Smart marketers know that A/B testing helps take the guesswork out of website optimizations. Often times though, A/B testing doesn't give you a true view of how your site or web page is performing.
In this presentation, WP Engine Founder & CTO Jason Cohen covers why tools that show statistical significance are often wrong, and how you can correct it, how to use insights from Google Analytics to drive A/B tests and what elements of your marketing campaigns should be A/B tested.
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How A/B tests lie to us, and
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Jason Cohen, founder & CTO
12. Easy significance testing
N = A+B = total # of conversions.
D = (AB)/2 = half the difference.
Significant if D2
> N.
N = 758 + 685 = 1443
D = ( 758 685 ) / 2 = 37
1369 > 1443?
No! Not significant.