Standing with Pablo Cerdeira, Rio’s first chief data officer, we have arguably the best view of the city. We’re not up on Christ the Redeemer or Sugarloaf Mountain, but inside Rio’s three-storey Operations Centre, looking down over its mission control. The whole city is represented in front of us in multiple dimensions on a huge wall of screens – live video footage combined with traffic data, weather predictions, and maps of current incidents including floods, accidents, and power failures.
Much has been written about Rio’s use of real-time data to provide coordinated emergency response. But we’re here to ask Cerdeira about another, more proactive use of this data, championed by his organisation PENSA.
Sabina Panayotova Innovation Academy 2016 SofiaInnovationStarterInnovation Academy 2016 - Sofia Municipality Innovation Hackathon 2016. Sabina Panayotova. A tale of 5 cities & open data.
Open Data: From the Information Age to the Action Age (PDF with notes)Tim O'ReillyThis is the presentation I made at the UK Department for International Aid/Omidyar Network OpenUp! conference in London on November 13, 2012. I talk about open government not as a platform for transparency or citizen engagement, but for a developer ecosystem building useful services. A video of this talk is available at
Data-in-the-Cloud CityecomplexcityThis document discusses using data from the web and internet (I2U flows) to simulate urban dynamics and the extreme impacts of events like hurricanes. It focuses on using available I2U data about New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to design a multi-agent system simulation. Key data sources included the USGS, OpenStreetMap, and Google Maps/Earth. The simulation models environment, water, and citizen agents to estimate how data quality impacts the system and visualize evacuation patterns and group behaviors. The authors conclude I2U data analysis is fundamental for urban cloud computing and simulations, and future work will use complex systems methods to analyze events and detect emergent phenomena in digital cities.
Custo engarrafamentosPablo CerdeiraO documento discute os custos econômicos dos engarrafamentos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Estima-se que os engarrafamentos causam uma perda de 9% do PIB da cidade, ou R$20 bilhões por ano. Os dados são baseados em registros do aplicativo Waze. As regiões da Lagoa-Barra e da Avenida Bicalho são as mais atingidas pelos engarrafamentos.
Rethinking Bike Lanes with a Lot of DataPablo CerdeiraThis project was developed in a partnership with BIG DATA: PENSA - ROOM OF IDEIAS and the Secretaria Municipal do Meio Ambiente (Environment). The focus was to rethink Rio Bike Lanes listening to our citizens using Twitter data, Bike Rio (Itaú) data, Mapeando data (from, previous bike lanes planning data, citizens request through 1746 and mass transportation data.
This project was developed by João Meirelles.
Waze PartnershipEd BlayneyThis document summarizes a project to partner with Waze to share road closure information. It discusses establishing a road closure data API, improving internal communication processes, and creating a mutually beneficial data sharing agreement with Waze. The partnership allows Louisville Metro to communicate planned closures to the public in real-time and access Waze's crowd-sourced traffic data. Going forward, the city aims to enhance the road closure data feed, integrate it further internally, and use the Waze data for additional transportation analysis projects.
Curso de Historia de ArgentinaEducagratisEn Educagratis ( ) encontramos un Curso de Historia de Argentina ( ).
La República Argentina es un Estado soberano, organizado como república representativa y federal, situado en el extremo sureste de América del Sur.Su territorio está dividido en 23 provincias y una ciudad autónoma, Buenos Aires, capital de la nación y sede del gobierno federal.
El objetivo de este curso es conocer y aprender sobre la Historia de Argentina. Los pueblos prehispánicos asociado a este país, de la conquista y su colonia, de los primeros años de emancipación, de su república y de sus gobiernos hasta hoy.
Para ingresar directo al curso ir a:
Análise de teoria do medalhã O pai ensina o filho sobre como se tornar um "medalhão", alguém que ascende socialmente através de aparências em vez de mérito;
02) O discurso do pai é vazio de conteúdo, usando apenas frases feitas e lugares-comuns em vez de ideias;
03) A crítica de Machado de Assis é direcionada à estratificação social e retórica vazia da elite do Segundo Império brasileiro.
Introdução ao realismo documento descreve o contexto histórico e literário do Realismo-Naturalismo na Europa do século XIX. A segunda revolução industrial trouxe grandes avanços tecnológicos e científicos, mas também urbanização e desigualdades sociais. Os escritores realistas e naturalistas rejeitavam a literatura romântica e buscavam retratar a realidade de forma objetiva e engajada, observando-a por meio das novas ciências.
