Suppose you have a house. And you want to sell it. Through House Price Prediction project you can predict the price from previous sell history.
And we make this prediction using Machine Learning.
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House Price Prediction An AI Approach.
1. House Price Prediction
Group Name: Bug Free
9/6/2019 1
Group members:
1.Nahian Ahmed
2.Sajibul Hasan
3.Tariqul Islam
4.Monsur Ahmed
5.Hazera Akter
3. Introduction
Suppose you have a house. And you want to sell it.
Through House Price Prediction project you can
predict the price from previous sell history.
And we make this prediction using Machine
4. Machine Learning
Machine learning is a subset of AI. Which is
more data oriented and use statistics methods
on the data to discover information.
ML categories:
1.Supervised learning(which we used)
2. Unsupervised learning
3. Reinforcement Learning
5. Supervised learning
In supervised learning, each example is a pair
consisting of an input object (typically a vector)
and a desired output value (also called the
supervisory signal)
*that means we know about the data and its
8. Linear Regression
In statistics, linear regression is
a linear approach for modeling the relationship
between a dependent variable y and a more
explanatory (Independent) variables X.
Y=b0 +b1X
Y=Dependent Variable
b0=Intercept, b1 =Slope, X=Independent Variable
24. Linear Regression in Python
Import module:
from sklearn import linear_model
Making Object:
Fit data:,Price_sft)
25. Linear Regression in Python
b1 =reg.coef_[0]
26. Linear Regression in Python
X=4500 Sq/ft. and the
slope= 0.082 intercept= 828.63 and the Y will
be :
Y = b0 (828.63)+b1(0.082)*X(4500)