How Can We Incorporate Considerations of Trees and Environmental Benefits into Community and Site Development Planning?
T. Davis Sydnor, The Ohio State University
Developers often clear cut any existing vegetation on a site before development begins and replant later with 2-inch trees. Considering which trees to retain, evaluating some of the commonly overlooked development costs, and determining future environmental benefits that would be lost can lead to a more environmentally responsible development. Additionally recovering, deferring or retaining benefits may lower initial development costs as well as long term living and maintenance expenses.
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How Can We Incorporate Considerations of Trees and Environmental Benefits into Community and Site Development Planning?
2. By
T. Davis Sydnor
Professor Emeritus
School of Environment and Natural Resources
The Ohio State University
4. We are always asked for comments
after the planting fails to meet the
original design intent.
19. Report now appended to development plans
OSU will try to move plants smaller than 8 inch
Will consider trees greater than 22 inch when siting buildings