Análise na conto reconta o episódio bíblico da saída de Noé e seus filhos da Arca de forma irônica. Sem e Jafé discutem sobre a partilha da terra e chegam às vias de fato, sendo repreendidos por Noé. Este faz um comentário anacrônico sobre a futura disputa entre Turquia e Rússia, apontando para a permanência dos conflitos humanos. O texto de Machado faz uma releitura crítica do episódio bíblico.
A fá fábula é uma narrativa alegórica com animais que representam seres humanos e ensinam uma lição moral. As fábulas geralmente têm uma estrutura simples com introdução, complicação, clímax e desfecho. A fábula de Esopo sobre "O Asno e sua Sombra" conta a história de um viajante e o dono de um asno que discutem sobre quem tem direito à sombra do animal, acabando por perder o asno completamente por causa da discussão.
O teatro româ documento descreve as características do teatro romântico no Brasil no século XIX. Ele explorava temas como casamentos por interesse, carestia, comerciantes desonestos e corrupção das autoridades. As peças tinham diálogos coloquiais e enredos superficiais que retratavam situações e costumes facilmente identificáveis pelo público do Rio de Janeiro da época.
Literatura latinoamericana del siglo xixSebas_Esqui01Este documento resume los principales géneros literarios y movimientos del siglo XIX en Latinoamérica, incluyendo la narrativa, poesía, romanticismo y modernismo. Describe las características clave de cada uno y proporciona ejemplos representativos de obras literarias.
Análise de o segredo do bonzo, de machado de conto narra a visita de Fernão Mendes Pinto e Diogo Meireles a um bonzo chamado Pomada no Japão no século XVI. Pomada defende que a opinião vale mais do que os fatos e que a virtude existe tanto no sujeito quanto na percepção dos outros. Mendes Pinto e Meireles provam essa teoria fazendo os habitantes acreditarem em coisas falsas, como narizes metafísicos.
Production-Ready BIG ML Workflows - from zero to heroDaniel MarcousData science isn't an easy task to pull of.
You start with exploring data and experimenting with models.
Finally, you find some amazing insight!
What now?
How do you transform a little experiment to a production ready workflow? Better yet, how do you scale it from a small sample in R/Python to TBs of production data?
Building a BIG ML Workflow - from zero to hero, is about the work process you need to take in order to have a production ready workflow up and running.
Covering :
* Small - Medium experimentation (R)
* Big data implementation (Spark Mllib /+ pipeline)
* Setting Metrics and checks in place
* Ad hoc querying and exploring your results (Zeppelin)
* Pain points & Lessons learned the hard way (is there any other way?)
Romantismo - contexto prosa e indianismoRenata Silva Nunes RibeiroO documento descreve o contexto histórico e literário do Romantismo no Brasil no século XIX. Apresenta os principais gêneros da prosa romântica como o romance indianista, regional e urbano. Destaca obras como O Guarani, Iracema e Ubirajara de José de Alencar como exemplos do romance indianista que buscavam definir a identidade nacional brasileira.
Revisando a literatura imperial 01: Romantismo, Realismo, Parnasianismo e documento contém 12 questões sobre literatura brasileira do período imperial. As questões abordam tópicos como literatura romântica, naturalismo, parnasianismo e a obra de Machado de Assis. O documento fornece respostas detalhadas para cada questão com o objetivo de revisar conceitos e características desses movimentos literários.
Romance urbanoRenata Silva Nunes RibeiroO documento discute o gênero literário romance urbano no Brasil do século XIX, destacando suas principais características e autores como Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, José de Alencar e Manuel Antônio de Almeida. O romance urbano retratava a vida na corte e trazia elementos como tipos humanos, costumes e amor impossível. A Moreninha de Macedo é destacado como exemplo do gênero.
Introdução ao documento apresenta um resumo sobre o Romantismo, abordando seu contexto histórico, como a Revolução Francesa e ascensão da burguesia, sua oposição à tradição clássica defendendo a liberdade de criação, e como surgiu uma nova concepção de mundo moderno em oposição ao antigo nas artes. Também discute como o Romantismo se desenvolveu no Brasil a serviço da nacionalidade durante a vinda da família real portuguesa.
Análise de o O alienista Simão Bacamarte abre um hospício em Itaguaí para estudar a loucura. 2) A casa logo fica lotada com diversos casos de loucura da cidade. 3) Bacamarte passa a questionar os limites entre a normalidade e a insanidade.
