It was February 14, 2018 at 2:22 pm in Parkland, FL when gunshots rang at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Most teen members at Congregation Kol Tikvah attend that high school. As a Jewish educator what do you that day, the days and months following and the year ahead to be helpful and relevant in their lives as they try to move forward? This session is about how to help heal a community in crisis, while discarding all of your current plans to make room for a new communal agenda you never ever wanted to face.
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How Do You Pivot When Crisis Hits
Rabbi Melissa Zalkin Stollman, RJE, MARE, MSW
10. Big
to Answer!
Does your building have a lockdown protocol if
something happens nearby?
What are the emergency codes you follow?
How do you communicate with your staff in the
event of an emergency?
Where do you hide when in lockdown?
Do you practice lockdown drills?
Do you have active shooter training?
Do you have a preschool on site?
Where do parents go during an emergency?
Who speaks to the press?
13. Dear Mr. Solovy,
I wanted to thank you for your prayer For the Children of Newtown that we found at comforting words have now been shared to thousands and
more at my own congregation the night of the Stoneman Douglas High School
shooting, at a City of Parkland PrayerVigil, and this afternoon at a Broward County
teachers labor union. I am only sorry that I have to write you to say that I needed to use
this prayer and substitute Newtown for Parkland 6 years after you wrote this prayer.
On looking at your website I saw you just posted on 2/14 about lov eand it was so
beautiful and wanted to ask if you could perhaps write a prayer for our suffering here in
Parkland, FL.We are a bit too close to what is happening to sit still and think, but I know
we would be appreciative and would share your words for comfort
Shavua tov, Rabbi Melissa Stollman Director of Lifelong Learning Congregation Kol
I finished this an hour later
14. Who are
Create a list now of the
people you would call upon
in case of an emergency
such as this who do you
need and what can they do?
15. One Month
with the
Trauma and grief are two separate
Trauma is a loss of stabilization. It is a
deeply distressing or disturbing
Grief is the mourning of a loss.
Emotions shared: Shock and disbelief,
fear, extreme sadness, sense of
helplessness, sense of hopelessness and
22. You have a
faculty, and
throw it
What would you do to
maintain normalcy for your
younger students, change
your teen programming
(educational and
experiential), and recognize
your teachers are dealing
with trauma too?
23. On Site
them now
Create a list of all mental health
professionals who are members of
your congregationNOW!
Any congregants work for local
agencies that deal with crisis or
Which congregants teach yoga, run
mind/body groups, or instruct art,
equine or dog therapy?
26. What
helped the
Meal deliveries to the office
Offers to create liturgical and
educational resources
Purchases off the Amazon wish list
and donations to our fund (which
we still use for direct support for
teens for advocacy work and mental
health resources)
Hospitality when we traveled
27. What
helped the
Requests for me to do something
for you
Calling for the scoop
Organizations asking to come and
visit for themnot for me
28. What is
your role?
What tools or techniques, skills, or
so forth do you have to remain the
calm amidst the storm?
29. Self Care???
Remember the basics: Eat and
Talk to someone
Exercise/yoga/long walks
Talk to someone some more
Let go of the stuff that doesnt
#2: Every trauma is different a shooting, hurricane, fires, a suicide. But why is this one so hard? All the kids feed into this school
#3: Describe the tragedy the demographics of the town- 30000 people, average age is 42, ,median household income is 13000
Congregation Kol Tikvah about 325 families, 325 kids in K-12; 140 in ECC
the days events
Abandoned cars by the road
This is hard to recount
I will cry
I am dealing with secondary trauma
I have no right answers, we flew by the seat of our pants. I am just lucky I have a clinical social work degree.
#4: Photos of msd strong stuff on school fences, in front of neighborhoods, banners and signs
#14: For Parkland, Florida Oh grief, This grief suddenly forced upon us With violence and weapon, That your names have become prayers, To keep us safe from violence, That your sweet lives, Once held with joy and light, Are now among the accusers of those who fail To protect us from the plague of guns. Scott, Aaron, Chris, Martin Luke, Cara, Jamie, Nicholas Gina, Alex, Joaquin Alaina, Peter, Meadow Helena, Alysa, Carmen
Oh grief, This grief suddenly forced upon us With malice and anger,
That Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida, Would join the list of schools attacked, Traumatized with horror, Knowing that this hasnt ended yet, Let justice prevail.
Author of life, Source and Creator, Grant a perfect rest under Your tabernacle of peace To the victims of this massacre in Parkland, Florida. May their souls be bound up in the bond of life, A living blessing in our midst. May they rest in peace.
G-d of mercy, Remember, too, the survivors of this attack, Ease their suffering and release their trauma. Grant them endurance to survive, Strength to rebuild, Faith to mourn, And courage to heal, So that they recover lives of joy and wonder.
Remember the families and friends Of the dead and the bereaved With consolation and solace. Grant them Your protection, Your wholeness and healing. May they find hope and grace.
G-d of Consolation, Every soul is Yours, A world, unique and holy. Let Your peace reign quickly among us. Let violence, hatred and terror vanish. Let Your comfort descend from heaven, And let the righteous rest in peace.
#15: The amount of people who reached out was beautiful and crushing. I needed to keep my phone open and it was actually really tough. I needed people who could tell me what to do and how to do itquickly.
Edie Menscher
Rabbi Joui Hessel
Melissa Frey
Leora Kaye
#17: How do you juggle your work, your life, and wanting to make a difference in the bigger community too?
#25: We made an amazon wish list say what was on it; Emergency kit supplies, walkie talkies
#28: I was sooooo angry after angry I didnt feel prepared and I didnt have the tools I thought I needed. Angry that we dont talk about this in professional or academic settingsand I lashed out.
Now I am part of a ccar task force on issues such as these, helping to write resources for the arje.
#29: Develop some kind of plan!!!
What was it?
How did you decide upon it?
Who was involved in this plan?
Who did you reach out to first?
Or who reached out to you first?
#31: Signs to look for:
Not eating
Not participating
Increased drug use