A power point presentation describing how physicians can use Social Media professionally to engage patients and improve health outcomes while complying with legal and ethical guidelines. This highlights my Masters Degree Capstone Project.
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How Physicians Can Use Social Media Professionally
A Guide for Physicians
using Social Media
Joshua Brett
Capstone Presentation
May 2011
2. Method
Secondary Research
Review of Scholarly literature
News reports
Real-life examples (physician blogs, Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, etc.)
Primary Research
Healthcare consumer survey, posted on Surveymonkey.com (N=168)
Physician survey, posted on Surveymonkey.com (N=20)
Sample size too small to base conclusions on in and of itself
Noteworthy findings incorporated into discussion
3. Consumer Survey Responses
Responses from all age Broad range of geographical
groups representation
Age Range Responses (%) Region Responses (%)
(years old)
Northeast 61 (36.3%)
20 and younger 1 (0.6%) (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT,
21-30 33 (19.6%) Southeast 26 (15.5%)
(VA, NC, SC, GA, FL,
31-40 31 (18.5%) AL, MS, LA, TN, KY, AR, WV)
41-50 28 (16.7%) Great Lakes 44 (26.2%)
(OH, IN, MI, IL, WI, MN)
51-60 51 (30.4%) Midwest 9 (5.4%)
(MO, IA, NE, KS, ND, SD, OK)
61-70 21 (12.5%)
Southwest 8 (4.8%)
71 and older 3 (1.8%) (TX, NM, AZ, NV)
Mountain 2 (1.2%)
(CO, WY, UT, ID, MT)
West 14 (8.3%)
(CA, HI)
Northwest 4 (2.4%)
(OR, WA, AK)
4. Consumer Survey Key Findings
Social Media use is now widespread among health care consumers of all ages
98.1% among respondents age 40 or younger (n=65)
75.7% among those age 41 or older (n=103)
Almost 84% of respondents reported researching health information beyond
what their physician tells them; also true among all age groups
Health-specific web communities, message boards and blogs were the top three
Social Media sources of health information.
Twitter and Facebook not widely used as a health information source
There appears to be an unmet information need among consumers of all ages
More than 85% reported not receiving a list of online resources from their physician to
learn more on their own
81% expressed that they thought physicians should provide such
a list
5. Consumer Survey Key Findings
A blog could be a valuable tool, but it Would a Doctors Blog Make
needs to be done correctly Health Care Consumers More
A plurality (45.2%) responded that or Less Likely to Visit That
finding a blog for a physician near Doctor?
where they live would make them
somewhat more likely to visit that Very Unlikely
Respondents expressed appreciation for 6% 8%
the information 16%
Whether a physician accepts their No Impact
insurance is a more important factor to
many 25% Somewhat
Some respondents questioned whether Likely
physician was genuinely trying to help Very Likely
readers and not simply using the blog to
Online rating sites not a major factor in choosing a physician
6. Physician Survey Key Findings
Top concerns about using social media professionally were Lack of Time
and HIPAA and other regulatory concerns
Only 1 of the 20 respondents expressed familiarity with the Social Media
Guidance that the American Medical Association (AMA) released in
November 2010
More than half of respondents reported that a professional organization
or governmental Social Media guidance is not likely to influence whether
or not they use Social Media professionally
Respondents expressed concern about the reliability of online information
sources, but believe that reliable sources could make their patients better
65% of respondents said they believe that said they
believed that current medical students and residents
should be trained in how to use social media as part of
their education.
7. Recommendations
Physicians should use Social Media to inform people
about medicine, not practice it
Social Media not a substitute for face-to-face interaction
Make it clear that people with health questions specific to them still
need to see a doctor in person
Listen, especially before engaging in Social Media
Physicians should learn from what others are saying and doing before
using Social Media themselves
Can identify misconceptions and misinformation
Listening part of sincerity; very important in healthcare
Social Media is a two-way tool!
8. Recommendations (contd)
Protect patients privacy and comply with HIPAA
(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
Physicians should not use people as specific examples without their
consent, even while redacting their names
Physicians should not use audio, images or video footage of people
without their consent, even if their face is not visible
Keep professional usage professional and
limited to area of expertise
Physicians should maintain separate social media
accounts for personal and professional use, and do not
combine them unless absolutely necessary
Physicians should not use professional accounts to
discuss or share content not pertaining to area of
9. Recommendations (contd)
Sincerity is very important
Listen to what others are saying
Be genuine about wanting to help the audience
Take care to not sound opportunistic or, worse, exploitative
More difficult to do in Social Media, but still very important
Physicians should not use Facebook or
Twitter to share content with those who
are not their patients already
Very few of consumer survey respondents said they
sought out health information these ways
Can use to share information with current patients
10. Recommendations (contd)
When writing content, cite the sources used
Can be easy to forget in a less formal writing setting
Citing sources adds to credibility
Keep focused on the patient, not the
bottom line
Health care consumers can see through phony
attempts to win their business
Physicians who look at Social Media strictly as
another means to bring in more business will find
that the opposite occurs
Physicians should keep their Social Media content
focused on improving their audiences health
11. Conclusion
Using social media in health care presents unique
challenges, but also the opportunity for unique
Key is for physicians to know how to use it properly
Comply with legal and ethical guidelines
Know how to maximize the capabilities of social media tools
At the very least, physicians need to know what is out there and what
is reliable
Whether physicians like it or
not, health care consumers are using
Social Media. Physicians need to as