O romance româ documento discute os principais aspectos do romance romântico brasileiro: a idealização, a trama acidentada com suspense para manter o leitor interessado, e o caráter melodramático exagerado em obras como Lucíola de Alencar e Helena de Machado de Assis.
The tales of smart citiesMarc PousI.B.M.'s Smarter Cities unit built a citywide system in Rio de Janeiro that integrates real-time data from over 30 agencies to anticipate problems, analyze trends, and coordinate resources. The operations center collates sensor, video and GPS data to identify patterns and dispatch responders. I.B.M. also installed a virtual platform integrating various data sources and allowing employees to access incident information. The new system is expected to drastically reduce emergency response times through automated alerts to responders and citizens.
Data Journalism Training @ Southern Metropolis Daily, Guangdong, ChinaYolanda Ma JinxinA 3-hour lecture on data journalism, with focus on data visualization, for the Southern Metropolis Daily, one of the biggest circulation newspapers in Guangdong Province, China.
Rio's PactJoaquim LeaoRio's Pact is a collaborative governance initiative that aims to promote the integrated and sustainable development of Rio de Janeiro. It brings together representatives from academia, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, private sector companies, communities, and international groups to coordinate policies and programs. The Pact operates through working groups focused on issues like security, economic opportunities, and communication. It seeks to transition from a centralized model of governance to one that is more distributed and participatory. The ultimate goals are to improve connections between actors, foster greater social inclusion, and integrate communities across the city.
Rio Info 2015 - Palestra “O programa de Domínios Globais (gTLD’s) da ICANN” ...Rio InfoRio Info 2015 - Palestra “O programa de Domínios Globais (gTLD’s) da ICANN”
Palestrante: Akram atallah
The data deluge: Five years on The Economist Media BusinessesThis document summarizes how the role of data has grown exponentially since 2010 when the term "big data" was introduced. Some key points made are:
- The amount of data in the world doubles every two years and is predicted to reach 44 zettabytes by 2020.
- 80% of data is now unstructured, presenting new data management challenges.
- Many governments have made more data openly accessible, and countries with more open data tend to be less corrupt.
- Advances in data and artificial intelligence are automating many jobs but also improving recruitment, project management, and other business functions for companies that master how to leverage data.
Introdução ao realismo documento descreve o contexto histórico e literário do Realismo-Naturalismo na Europa do século XIX. A segunda revolução industrial trouxe grandes avanços tecnológicos e científicos, mas também urbanização e desigualdades sociais. Os escritores realistas e naturalistas rejeitavam a literatura romântica e buscavam retratar a realidade de forma objetiva e engajada, observando-a por meio das novas ciências.
Análise na conto reconta o episódio bíblico da saída de Noé e seus filhos da Arca de forma irônica. Sem e Jafé discutem sobre a partilha da terra e chegam às vias de fato, sendo repreendidos por Noé. Este faz um comentário anacrônico sobre a futura disputa entre Turquia e Rússia, apontando para a permanência dos conflitos humanos. O texto de Machado faz uma releitura crítica do episódio bíblico.
A fá fábula é uma narrativa alegórica com animais que representam seres humanos e ensinam uma lição moral. As fábulas geralmente têm uma estrutura simples com introdução, complicação, clímax e desfecho. A fábula de Esopo sobre "O Asno e sua Sombra" conta a história de um viajante e o dono de um asno que discutem sobre quem tem direito à sombra do animal, acabando por perder o asno completamente por causa da discussão.
O teatro româ documento descreve as características do teatro romântico no Brasil no século XIX. Ele explorava temas como casamentos por interesse, carestia, comerciantes desonestos e corrupção das autoridades. As peças tinham diálogos coloquiais e enredos superficiais que retratavam situações e costumes facilmente identificáveis pelo público do Rio de Janeiro da época.
Literatura latinoamericana del siglo xixSebas_Esqui01Este documento resume los principales géneros literarios y movimientos del siglo XIX en Latinoamérica, incluyendo la narrativa, poesía, romanticismo y modernismo. Describe las características clave de cada uno y proporciona ejemplos representativos de obras literarias.
