In this talk, Rahul Bansal has covered how contributing to the core can help you as an individual as well as a Business.
Rahul also addressed concerns and insecurities businesses have when encouraging their team to contribute to the WordPress core.
There is a place for everyone in WordPress ecosystem but its often programming jobs that get the most attention.
I am here to show you career opportunities beyond programming jobs in WordPress world. There exist so many opportunities as a blogger, content writer, support and also in managerial roles.
In last eight years, I have earned a living in as a professional blogger, a freelance developer and now as a businessman. So there are many different types of careers I have been into myself.
Careers in WordPress and Open Source by Rahul Bansal - COEP FOSSMeet 2019rtCamp
Sometime ago open-source looked at as a backup career choice. Companies using proprietary tools used to pay more and were more attractive for overall perks and benefits.
The rise of open-source software has turned the table. Now open-source companies are not only matching pay-grades but have more to offer such as remote work option, and more importantly the joy of giving back!
Why We Indian Developers Fail And What You Can Do About It - WordCamp Udaipur...Nirav Mehta
We are Indian Developers. For most people, what China is to manufacturing, India is to software development. Cheap, Bulk, Inferior Quality. And lets face the truth, for a large part, that argument is not wrong. Consider other people youve worked with so far. Do you think they have great talent? Are they very good developers?
The sad thing is that we did not design ourselves for mediocrity and failures. Its the way our brains are wired. In most cases, we dont even know we are lousy. Lets take this opportunity to look within and uncover the deepest sources of our biggest limitations. Lets dig to the roots of our reality. Because awareness precedes change!
While well look at some painful things about ourselves, I promise you will walk out with a lot more power.
This document provides biographies of two individuals, Siska R. Anggraeny Iskandar and Aji Kisworo Mukti. It summarizes their educational backgrounds, work experiences, projects, and awards. Key details include Siska being a winner of several awards for her achievements as a student and Aji's experience as a full-stack developer, project manager, and co-founder who has built several mobile applications.
This document welcomes students to Agora Cyber Charter School's interactive life and leadership sessions that help define who students are and where they want to go. It encourages students to submit a "Recipe for Success" handout through the online learning course answering what leadership ingredients they currently have. The sessions and assignment are aimed at developing students' leadership skills and defining their goals and identity.
This document describes how a blog and Scalar work. It shows a blog being updated over 5 days with posts categorized into two categories. It then shows Scalar, which allows creating multiple paths through content by linking nodes together in a graph structure.
The very first value of the agile manifesto starts with individuals and interactions over processes and tools. This shows how important is the human angle in agile. In the agile world, all the time we talk about change in mindset, human values, servant leadership, respect, working together, etc. But do we practice this in our day to day to life? If yes, how many teams are confident that they are an ideal example that truly adheres to this principle? We can hear teams saying my team member did this and your team member did that while working on the same project. Such behavior is especially very typical in large enterprises. Delivery frequently, talk to your customers frequently, communicate effectively are some of the important behaviors of successful teams. This interactive talk is an attempt to ignite such thoughts for teams that are new to agile adoption as well as for the established teams and assess themselves on the behavior patterns.
Leadership throught Exchange (Capacity for GIP&GCDP)Sveta Nikolaeva
This document discusses developing leadership skills through exchange programs. It emphasizes developing self-confidence, independence, an ability to work in multicultural environments, and open-mindedness and adaptability. Professional expertise is also highlighted. The document suggests leadership can be strengthened through exchange programs but does not provide details on specific programs or how they can be improved.
WordPress on the Jamstack by rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin @ WordPress Colombo MeetuprtCamp
Jamstack sites have received huge popularity lately. Muhammad Muhsin has explored WordPress as a viable back-end API for Jamstack, which turned out to be a great solution. He has built multiple Jamstack sites using WordPress for data via REST API or GraphQL.
In this session, Muhammad introduces WordPress as an API for Jamstack sites.
