This document summarizes advertising and models used in advertising. It defines advertising as any paid non-personal promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. The document discusses traditional advertising theories and consumer behavior models used in advertising. It specifically outlines the FCB model, which categorizes consumers as thinkers, feelers, doers, or reactors based on their involvement and thought in purchasing. For each category, the document provides examples of product types, key models used, and factors that determine advertising success, such as recall rate or attitude change. It concludes by noting some products may appeal to multiple categories in the FCB model.
According to American Marketing Association(AMA), Advertising
means any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion
of idea, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
Advertising is a one way exchange that is impersonal in format.
There is little empirical evidence of effect of creative messaging
on purchase behavior and sales revenue.
However, Creative advertising is more memorable, works with less
media spending, and builds a fan community... Faster.
The conventional wisdom thus persists that creativity in
advertisements matters.
6. The examples of product for this category of customers could be Cars,
electronic good, Housing etc.
Model: Learn-Feel-Do
These kind of advertisement communicate the benefit arising from the usage
of the product by doing a cost benefit analysis.
Success of the advertisements depends on the recall rate.
Specific information- This kind of advertisement provides information with
respect to the product.
For example: mileage, latest offers and features in case of a car advertisement.
Positioning of the brand: Value for money, Feature rich, Trust, Comfort
Informative (Thinker)
8. The examples of product for this category of customers could be wrist
watch, jewellery, motor-cycles etc.
Model: Feel-Learn-Do
Emotional attribute is far more important than the functional attribute
The advertisements are made dramatic to create the required impact
Success of the advertisements depends on the attitude change and
emotional arousal
Fastrack watches Previously watches were seen as a time keeping device.
However, Tata positioned Fastrack as an accessory, which is an extension for
the personality.
Positioning of the brand: Youthful, Counter culture, Freedom
Affective (Feeler)
10. The examples of product for this category of customers could be mundane
items like detergents, toothpaste etc.
Model: Do-Learn-Feel
Products in this area involve minimal thought and a tendency to form buying
habits for convenience.
Any point of difference is exploited. Most difficult quadrant as the products
are commoditized in nature.
Success of the advertisements depends on the change in sales before and
after advertising
Ghadi detergent
Positioning of the brand: Trustworthy, Better quality
Habit formation (Doer)
12. The examples of product for this category of customers could be soft drinks, food
outlets etc.
Model: Do-Feel-Learn
Products in this area involve minimal thought and a tendency to form buying habits
for convenience.
Any point of difference is exploited. Most difficult quadrant as the products are
commoditized in nature.
Success of the advertisements depends on the change in sales before and after
Royal Stag
Positioning of the brand: Aspirational
Self satisfaction (Reactor)