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Case study
CLIENT: ABode Hotel Group
INDUSTRY: Leisure and Hospitality

 ABode Hotels has received

poor customer service from
their existing energy broker
 Existing telecoms usage

and requirements had
never been reviewed across
the group
 The group was expanding

through acquiring new
hotels and so had no time
to dedicate to efficient
managing of their contracts
 Introduced to BCR

Associates through a
business networking event




ABode Hotels is a growing group
of luxury hotels and restaurants
which include city locations in
Exeter, Chester, Canterbury,
Glasgow and Manchester.

The client had reached a stage
in their expansion where
valuable internal resources were
not available to concentrate
effectively on the purchasing of
essential services of telecoms
and energy.

Our dedicated Account Manager
worked closely with ABode
Hotels providing a complete end
-to-end service. All bills and
contracts were analysed and put
out to tender across our large
panel of suppliers.

This administrative burden had
left them at risk to
uncompetitive contracts,
especially as their energy usage
was greater than 11.5kWhs and
they didnt have the knowledge
or expertise to price up or
manage their HH requirements.

Once our recommendations were
discussed and accepted by the
client, we handled everything
from that point on, enabling the
client to get on with running the
hotel group whilst enjoying
100% of all savings identified.

The group is run by
entrepreneur Andrew
Brownsword and chef Michael
Cains MBE. Together they work
to the concept of combining
understated British style and
modern comfort with great food
and drink.

Similarly their telecoms growth
was not joined up across the
hotels and had never been

T: 0800 048 2928
E: info@bcrassociates.co.uk
Business Cost Reduction Associates Limited, Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP.
Registered office: Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP. Company registration: 5537190.

息 2013 BCR Associates Ltd



Our dedicated Account
Manager worked closely
with ABode Hotels providing
a complete end-to-end
service. All bills and
contracts were analysed and
put out to tender across our
large panel of suppliers.

Our review highlighted a
number of issues for the
energy, such as the fact
that the ABode group were
not registered for CRC,
which they were legally
bound to do as HH
electricity users. BCR
Associates also explained
the advantage of the Take
or Pay clause which was
included in the new

BCR Associates have been a Godsend in
guiding us through the CRC process step by
step, as well as handling our utility contract
renewals. Everything they do is completed
with the minimum of fuss, good
communication and a refreshing level of
clarity. They keep us informed of
developments and pitfalls but have never
resorted to the scare tactics many other
CRC and energy advisors seem to favour in
trying to win our business. I am extremely
glad that ABode hotels has ben able to work
in partnership with BCR Associates.

A similar situation came to
light for telecoms as the
client was found to be on
uncompetitive, our of
contract tariffs. None of
their fixed lines or mobile
requirements had been
purchased centrally and so
there were a number of
inefficiencies highlighted.

Jacinta Magee, Group Financial Controller
ABode Hotels Group

Once our recommendations
were discussed and
accepted by the client, we
handled everything from
that point on, enabling the
client to get on with running
the hotel group whilst
enjoying 100% of all
savings identified.

T: 0800 048 2928
E: info@bcrassociates.co.uk
Business Cost Reduction Associates Limited, Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP.
Registered office: Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP. Company registration: 5537190.

息 2013 BCR Associates Ltd

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Hotel chain case study

  • 1. Case study CLIENT: ABode Hotel Group INDUSTRY: Leisure and Hospitality COMPLETED: Ongoing SUMMARY ABode Hotels has received poor customer service from their existing energy broker Existing telecoms usage and requirements had never been reviewed across the group The group was expanding through acquiring new hotels and so had no time to dedicate to efficient managing of their contracts Introduced to BCR Associates through a business networking event ABOUT OUR CLIENT CLIENT REQUIREMENTS OUR APPROACH ABode Hotels is a growing group of luxury hotels and restaurants which include city locations in Exeter, Chester, Canterbury, Glasgow and Manchester. The client had reached a stage in their expansion where valuable internal resources were not available to concentrate effectively on the purchasing of essential services of telecoms and energy. Our dedicated Account Manager worked closely with ABode Hotels providing a complete end -to-end service. All bills and contracts were analysed and put out to tender across our large panel of suppliers. This administrative burden had left them at risk to uncompetitive contracts, especially as their energy usage was greater than 11.5kWhs and they didnt have the knowledge or expertise to price up or manage their HH requirements. Once our recommendations were discussed and accepted by the client, we handled everything from that point on, enabling the client to get on with running the hotel group whilst enjoying 100% of all savings identified. The group is run by entrepreneur Andrew Brownsword and chef Michael Cains MBE. Together they work to the concept of combining understated British style and modern comfort with great food and drink. Similarly their telecoms growth was not joined up across the hotels and had never been reviewed. T: 0800 048 2928 E: info@bcrassociates.co.uk Business Cost Reduction Associates Limited, Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP. Registered office: Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP. Company registration: 5537190. 息 2013 BCR Associates Ltd
  • 2. THE PROJECT THE RESULTS WHAT OUR CUSTOMER SAYS Our dedicated Account Manager worked closely with ABode Hotels providing a complete end-to-end service. All bills and contracts were analysed and put out to tender across our large panel of suppliers. Our review highlighted a number of issues for the energy, such as the fact that the ABode group were not registered for CRC, which they were legally bound to do as HH electricity users. BCR Associates also explained the advantage of the Take or Pay clause which was included in the new recommendations. BCR Associates have been a Godsend in guiding us through the CRC process step by step, as well as handling our utility contract renewals. Everything they do is completed with the minimum of fuss, good communication and a refreshing level of clarity. They keep us informed of developments and pitfalls but have never resorted to the scare tactics many other CRC and energy advisors seem to favour in trying to win our business. I am extremely glad that ABode hotels has ben able to work in partnership with BCR Associates. A similar situation came to light for telecoms as the client was found to be on uncompetitive, our of contract tariffs. None of their fixed lines or mobile requirements had been purchased centrally and so there were a number of inefficiencies highlighted. Jacinta Magee, Group Financial Controller ABode Hotels Group Once our recommendations were discussed and accepted by the client, we handled everything from that point on, enabling the client to get on with running the hotel group whilst enjoying 100% of all savings identified. T: 0800 048 2928 E: info@bcrassociates.co.uk Business Cost Reduction Associates Limited, Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP. Registered office: Darwin House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NP. Company registration: 5537190. 息 2013 BCR Associates Ltd