Blazing Fast eCommerce with Gatsby, WordPress, and WooCommerce by Muhammad Mu...rtCamp
This document discusses using Gatsby, WordPress, and WooCommerce for building blazing fast ecommerce sites. It highlights that Gatsby is fast, secure, free, and has great developer tools and content delivery. WooCommerce is a popular ecommerce platform that allows full store control. WPGraphQL integrates WordPress and Gatsby by exposing WordPress data through GraphQL. A case study demonstrates using these technologies together with additional plugins for features like events and Stripe payments. Lessons learned are that WordPress plugins may not all work and content is not immediately available, but Gatsby enables offline support and progressive web apps.
Using WordPress with Static Site Generators by Muhammad Muhsin and Jason Bahl...rtCamp
rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin and Jason Bahl co-presented their talk on the topic "Using WordPress with Static Site Generators" at WordCamp US.
Muhammad briefly introduced the concepts of React and GraphQL and explained the uses and advantages of Gatsby.
He also shared the ways in which users can leverage WordPress and Gatsby together and get all the desired results efficiently.
Server Side React for WordPress by Muhammad Muhsin @ The JavaScript for WordP...rtCamp
rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin shares his take on Server Side React for WordPress.
Muhammad talks about the advantages of React and its ability to render content on the server-side, which helps performance and SEO for search engines.
He also introduces Next.js (a server-side React framework) and how to build a web app with Next.js on the front-end and WordPress at the back end.
The Art of Pricing by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Europe June 2019rtCamp
Rahul Bansal shares his thoughts on the Art of Pricing and how effective Pricing can help businesses grow.
Rahul talks about the different ways of evaluating the price and how 'value-based pricing' can do wonders for any business.
Selling WordPress to Enterprises by Rahul Bansal @ WordSesh May 2019rtCamp
Rahul Bansal explains the process of Selling WordPress to Enterprises.
He takes on the common concerns that Enterprises face with regards to WordPress and walks you through the important aspects of the sales process.
The Art of Pricing by Rahul Bansal - WordCamp Bangkok 2019rtCamp
Pricing is hard!
Irrespective if you are selling a service or product, setting the right price for a globally diverse customer base is hard. As WordPress is used by everyone from individuals to billion dollars giant corporations, setting the price is even harder.
So how do you master the art of pricing?
Over 10-years, we did many experiments and learned our lessons, sometimes the hard way. I would be sharing my learning and some tactics we used, along with real-life experiences and case studies.
Hooking with WordPress by Rahul Prajapati - COEP FOSSMeet March 2019rtCamp
Hooking is a technique which is used to register an event and to modify a program's behavior when that event occurs, without modifying the original program/code.
WordPress has this technique implemented and by using this you can customise it according to your convenience.
Hiring The Right Way in the WordPress Ecosystem by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Ko...rtCamp
A little empathy and respect for job seekers can do wonders to your hiring process. The way WordPress ecosystem is connected, you have an opportunity to turn even a rejected candidate as your brand ambassador.
WordPress for Enterprise Publishers by Nirmal Desai @ WordCamp Kochi 2018rtCamp
Nirmal Desai has presented a session on the topic WordPress for Enterprise publishers.
His topic covers the power of WordPress in an enterprise level. He talked about, flexibility & editorial workflows for publishers with WordPress. He also delved into capabilities and management for large teams and shared more details about guiding enterprise businesses, online publishers, and eCommerce stores towards all-around web solutions using WordPress.
AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018rtCamp
AMP WordPress plugin is heading towards v1.0 release. It has many new features, including something called the Native AMP mode. Native AMP enables a WordPress site to be served entirely as a valid AMP without any coding efforts.
Pradeep Sonawane, VP Engineering @rtCamp covered AMP Native and other aspects of AMP which benefits WordPress users in this talk.
Selling WordPress To Enterprises by Rahul Bansal WordCamp NYC 2017rtCamp
Our WordPress journey started with working on small projects as a freelancer.
Over nine years, we have grown to reach the other end of the spectrum, regularly handling large enterprise WordPress projects.
At this scale, the rules for selling WordPress change. WordPress traditional advantages dont necessarily apply anymore.
