A credit card allows you to borrow money from a bank or issuer to make purchases. It is a plastic card with identification information that authorizes the cardholder to charge purchases to their account and pay periodically. Credit cards can be used worldwide at millions of locations but may have fees for foreign use, so check the agreement before traveling abroad. When approved for a card, a credit limit is set as the maximum amount that can be charged and spent using the card.
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How credit card works?
1. How Credit Card Works
Credit is money that a bank or credit card issuer lends
you. You can get a loan for a specific purpose, such as
financing a new car, buying a home or paying college
tuition. A credit card is a thin plastic card, usually 3-1/8
inches by 2-1/8 inches in size, that contains identification
information such
as a signature or
picture, and
authorizes the
person named on
it to charge
purchases or
services to his
account -- charges for which he will be billed periodically.
You can use your credit card worldwide as they are
accepted in millions of places at home and abroad, so
they are very handy in any language. There are often fees
or charges for using your credit card overseas, so check
credit card agreement before you go says Sachin
Karpe.When you get a credit card you will be given a
2. credit limit. This is the total amount you have available to
spend using the credit card. You should always leave
some available credit on your credit card for any interest
to be applied.
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