Vanaf nu kan iedereen met een magnetron en behulp van de Hot Pot zijn of haar eigen sieraad maken die past bij elke gelegenheid.
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Atelier 't Aanzicht te Bredevoort.
The document provides background information on Zero Waste Antigua, a non-profit organization working to promote sustainability and recycling in Antigua. It discusses how Zero Waste Antigua was started by Martin Dudley to address the lack of recycling infrastructure in Antigua. It outlines the current waste challenges facing Antigua including poor waste disposal practices and limited recycling options. The document proposes partnering with brands to help support Zero Waste Antigua's initiatives like education programs, collection services, and website development to create more awareness and action around recycling in Antigua.
This document summarizes various online resources that provide educational content including TED talks, slideshows, search engines, and documentaries. It discusses how each site allows users to search for information through keyword searches or categories and find videos, presentations, and other materials on different subjects in an easy to use format. Specific examples mentioned include learning about the theory of natural selection from TED, the history of tattoos from a slideshow on 際際滷Share, and how to create citations using Citation Machine.
El documento presenta una lista de 99 estudiantes que han obtenido un t鱈tulo de T辿cnico Superior Universitario (TSU) de una universidad en Venezuela. Para cada estudiante se incluye informaci坦n como el n炭mero de c辿dula, nombres, apellidos, cohorte de graduaci坦n, programa de formaci坦n, t鱈tulo obtenido y estado de las copias del t鱈tulo. Todos los t鱈tulos han sido impresos.
Este documento contiene una lista de nombres y apellidos de personas junto con sus respectivas c辿dulas de identidad. La lista incluye informaci坦n adicional como el colegio al que pertenecen y el a単o de graduaci坦n.
The document summarizes interviews conducted by the Works Progress Administration between 1936-1938 with over 2,300 former slaves from southern states. It provides excerpts from several interviews, including Charity Anderson who said she had a happy life before the Civil War and her kind master trusted her. Tempe Herndon Durham, who was 103 years old during her interview, discussed slave wedding and childbearing traditions. The interviews also described slave labor, relationships with owners, and past times.
El documento contiene una lista de 62 nombres con sus respectivos n炭meros de c辿dula, apellidos, nombres, aldea, programa y cohorte. La lista parece ser de estudiantes de un programa de formaci坦n docente y contiene sus datos personales y acad辿micos.
Este documento presenta un listado de 78 estudiantes que han completado un programa de formaci坦n docente. Para cada estudiante se incluye informaci坦n como su n炭mero de c辿dula, apellidos, nombres, aldea, programa de formaci坦n, estado administrativo y acad辿mico, y si recibieron o no la certificaci坦n correspondiente.
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 es una plataforma de colaboraci坦n empresarial que permite la creaci坦n de sitios, comunidades y contenido compartido. Ofrece caracter鱈sticas como b炭squeda avanzada, insights y composites. Su arquitectura incluye componentes como SharePoint Foundation, servidores y bases de datos. Permite la personalizaci坦n a trav辿s de elementos como master pages, layouts y web parts.
Campus Activities and Online Learning: Taking our Place in the ConversationCindy Kane, Ph.D.
The document discusses initiatives by the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at Bridgewater State University to incorporate online and distance learning strategies into their programs. It describes moving training for student programmers, blogging for student travel, pre-service training for orientation leaders, and a student leadership institute online. The initiatives aimed to reach more students, make better use of staff time and resources, and support varied learning styles. Both benefits and challenges were noted, such as reducing interactions but increasing accessibility. The office reflected that the programs allowed them to engage more students while struggling with issues like accountability and time management in virtual spaces.
El documento describe los pasos para actualizar SharePoint, incluyendo aprender sobre los requisitos y m辿todos de actualizaci坦n, preparar el entorno mediante la documentaci坦n y pruebas, implementar las actualizaciones de forma gradual entre granjas para minimizar las interrupciones, y validar que no haya problemas.
Build vs. Buy: Designing an Effective Software Update Delivery SolutionFlexera
For software producers and high-tech manufacturers, the ability to effectively deliver new software and data updates, patches, and bug fixes to every customer is vital to the success of any product line. Keeping customers on the most current software version optimizes user productivity and satisfaction and significantly reduces the vendors customer support costs.
SharePoint integra la recopilaci坦n de informaci坦n, InfoPath e InfoPath Forms Services en una estructura colaborativa. InfoPath permite dise単ar formularios r叩pida y eficazmente, as鱈 como formularios m叩s sofisticados con controles y funciones avanzadas. Los usuarios pueden completar formularios con o sin conexi坦n y los administradores pueden administrarlos f叩cilmente.