Selling WordPress to Enterprises by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Ann ArborrtCamp
Rahul covers how selling WordPress to Enterprises is different, what changes you need to make to on your end and how it changes answer to common questions
Managing a WordPress Site as a Composer Project by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Na...rtCamp
Managing a WordPress site as a Composer project allows treating the site code as code to be maintained in a version control system. It separates the WordPress core, themes, and plugins as Composer dependencies rather than files within the repository. This reduces the repository size and allows installing dependencies on different servers. The document discusses setting up a new WordPress site or moving an existing site to be managed by Composer by declaring dependencies in composer.json, installing via Composer, and providing guidelines for updating dependencies.
WCEU 2017 - How Translation Sprints Help Bring in New Contributors - by Rahul...rtCamp
For WordPress 4.6 release video subtitle captioning and translation to few Indian languages, we organized a translation sprint.
The result was that new contributors learned overall contribution process much faster and became motivated. Many of those first-time contributors went ahead and still contributing.
This presentation has details about what we did and how it worked.
Writing PHP The WordPress Way! by Rahul Bansal @WordCamp Mumbai 2017rtCamp
These slides cover common mistakes PHP programmers often make when they join the WordPress ecosystem.
There are few PHP functions for which WordPress has its API. One common case is use of PHPs curl() function instead of using wp_remote_*() functions.
Using WordPress equivalent has its benefits.
Hiring The Right Way in the WordPress Ecosystem - WordCamp Udaipur 2017rtCamp
This is for businesses and HR folks who are involved in the hiring process. The presentation has some suggestion to improve hiring process and do better inside WordPress ecosystem.
Building a High Quality WordPress Agency in South Asia - Rahul Bansal - WordC...rtCamp
This document discusses building a high quality WordPress agency in South Asia and outlines some of the key challenges and solutions involved, including finding top developers, offering competitive pay and perks to attract talent, securing good clients to build a reputation for high quality work, and leveraging open source software while also addressing potential limitations.
Advance Website Helpdesk Customer Support Ticket Management OdooAagam infotech
Effortlessly manage tickets via email, admin, or website forms, and take advantage of features like merging, reopening, and assigning by type. Create orders and invoices directly from tickets, send updates via WhatsApp, and track progress with timesheetseverything you need, all in one place.
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Dashboard For Tickets Tracking
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Wondershare Filmora Crack is a user-friendly video editing software designed for both beginners and intermediate users. It provides an intuitive interface and powerful features that make it easy to create and edit high-quality videos without needing extensive video editing experience. It is popular among content creators, YouTubers, and anyone looking to create professional-looking videos for personal or business use.
WordPress on the Jamstack by rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin @ WordPress Colombo MeetuprtCamp
Jamstack sites have received huge popularity lately. Muhammad Muhsin has explored WordPress as a viable back-end API for Jamstack, which turned out to be a great solution. He has built multiple Jamstack sites using WordPress for data via REST API or GraphQL.
In this session, Muhammad introduces WordPress as an API for Jamstack sites.
Blazing Fast eCommerce with Gatsby, WordPress, and WooCommerce by Muhammad Mu...rtCamp
This document discusses using Gatsby, WordPress, and WooCommerce for building blazing fast ecommerce sites. It highlights that Gatsby is fast, secure, free, and has great developer tools and content delivery. WooCommerce is a popular ecommerce platform that allows full store control. WPGraphQL integrates WordPress and Gatsby by exposing WordPress data through GraphQL. A case study demonstrates using these technologies together with additional plugins for features like events and Stripe payments. Lessons learned are that WordPress plugins may not all work and content is not immediately available, but Gatsby enables offline support and progressive web apps.
Using WordPress with Static Site Generators by Muhammad Muhsin and Jason Bahl...rtCamp
rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin and Jason Bahl co-presented their talk on the topic "Using WordPress with Static Site Generators" at WordCamp US.
Muhammad briefly introduced the concepts of React and GraphQL and explained the uses and advantages of Gatsby.
He also shared the ways in which users can leverage WordPress and Gatsby together and get all the desired results efficiently.
