This document contains a collection of 8 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos depict a variety of subjects including landscapes, cityscapes, and portraits but provide no additional context or description.
The document contains a collection of 12 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos are not accompanied by captions or descriptions. The document also includes a call to action to download strategies and tactics used by top bloggers.
How to Make Every Meeting Wildly ProductiveHonor辿e Corder
Do you find yourself wasting valuable time on meetings? Have no fear! I'll help you use your time wisely...and maybe even do without a meeting or two! *smile
If you enjoyed this presentation, be sure to check out my *weekly* newsletter here:
ITOL Romania How Social Media is Rewiring LearningPerry Timms
ITOL Romania Summit March 2015. How Social Media is changing the way we learn as people professionals and how we are using it to learn in professional and entrepreneurial environments.
This document provides attribution information for 8 photos used under various Creative Commons licenses on Flickr. The photos are credited to different photographers and note the specific Creative Commons license applied to each image, with most allowing for non-commercial use and sharing with attribution.
25 Inspirational Quotes to help employees take ownership of their career development in your organisation.
Is your talent development strategy working? Learn how to increase your competitive advantage; engage, retain and develop your best people; and save serious amounts of time and money.
Download your FREE Talent development Audit at
The document contains credits and links to multiple photos shared on Flickr under various Creative Commons licenses, including Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share-Alike. The photos cover a range of subjects from nature scenes to portraits and were uploaded by different photographers.
The document contains 11 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers for non-commercial reuse online.
This document contains links to 10 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses, including Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share-Alike. The photos cover a range of subjects from people to technology and were uploaded by different photographers.
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. It includes 20 photos in total contributed by different photographers on topics that are not specified. Each photo is attributed to its original photographer and licensed under Creative Commons allowing for varying levels of commercial use and modification.
This document is a collection of 25 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a wide range of subjects including people, landscapes, architecture and more. Each photo is attributed to the photographer and linked to the original on Flickr. They were all uploaded to Flickr with the intention of being shared and used by others under the terms of Creative Commons licenses.
This document contains links to 7 photos shared on Flickr under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos are attributed to different photographers and were created using Haiku Deck presentation software.
The document is a collection of 16 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show a variety of subjects like nature, cities, and people. Attribution is required for some photos while others can be shared non-commercially or require attribution and sharing under the same license.
Pinterest for everyone. A simple step by step guide to pinterest for small business, families, educators and anyone who wants to place items in a place they can be located easily.
The document is a collection of 25 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers. A YouTube video is also embedded in the document.
This document contains links to 10 photos on Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses, including Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share-Alike. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers for open use and sharing.
The document contains credits for 20 photos shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos come from multiple photographers on Flickr and cover a range of subjects. They have been compiled together and can be used under the terms of their respective Creative Commons licenses.
These simple yet inspirational tips will help you close that next deal, secure that next client, and grow your business. It's all about your mindset, and these steps will help you get there.
Learn more at and
Advanced search tips: Neurobiology of LearningElizabeth Johns
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr and Unsplash posted under various Creative Commons licenses. Most of the photos are credited to Mary Vican and were posted under Attribution licenses, though some are credited to other photographers under other Creative Commons licenses including Attribution-NonCommercial and Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
The fit note was launched in the UK in 2010 replacing the sicknote. The idea is that workers be encouraged to work even though they have a health condition or to come back to work before they are fully fit. This helps recovery and makes people feel better plus actually speeds up recovery.
GP's now have the option to say that someone can return to work with modified duties or even in a different job. However, many GP's do not understand the local workplaces, how can they, there are many and each one will have different job roles and capacity to change the content of jobs.
So it makes sense that if an employee is feeling unwell or thinking of returning to work early, a discussion is had with the Manager to look at what sort of work is available as a short term measure or as part of a rehabilitation programme,
This document contains 9 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show nature scenes, technology, and people and were uploaded by several different photographers for non-commercial reuse online.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la seguridad inform叩tica y describe varios tipos de software maliciosos como phishing, virus, troyanos y gusanos. Explica que es necesario proteger nuestra informaci坦n personal y la de otros, y que seg炭n un estudio casi 4 de cada 10 ordenadores estaban infectados, siendo los troyanos responsables del 61% de las infecciones.
