether managed and unmanaged solutions can be exported, how versions are formatted, how subjects and queues can be added to solutions, and how the publisher prefix is used. Importing an unmanaged solution can make changes that cannot be undone.
2. • Can you export a managed solution
• Can you export an unmanaged solution
• Can customization and configuration be used
and refer to the same components.
• Is the correct format for version is
3. • Can you export a managed solution
• Can you export an unmanaged solution
• Can customization and configuration be used
and refer to the same components.
• Is the correct format for version is
4. • Subjects can be added to a solution
• There is no limit to the number of solutions
you can create
• The prefix in the publisher is added before
schema name for entities, fields
• The changes to components when importing
an unmanaged solution cannot be undone
5. • Subjects can be added to a solution
• There is no limit to the number of solutions
you can create
• The prefix in the publisher is added before
schema name for entities, fields
• The changes to components when importing
an unmanaged solution cannot be undone
6. • Queues can be added to solutions
• managed properties are customizable by
• It’s not possible to export an unmanaged
• managed solution must be published after
7. • Queues can be added to solutions
• managed properties are customizable by
• It’s not possible to export an unmanaged
• managed solution must be published after