This is Project for hotels to manage their own system. This is system combine website(Webform) for Customer Booking Online and A Desktop Application (Winform) for Receptionist and admin to
3. Website Desktop Application
Webform (Asp.NET) Winform (C#)
Hotel s Info
Search Room
Rooms Info
Manage Customer ( M & R)
Manage Staff (M)
Manage System (M) Receptionist
4. II. Hotel Management
Search Avaiable
RoomGuest input info like date
arrival, date departure,
number of room, adult,
children number .
View Hotels
InformationGuest could view hotels
information, email. phone
number , address to contact
RoomGuest could view list room in
hotel , rooms price, room s
image , rooms description
5. II. Hotel Management
Receive Email
ConfirmGuest receive an email have
guests information and
bookings information to
ntGuest could pay through
online, and offline
Input Guests
InfoGuest input info to form like
name, email, phone number
to confirm booking the room
Save Guests
BookingSave guests booking
information to database
6. II. Hotel Management
Send Notification
The System will auto sent a
notification for receptionist
when have a new customer
Receive Notification
Receptionist receive a
notification from system . It
will show a form of customer
have been just booking
Call To Customer
Receptionist call to guest to
confirm guest booked room in
hotel and payment
7. II. Hotel Management
Confirm Booking
OrderReceptionist confirm booking
order and save to database
HotelManager will tracking
everything and system and
staffs user