Análise de o segredo do bonzo, de machado de conto narra a visita de Fernão Mendes Pinto e Diogo Meireles a um bonzo chamado Pomada no Japão no século XVI. Pomada defende que a opinião vale mais do que os fatos e que a virtude existe tanto no sujeito quanto na percepção dos outros. Mendes Pinto e Meireles provam essa teoria fazendo os habitantes acreditarem em coisas falsas, como narizes metafísicos.
Production-Ready BIG ML Workflows - from zero to heroDaniel MarcousData science isn't an easy task to pull of.
You start with exploring data and experimenting with models.
Finally, you find some amazing insight!
What now?
How do you transform a little experiment to a production ready workflow? Better yet, how do you scale it from a small sample in R/Python to TBs of production data?
Building a BIG ML Workflow - from zero to hero, is about the work process you need to take in order to have a production ready workflow up and running.
Covering :
* Small - Medium experimentation (R)
* Big data implementation (Spark Mllib /+ pipeline)
* Setting Metrics and checks in place
* Ad hoc querying and exploring your results (Zeppelin)
* Pain points & Lessons learned the hard way (is there any other way?)
Romantismo - contexto prosa e indianismoRenata Silva Nunes RibeiroO documento descreve o contexto histórico e literário do Romantismo no Brasil no século XIX. Apresenta os principais gêneros da prosa romântica como o romance indianista, regional e urbano. Destaca obras como O Guarani, Iracema e Ubirajara de José de Alencar como exemplos do romance indianista que buscavam definir a identidade nacional brasileira.
Revisando a literatura imperial 01: Romantismo, Realismo, Parnasianismo e documento contém 12 questões sobre literatura brasileira do período imperial. As questões abordam tópicos como literatura romântica, naturalismo, parnasianismo e a obra de Machado de Assis. O documento fornece respostas detalhadas para cada questão com o objetivo de revisar conceitos e características desses movimentos literários.
Romance urbanoRenata Silva Nunes RibeiroO documento discute o gênero literário romance urbano no Brasil do século XIX, destacando suas principais características e autores como Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, José de Alencar e Manuel Antônio de Almeida. O romance urbano retratava a vida na corte e trazia elementos como tipos humanos, costumes e amor impossível. A Moreninha de Macedo é destacado como exemplo do gênero.
Introdução ao documento apresenta um resumo sobre o Romantismo, abordando seu contexto histórico, como a Revolução Francesa e ascensão da burguesia, sua oposição à tradição clássica defendendo a liberdade de criação, e como surgiu uma nova concepção de mundo moderno em oposição ao antigo nas artes. Também discute como o Romantismo se desenvolveu no Brasil a serviço da nacionalidade durante a vinda da família real portuguesa.
Análise de o O alienista Simão Bacamarte abre um hospício em Itaguaí para estudar a loucura. 2) A casa logo fica lotada com diversos casos de loucura da cidade. 3) Bacamarte passa a questionar os limites entre a normalidade e a insanidade.
O romance româ documento discute os principais aspectos do romance romântico brasileiro: a idealização, a trama acidentada com suspense para manter o leitor interessado, e o caráter melodramático exagerado em obras como Lucíola de Alencar e Helena de Machado de Assis.
The tales of smart citiesMarc PousI.B.M.'s Smarter Cities unit built a citywide system in Rio de Janeiro that integrates real-time data from over 30 agencies to anticipate problems, analyze trends, and coordinate resources. The operations center collates sensor, video and GPS data to identify patterns and dispatch responders. I.B.M. also installed a virtual platform integrating various data sources and allowing employees to access incident information. The new system is expected to drastically reduce emergency response times through automated alerts to responders and citizens.
Data Journalism Training @ Southern Metropolis Daily, Guangdong, ChinaYolanda Ma JinxinA 3-hour lecture on data journalism, with focus on data visualization, for the Southern Metropolis Daily, one of the biggest circulation newspapers in Guangdong Province, China.
Rio's PactJoaquim LeaoRio's Pact is a collaborative governance initiative that aims to promote the integrated and sustainable development of Rio de Janeiro. It brings together representatives from academia, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, private sector companies, communities, and international groups to coordinate policies and programs. The Pact operates through working groups focused on issues like security, economic opportunities, and communication. It seeks to transition from a centralized model of governance to one that is more distributed and participatory. The ultimate goals are to improve connections between actors, foster greater social inclusion, and integrate communities across the city.