Server Side React for WordPress by Muhammad Muhsin @ The JavaScript for WordP...rtCamp
rtCamper Muhammad Muhsin shares his take on Server Side React for WordPress.
Muhammad talks about the advantages of React and its ability to render content on the server-side, which helps performance and SEO for search engines.
He also introduces Next.js (a server-side React framework) and how to build a web app with Next.js on the front-end and WordPress at the back end.
The Art of Pricing by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Europe June 2019rtCamp
Rahul Bansal shares his thoughts on the Art of Pricing and how effective Pricing can help businesses grow.
Rahul talks about the different ways of evaluating the price and how 'value-based pricing' can do wonders for any business.
Selling WordPress to Enterprises by Rahul Bansal @ WordSesh May 2019rtCamp
Rahul Bansal explains the process of Selling WordPress to Enterprises.
He takes on the common concerns that Enterprises face with regards to WordPress and walks you through the important aspects of the sales process.
The Art of Pricing by Rahul Bansal - WordCamp Bangkok 2019rtCamp
Pricing is hard!
Irrespective if you are selling a service or product, setting the right price for a globally diverse customer base is hard. As WordPress is used by everyone from individuals to billion dollars giant corporations, setting the price is even harder.
So how do you master the art of pricing?
Over 10-years, we did many experiments and learned our lessons, sometimes the hard way. I would be sharing my learning and some tactics we used, along with real-life experiences and case studies.
Hooking with WordPress by Rahul Prajapati - COEP FOSSMeet March 2019rtCamp
Hooking is a technique which is used to register an event and to modify a program's behavior when that event occurs, without modifying the original program/code.
WordPress has this technique implemented and by using this you can customise it according to your convenience.
Hiring The Right Way in the WordPress Ecosystem by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Ko...rtCamp
A little empathy and respect for job seekers can do wonders to your hiring process. The way WordPress ecosystem is connected, you have an opportunity to turn even a rejected candidate as your brand ambassador.
WordPress for Enterprise Publishers by Nirmal Desai @ WordCamp Kochi 2018rtCamp
Nirmal Desai has presented a session on the topic WordPress for Enterprise publishers.
His topic covers the power of WordPress in an enterprise level. He talked about, flexibility & editorial workflows for publishers with WordPress. He also delved into capabilities and management for large teams and shared more details about guiding enterprise businesses, online publishers, and eCommerce stores towards all-around web solutions using WordPress.
AMP with WordPress by Pradeep Sonawane @ Google AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018rtCamp
AMP WordPress plugin is heading towards v1.0 release. It has many new features, including something called the Native AMP mode. Native AMP enables a WordPress site to be served entirely as a valid AMP without any coding efforts.
Pradeep Sonawane, VP Engineering @rtCamp covered AMP Native and other aspects of AMP which benefits WordPress users in this talk.
Selling WordPress To Enterprises by Rahul Bansal WordCamp NYC 2017rtCamp
Our WordPress journey started with working on small projects as a freelancer.
Over nine years, we have grown to reach the other end of the spectrum, regularly handling large enterprise WordPress projects.
At this scale, the rules for selling WordPress change. WordPress traditional advantages dont necessarily apply anymore.
Selling WordPress to Enterprises by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Ann ArborrtCamp
Rahul covers how selling WordPress to Enterprises is different, what changes you need to make to on your end and how it changes answer to common questions
Managing a WordPress Site as a Composer Project by Rahul Bansal @ WordCamp Na...rtCamp
Managing a WordPress site as a Composer project allows treating the site code as code to be maintained in a version control system. It separates the WordPress core, themes, and plugins as Composer dependencies rather than files within the repository. This reduces the repository size and allows installing dependencies on different servers. The document discusses setting up a new WordPress site or moving an existing site to be managed by Composer by declaring dependencies in composer.json, installing via Composer, and providing guidelines for updating dependencies.
WCEU 2017 - How Translation Sprints Help Bring in New Contributors - by Rahul...rtCamp
For WordPress 4.6 release video subtitle captioning and translation to few Indian languages, we organized a translation sprint.
The result was that new contributors learned overall contribution process much faster and became motivated. Many of those first-time contributors went ahead and still contributing.