Certificacion a grado 2012 II 08-11-13 ESTUDIOS JURIDICOSDavid Leon Sicilia
El documento lista los nombres completos, n炭meros de c辿dula, aldeas y cohortes de 53 estudiantes. Todos los estudiantes tienen expedientes completos, todas las unidades curriculares aprobadas o completas, y certificaci坦n afirmativa.
Integrating smart response with study islandMatt Strine
This document provides instructions for integrating SMART Response classroom response systems with Study Island for classroom polling and assessment. The summary is as follows:
1. Connect the SMART Response receiver and start an anonymous class.
2. Login to Study Island, select content, and choose "Classroom Response Systems" and then "SMART Response".
3. Have students answer questions in a teacher-led polling session by starting and stopping the session.
The document discusses the topics of digital citizenship, copyright, fair use, and plagiarism. It defines key terms related to digital citizenship such as digital etiquette, communication, education, access, commerce, responsibility, rights, safety, and security. It also provides an overview of US copyright law and its history. Fair use guidelines around purpose, amount, nature, and effect are explained. The risks of plagiarism are outlined and techniques to avoid it like quotation, paraphrasing with citations, and using creative commons sources are recommended.
This document proposes the Social Tech Booster (STB) initiative to address the problem of useful computer applications and prototypes developed by students for intervention in development disorders ending up unused on shelves. The STB would partner universities, research organizations, social intervention organizations, and companies to move the best projects past the development phase into production and the market. It outlines a process where social intervention organizations identify needs, students work on projects, ex-students are hired for production, and finished products are placed in the market. The goal is to prevent great projects from becoming orphans and help address real needs through technology.
The document summarizes interviews conducted by the Works Progress Administration between 1936-1938 with over 2,300 former slaves from southern states. It provides excerpts from several interviews, including Charity Anderson who said she had a happy life before the Civil War and her kind master trusted her. Tempe Herndon Durham, who was 103 years old during her interview, discussed slave wedding and childbearing traditions. The interviews also described slave labor, relationships with owners, and past times.
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 es una plataforma de colaboraci坦n empresarial que permite la creaci坦n de sitios, comunidades y contenido compartido. Ofrece caracter鱈sticas como b炭squeda avanzada, insights y composites. Su arquitectura incluye componentes como SharePoint Foundation, servidores y bases de datos. Permite la personalizaci坦n a trav辿s de elementos como master pages, layouts y web parts.
Campus Activities and Online Learning: Taking our Place in the ConversationCindy Kane, Ph.D.
The document discusses initiatives by the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at Bridgewater State University to incorporate online and distance learning strategies into their programs. It describes moving training for student programmers, blogging for student travel, pre-service training for orientation leaders, and a student leadership institute online. The initiatives aimed to reach more students, make better use of staff time and resources, and support varied learning styles. Both benefits and challenges were noted, such as reducing interactions but increasing accessibility. The office reflected that the programs allowed them to engage more students while struggling with issues like accountability and time management in virtual spaces.
El documento describe los pasos para actualizar SharePoint, incluyendo aprender sobre los requisitos y m辿todos de actualizaci坦n, preparar el entorno mediante la documentaci坦n y pruebas, implementar las actualizaciones de forma gradual entre granjas para minimizar las interrupciones, y validar que no haya problemas.
Build vs. Buy: Designing an Effective Software Update Delivery SolutionFlexera
For software producers and high-tech manufacturers, the ability to effectively deliver new software and data updates, patches, and bug fixes to every customer is vital to the success of any product line. Keeping customers on the most current software version optimizes user productivity and satisfaction and significantly reduces the vendors customer support costs.
SharePoint integra la recopilaci坦n de informaci坦n, InfoPath e InfoPath Forms Services en una estructura colaborativa. InfoPath permite dise単ar formularios r叩pida y eficazmente, as鱈 como formularios m叩s sofisticados con controles y funciones avanzadas. Los usuarios pueden completar formularios con o sin conexi坦n y los administradores pueden administrarlos f叩cilmente.
Certificacion a grado 2012 II 08-11-13 ESTUDIOS JURIDICOSDavid Leon Sicilia
El documento lista los nombres completos, n炭meros de c辿dula, aldeas y cohortes de 53 estudiantes. Todos los estudiantes tienen expedientes completos, todas las unidades curriculares aprobadas o completas, y certificaci坦n afirmativa.