Rio Info 2015 - Palestra “O programa de Domínios Globais (gTLD’s) da ICANN” ...Rio InfoRio Info 2015 - Palestra “O programa de Domínios Globais (gTLD’s) da ICANN”
Palestrante: Akram atallah
The data deluge: Five years on The Economist Media BusinessesThis document summarizes how the role of data has grown exponentially since 2010 when the term "big data" was introduced. Some key points made are:
- The amount of data in the world doubles every two years and is predicted to reach 44 zettabytes by 2020.
- 80% of data is now unstructured, presenting new data management challenges.
- Many governments have made more data openly accessible, and countries with more open data tend to be less corrupt.
- Advances in data and artificial intelligence are automating many jobs but also improving recruitment, project management, and other business functions for companies that master how to leverage data.
2012_Detroit End of Year ReportCode for AmericaThe City of Detroit's Mayor's Office applied to Code for America to address issues related to blight and vacant properties. Through meetings with over 200 city staff and community leaders, the team gathered information to focus on increasing access to information and community group capacity. They developed the LocalData platform to help community groups collect and visualize neighborhood data, and the TextMyBus service to provide real-time bus arrival information via text. Both projects aimed to support existing community efforts and improve connections between groups and the city government.
An era of game changing insight from Big DataIBM GovernmentAnalytics will be the key to unlocking mobile’s potential within companies, to creating apps that make work more efficient, productive, and smarter.
2012_Austin End of Year ReportCode for AmericaThe Austin team partnered with the city to build applications and advance open government initiatives like increasing data portal usage. They completed projects like for wildfire preparedness and hosted events like hackathons. Going forward, the city is continuing open data efforts and formed an Innovation Office thanks to the groundwork laid by the fellowship in strengthening Austin's civic tech community.
Isoj 2012 lndataWhen DATA is your moving target
This document discusses how LA NACION, a newspaper based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, began focusing on data journalism despite not having programmers on staff. They started small by learning tools for non-programmers and taking a "build once, use many" approach. Examples discussed include creating datasets from monthly price indexes published by a consumer association and bus subsidy payment records from PDFs to analyze subsidies for Argentina's bus transportation system. The document promotes opening and sharing data through an integrated open platform and raising data awareness to activate demand through tutorials and videos.
Big Data-Job 2Roshan BaruaBig data refers to the massive amounts of structured and unstructured data being created every day from sources like social media interactions, website clicks, and sensor data from devices. The volume, velocity, and variety of big data, known as the three V's, make it challenging to store, manage, and analyze. Additional challenges include the veracity and variability of big data. Big data is being used across many domains to gain insights, optimize business processes, improve sports performance and training, and support national security and law enforcement efforts through data analysis and mining. While big data holds great potential, many businesses have yet to fully leverage its capabilities.
The importance of little data: creating an impact at a local levelDamian RadcliffeData journalism can have a real impact at a local level and although this type of reporting is less mainstream than it is nationally, examples and opportunities for best practice do exist.
Book chapter in Data Journalism: Inside the global future- available:
AnalyticsBuildCapacityforHealthDepartmentsCombattingRodentInfestationsKelly Delaney- Cities like Chicago and Somerville are using analytics of data from 311 requests and other sources to more efficiently and effectively manage rodent infestations.
- Chicago's automated predictive model of 311 and other service data guides baiting locations and schedules, boosting efficiency by 20%.
- Somerville creates heat maps of 311 rodent complaints and uses multiple data sources to identify factors contributing to outbreaks and target residential education and assistance programs. This approach resulted in a 41% decrease in calls between 2013-2014.
- Data sharing and standardization between cities can enhance analysis and evaluation of response programs. Analytics are helping health departments make better decisions with limited resources.
Big Data PaperAndile Ngcaba
Convergence Partners has released its latest research report on big data and its meaning for Africa. The report argues that big data poses a threat to those it overlooks, namely a large percentage of Africa’s populace, who remain on big data’s periphery.
Open data & the city, a democratisation of urban dataPRIME Benchmark study of the key players and newcomers in urban data
Scope: San Francisco, California & Paris, France
New pattern of innovation Nimit DhaliaThe document outlines 6 new patterns of innovation for businesses in the digital era: 1) Augmenting products, 2) Digitizing assets, 3) Combining data, 4) Trading data, 5) Codifying capabilities, and 6) Managerial relevance. It provides examples for each pattern, such as using smart meter data to optimize utility pricing, digitizing art exhibitions, using consolidated city data to improve disaster response, and standardizing expense reporting software as a digital service. The overall message is that in today's digital economy, managers should leverage virtual opportunities by acting on available data and analytic tools to create new customer value and business ideas.