This presentation has details about what we did and how it worked.
Writing PHP The WordPress Way! by Rahul Bansal @WordCamp Mumbai 2017rtCamp
These slides cover common mistakes PHP programmers often make when they join the WordPress ecosystem.
There are few PHP functions for which WordPress has its API. One common case is use of PHPs curl() function instead of using wp_remote_*() functions.
Using WordPress equivalent has its benefits.
Hiring The Right Way in the WordPress Ecosystem - WordCamp Udaipur 2017rtCamp
This is for businesses and HR folks who are involved in the hiring process. The presentation has some suggestion to improve hiring process and do better inside WordPress ecosystem.
Building a High Quality WordPress Agency in South Asia - Rahul Bansal - WordC...rtCamp
This document discusses building a high quality WordPress agency in South Asia and outlines some of the key challenges and solutions involved, including finding top developers, offering competitive pay and perks to attract talent, securing good clients to build a reputation for high quality work, and leveraging open source software while also addressing potential limitations.
Advance Website Helpdesk Customer Support Ticket Management OdooAagam infotech
Effortlessly manage tickets via email, admin, or website forms, and take advantage of features like merging, reopening, and assigning by type. Create orders and invoices directly from tickets, send updates via WhatsApp, and track progress with timesheetseverything you need, all in one place.
Get the App here :
Key features of advanced website helpdesk odoo module :
Dashboard For Tickets Tracking
Helpdesk Tickets List
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Wondershare Filmora Crack is a user-friendly video editing software designed for both beginners and intermediate users. It provides an intuitive interface and powerful features that make it easy to create and edit high-quality videos without needing extensive video editing experience. It is popular among content creators, YouTubers, and anyone looking to create professional-looking videos for personal or business use.
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Mastering Software Test Automation: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and E...Shubham Joshi
Software test automation is transforming the way teams ensure product quality, making testing faster, more efficient, and highly reliable. This guide covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts, helping both beginners and experts optimize their testing processes. Youll explore various automation tools, frameworks, and best practices to improve test accuracy and speed up development cycles. With software test automation, organizations can minimize manual effort while enhancing test coverage. Whether you're just starting out or refining your existing automation strategies, this guide provides actionable insights and real-world examples to help you achieve success in automated testing.
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Investing in the right direction with Enterprise Resource Planning Software helps
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Discover how AI-powered chatbots enhance employee support by streamlining HR tasks, reducing administrative burdens, and providing real-time assistance. Learn about their integration with platforms like WhatsApp and MS Teams for a seamless experience.
Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon: Java is the New Python v0.9Yann-Ga谷l Gu辿h辿neuc
Java has had a tremendous success and, in the last few years, has evolved quite significantly. However, it was still difficult to interface with libraries written in other programming language because of some complexity with JNI and some syntactic and semantic barriers. New projects to improve Java could help alleviate, even nullify, these barriers. Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon exist to make it easier to use different programming and memory models in Java and to interface with foreign programming languages. This presentation describes the problem with the Java isthmus and the three projects in details, with real code examples. It shows how, combined, these three projects could make of Java the new Python.
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How John started to like TDD (instead of hating it) - TED talkNacho Cougil
John, a typical developer, used to dread writing tests, finding them boring and unnecessary. Test Driven Development (TDD)? Even worsehe couldnt see how it worked outside of basic exercises. But something clicked. Through his journey, John discovered the magic of writing tests before the production code: fewer bugs, quicker feedback, and cleaner code. Now, hes hooked and wont code any other way. This is the story of how TDD turned a skeptic into a believer.
PS: Think of John as a random person, as if he was even the speaker of this talk !
Presentation shared at Talent Arena '25
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Build the future with Agentforce and MulesoftGiulioPicchi
Nothing is hotter that Agentforce! We got you covered with a presentation from Daniele De Simone, a Senior Integration Consultant, on how to import MuleSoft APIs into Salesforce and integrate them with Agentforce Agents.
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Metaverse Meetup: Explore Mulesoft MAC ProjectGiulioPicchi
Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
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