Integrating smart response with study islandMatt Strine
This document provides instructions for integrating SMART Response classroom response systems with Study Island for classroom polling and assessment. The summary is as follows:
1. Connect the SMART Response receiver and start an anonymous class.
2. Login to Study Island, select content, and choose "Classroom Response Systems" and then "SMART Response".
3. Have students answer questions in a teacher-led polling session by starting and stopping the session.
The document discusses the topics of digital citizenship, copyright, fair use, and plagiarism. It defines key terms related to digital citizenship such as digital etiquette, communication, education, access, commerce, responsibility, rights, safety, and security. It also provides an overview of US copyright law and its history. Fair use guidelines around purpose, amount, nature, and effect are explained. The risks of plagiarism are outlined and techniques to avoid it like quotation, paraphrasing with citations, and using creative commons sources are recommended.
This document proposes the Social Tech Booster (STB) initiative to address the problem of useful computer applications and prototypes developed by students for intervention in development disorders ending up unused on shelves. The STB would partner universities, research organizations, social intervention organizations, and companies to move the best projects past the development phase into production and the market. It outlines a process where social intervention organizations identify needs, students work on projects, ex-students are hired for production, and finished products are placed in the market. The goal is to prevent great projects from becoming orphans and help address real needs through technology.
The document summarizes interviews conducted by the Works Progress Administration between 1936-1938 with over 2,300 former slaves from southern states. It provides excerpts from several interviews, including Charity Anderson who said she had a happy life before the Civil War and her kind master trusted her. Tempe Herndon Durham, who was 103 years old during her interview, discussed slave wedding and childbearing traditions. The interviews also described slave labor, relationships with owners, and past times.
8. Om een doorgang te maken in het sieraad worden dunne reepjes keramisch papier gesneden.
9. Elk gesneden stukje glas zorgvuldig reinigen zodat vuil en vet geen sporen nalaten na het smelten.
10. Thinfire wordt op maat gesneden van het onderste stukje glas. Deze zorgt ervoor dat het glas niet vast smelt aan de bodem van de Hot Pot. Het zorgt tevens voor een glad afgewerkte achterkant.
11. Op het bodemplaatje van de Hot Pot wordt nu eerst een stukje keramisch papier gelegd. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de bodem niet beschadigd wanneer er onverhoopt toch wat glas over het Thinfire smelt.
12. Op het keramisch papier komt eerst het op maat gesneden stukje Thinfire.
13. Het onderste stukje glas wordt precies op het stukje Thinfire gelegd. Daar bovenop worden de overige gesneden stukjes gestapeld.
14. Voordat het laatste stukje glas erop komt worden nu eerst de reepjes keramisch papier gestapeld op ca. 8 mm van de bovenkant gelegd. Daarna wordt het laatste stukje daar bovenop gelegd.
15. De ovensteuntjes moeten op de glasplaat van de magnetron gelegd worden. Deze voorkomen beschadiging aan zowel de glasplaat als Hot Pot.
16. Voorzichtig het bodemplaatje van de Hot Pot op de ovensteuntjes zetten. Het liefst precies in het midden zodat de warmte gelijkmatig verdeeld wordt. Let op: het glas kan nog verschuiven.
18. De deksel van de Hot Pot voorzichtig op de bodemplaat zetten.
19. De magnetron voorzichtig sluiten. Zet de magnetron op een wattage tussen de 500 en 700 watt. Stel de tijdschakelaar in en zet de magnetron aan. De tijdsduur is afhankelijk van de magnetron maar ook van bijvoorbeeld de grootte en dikte van uw werkstuk.
20. Wanneer er een oranje gloed uit het gaatje in de Hot Pot komt is dit een indicatie dat de Hot Pot heet is en het glas begint te smelten.
21. Vanaf dat moment kunt u regelmatig het resultaat gaan beoordelen door in de Hot Pot te gaan kijken. Trek daarbij altijd ovenhandschoenen aan.
22. Wanneer u tevreden bent met de smelting haalt u de Hot Pot uit de magnetron en zet deze op een vuurvaste ondergrond.
23. Laat het glasstukje in de gesloten Hot Pot afkoelen tot u het met de blote hand kunt hanteren. Hoelang dit duurt is uiteraard afhankelijk van de grote van uw werkstukje en de ervaring zal u dit leren. 1 叩 2 uur is een redelijk uitgangspunt om mee te beginnen. Een te snelle afkoeling kan een thermische schok veroorzaken waardoor het glas kan breken.
26. Het stuk glas is nu klaar om als sieraad verwerkt te worden.
27. Afhankelijk van uw keuze maakt u het draad op lengte en bevestigd daaraan de diverse onderdelen zoals sluiting. Het is aan te raden om de onderdelen te fixeren met een speciale lijm.
28. Met behulp van tangetjes fixeert u de onderdelen nog eens extra goed.