'Mobile has reprogrammed our brains.
How our attitude toward email has changed?' - presentation from Mail My Day 2015, 19.05.2015, Warsaw, Poland.
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How our attitude toward email has changed?
1. Mobile has reprogrammed our brains.
How our attitude toward email has changed?
Monika Mikowska
mobee dick
3. mobimoni #MailMyDay
A person whose physiological functioning is aided by
or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device
4. The mobile mind shift is the expectation that
I can get what I want in my immediate context
and moments of need.
Mobile has reprogrammed your customers brains.
mobimoni #MailMyDay Forrester Research
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of smartphone owners check email on their devices.
Gartner, Survey Analysis: Early Tablet Adopters and Their Daily Use of Connected Devices (2012)
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Apigee, Mobile App Behavior survey (2013)
of smartphone users said that email is a smartphone
app they cant go without - not even for one day.
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of email users read emails as during the weekend.
Apsis The email Barometer, Email on mobile devices (2013)
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My.com E-mail usage research (July 2014)
of email users want to know about new messages
in the moment they hit their mobile Inbox,
so they turn on push notifications.
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of email opens occured on mobile,
36% on desktop and 19% in a webmail client.
Adestra Top 10 email clients (March 2015)
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Yahoo Evolution of Conversations in the Age of Email Overload (April 2015)
faster from phones than from desktop.
Average reply time from mobile: 28 minutes.
From tablets: 57 minutes, from desktops: 62 minutes.
26. mobimoni #MailMyDay
Yahoo Evolution of Conversations in the Age of Email Overload (April 2015)
shorter from phones than from desktop.
Average length on mobile: 20 words.
From tablets: 27 words, from desktops: 60 words.
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McKinsey Global Institute, The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies (2012)
of our workweek is needed to manage all emails.
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As the email load increases,
users reply to
a smaller fraction of their emails.
Yahoo, Evolution of Conversations in the Age of Email Overload (April 2015)
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Pew Research Centre American Trends Panel survey (October 2014)
of smartphone owners have used their phone
to look up information about a health condition.
49. 1. Wypisujcie si z newsletter坦w.
2. Komunikacj firmow prowad添cie przez inne kanay.
3. Usucie klienta poczty ze swojego ekranu g坦wnego na telefonie.
4. Wyczcie notyfikacje w aplikacjach pocztowych. I innych :)
5. Powstrzymajcie si przed sprawdzaniem majli wieczorami i w weekendy.
6. Wczajcie tryb samolotowy w nocy.
7. Zmiecie tre autoresponder坦w.
8. Rest more! Without smartphone, obviously :)
We did get crazy.
mobimoni #MailMyDay
How to survive in the era of email overload?
1. Unsubscribe from all marketing emails.
2. For internal communication move to other apps.
3. Move the email icon to the nested group on the last page.
4. Turn off notifications in email app. And other apps :)
5. Do not check email at the evenings and during weekends.
6. Turn on airplane mode for the whole night.
7. Change your autoresponder template & delete all emails after long absence.