The document is a welcome letter from the Hotel Albrecht introducing their boutique hotel located near Bratislava Castle. It offers 12 rooms including a Presidential suite, a modern bar, restaurant, and spa. The hotel is suitable for official visits, business meetings, and cultural events. It has a wide variety of dining options including receptions, banquets, and themed Sunday brunches. Guests can relax in the spa, pool, or saunas after enjoying live music in the restaurant and terrace.
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Hotel albrecht
1. Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentleman. What else can we offer? have the best DJs playing chillout music for our guests.
Comfortable and unique middle size boutique hotel Very popular are Sunday brunches and every last Sunday
Please accept my warm welcome in our histori- with only 12 rooms including Presidential suite, modern in a month we organize thematic brunches – special
cal boutique hotel Albrecht located in your neighbour- bar, restaurant and marvelous spa. Hotel is suitable for dishes from all over the world. There is an activity
hood. Within two and half years of our operation we official state visits, business partners, sport and cultural program prepared for your children in our indoor or
have accommodated many interesting and well known delegations. outdoor playing area under supervision of an experi-
people and we would be honoured to also host you, The range of our dining posibilities is wide. We are able to enced animator.
your partners, colleagues, your families and friends. organize for you receptions, banquets, dinner parties, of- And at the end of the day I recommend you to come to
Most of you already know what the hotel can offer. The ficial lunches or dinners, business breakfasts, audiences and relax in our Spa, where you can forget about your daily
quality of the food, service, spa and accommodation. protocol events, round table discussions, birthday anniver- stress and let yourself be pampered with soothing mas-
But I believe you can still find something you didn´t try. saries, press conferences, special events like weddings or sages and treatments or just relax in our pool or saunas.
The advantage we offer to you is our location, walking christmas parties, summer BBQ on our terrace. Dear Ladies and Gentleman, please enjoy the refresh-
distance from Bratislava Castle, Parliament building and Every Thursday and Friday evening we are having LIVE ments our chef prepared for you and feel welcome to
the centre of Bratislava. music in our restaurant and terrace. On Thursdays its a be presented all hotel‘s facilities by me and my col-
mellow duo of saxophone and piano and on Fridays we leagues.
kontakt I +421 2 672 000 91 I I I Hotel Albrecht I Mudroňova 82 I 811 03 Bratislava I Slovenská republika