Open Innovation - Winter 2014 - Socrata, Inc.SocrataAs innovators around the world push the open data movement forward, Socrata features their stories, successes, advice, and ideas in our quarterly magazine, “Open Innovation.”
The Winter 2014 issue of Open Innovation is out. This special year-in-review edition contains stories about some of the biggest open data achievements in 2013, as well as expert insights into how open data can grow and where it may go in 2014.
Semantics for Smarter CitiesLD4SCKeynote from Freddy Lecue on "Semantics for Smarter Cities" in the 1st Summer School on Smart Cities and Linked Open Data (LD4SC 2015).
Support our charity and raise awareness for important causesSERUDS INDIAWe conduct need based sensitization programs like HIV/ AIDS Awareness, Seasonal Diseases, Importance of Education, Economic Empowerment Programs for women, children, community leaders, self-help groups, youth in Rural areas and urban slums.
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From Space to Place: Animating Copps Pier ParkCityLABHamiltonFrom Space to Place: Animating Copps Pier Park throught community-led placemaking. CityLAB Hamilton Semester in Residence Project - Fall 2024
What explains the productivity gap of less developed regions? Carlo MenonOECD CFEPresentation by Carlo Menon, Economist, Co-ordinator of the Spatial Productivity Lab, CFE, OECD at the 25th Spatial Productivity Lab meeting, held online on 26 February 2025.
More info:
2025 - The DFARS - Part 204 - Administrative And Information MattersJSchaus & Associates2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
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Broadway:Flushing Constitution 2025 Amended.pdfstevegilewskiThe document outlines the constitution and bylaws of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It defines the area covered by the association and its objectives, which include maintaining single-family homes, uniting homeowners, and representing the community before government agencies. It describes membership requirements and voting procedures. It establishes officer positions like President and Treasurer and outlines their duties. It also discusses committees, dues, meetings, amendments, and dissolution procedures.
Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan: Public Meeting #2Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionThis presentation on the recommendations identified in the Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan was shared at a community meeting on February 26, 2025.
For more information, please visit
The Civic Roadmap: Accessible Tools and Inclusive DialogueCityLABHamiltonThe Civic Roadmap: Empowering Hamilton Residents and Citizen Appointees through Accessible Tools and Inclusive Dialogue
11 Ways to Get Kids Excited About PreservationNational Trust for Historic PreservationHistoric places hold the stories of our past, are an important part of building community, and create connections between who we were and who we aspire to be. But how effective is the work of preservation if the next generation doesn't understand the value and significance of these places to our present moment? How do we ignite a passion for history and culture, sparking a lifelong affinity and understanding of the power of place along the way?
PAS 2025 Conference Main Room Master Deck Web.pptxmhutttchPlanning Advisory Service (PAS) Anniversary Conference Feb 2025. ݺߣs from sessions in main room.
2025 Reinstein The Asbestos Legal Tug-of-War: Profits vs. Public HealthLinda Reinstein2025 PACNY Conference The Asbestos Legal Tug-of-War: Profits vs. Public Health ||
Chaos and Opportunities
Tackling the scourge of modern Britain: The policies and investment needed to...ResolutionFoundation
The new Government is currently preparing a child poverty strategy, and hoping to emulate the success of the last Labour government, which lifted over half a million children out of poverty over its first five years. This ambition is needed too, because unless action is taken, poverty rates are expected to rise over the course of the parliament. But Britain in the mid-2020s is very different to the late-1990s – a new approach will be needed to lift children out of poverty over the next decade.
What reduced child poverty in the late-1990s and 2000s, and to what extent can that approach be repeated today? What is the role of work, housing, and social security in lifting families above the poverty line? How much might it cost to deliver a successful child poverty strategy? And what are the costs of not doing so?
Continent of Africa by Dr. James. Sambo.fisdelwrites9793Brief History
●Africa is the 'cradle of humankind', the place where the first human beings lived 5 to 10 million years ago.
●Fossils found in Africa, show that the modern human beings spread from this continent. One of the earliest evidences of human life were found in South Africa.
●Many powerful kingdoms existed on the African continent in the early history and the Middle Ages.
●Between the 5th and 15th century, African slaves were traded mainly by Arab traders.
●In the late 19th century Europeans started conquering Africa which was then colonised in the 19th and 20th century mainly from Britain and France, but also from the Dutch, Italian and Germans.