25 Inspirational Quotes to help employees take ownership of their career development in your organisation.
Is your talent development strategy working? Learn how to increase your competitive advantage; engage, retain and develop your best people; and save serious amounts of time and money.
Download your FREE Talent development Audit at
The document contains credits and links to multiple photos shared on Flickr under various Creative Commons licenses, including Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share-Alike. The photos cover a range of subjects from nature scenes to portraits and were uploaded by different photographers.
The document contains 11 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers for non-commercial reuse online.
This document contains links to 10 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses, including Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share-Alike. The photos cover a range of subjects from people to technology and were uploaded by different photographers.
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. It includes 20 photos in total contributed by different photographers on topics that are not specified. Each photo is attributed to its original photographer and licensed under Creative Commons allowing for varying levels of commercial use and modification.
This document is a collection of 25 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a wide range of subjects including people, landscapes, architecture and more. Each photo is attributed to the photographer and linked to the original on Flickr. They were all uploaded to Flickr with the intention of being shared and used by others under the terms of Creative Commons licenses.
This document contains links to 7 photos shared on Flickr under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos are attributed to different photographers and were created using Haiku Deck presentation software.
The document is a collection of 16 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show a variety of subjects like nature, cities, and people. Attribution is required for some photos while others can be shared non-commercially or require attribution and sharing under the same license.
Pinterest for everyone. A simple step by step guide to pinterest for small business, families, educators and anyone who wants to place items in a place they can be located easily.
The document is a collection of 25 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers. A YouTube video is also embedded in the document.
This document contains links to 10 photos on Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses, including Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share-Alike. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers for open use and sharing.
The document contains credits for 20 photos shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos come from multiple photographers on Flickr and cover a range of subjects. They have been compiled together and can be used under the terms of their respective Creative Commons licenses.
These simple yet inspirational tips will help you close that next deal, secure that next client, and grow your business. It's all about your mindset, and these steps will help you get there.
Learn more at and
Advanced search tips: Neurobiology of LearningElizabeth Johns
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr and Unsplash posted under various Creative Commons licenses. Most of the photos are credited to Mary Vican and were posted under Attribution licenses, though some are credited to other photographers under other Creative Commons licenses including Attribution-NonCommercial and Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
The fit note was launched in the UK in 2010 replacing the sicknote. The idea is that workers be encouraged to work even though they have a health condition or to come back to work before they are fully fit. This helps recovery and makes people feel better plus actually speeds up recovery.
GP's now have the option to say that someone can return to work with modified duties or even in a different job. However, many GP's do not understand the local workplaces, how can they, there are many and each one will have different job roles and capacity to change the content of jobs.
So it makes sense that if an employee is feeling unwell or thinking of returning to work early, a discussion is had with the Manager to look at what sort of work is available as a short term measure or as part of a rehabilitation programme,
This document contains 9 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show nature scenes, technology, and people and were uploaded by several different photographers for non-commercial reuse online.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la seguridad inform叩tica y describe varios tipos de software maliciosos como phishing, virus, troyanos y gusanos. Explica que es necesario proteger nuestra informaci坦n personal y la de otros, y que seg炭n un estudio casi 4 de cada 10 ordenadores estaban infectados, siendo los troyanos responsables del 61% de las infecciones.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre Erik Jackson Ca単ar Fierro, un estudiante de ingenier鱈a civil en el paralelo A. Discutie el tema de la relaci坦n entre la gesti坦n del conocimiento y la Web 2.0, y explica las licencias Creative Commons, que permiten a los autores compartir su trabajo con m叩s libertad.
La Gesti坦n del conocimiento y las tecnolog鱈as Web 2.0 permiten recolectar, almacenar y difundir conocimiento entre personas para aprender y compartir experiencias que ayudan a otros. El estudiante colocar鱈a una licencia de atribuci坦n en su blog porque permite distribuir y mostrar su trabajo mientras se reconoce su autor鱈a.
Este documento discute la relaci坦n entre la gesti坦n del conocimiento y la Web 2.0. Explica que ambos comparten el objetivo de crear, organizar, almacenar y compartir conocimiento para generar ventajas competitivas e innovaci坦n. La Web 2.0 ha proporcionado herramientas para que los usuarios gestionen informaci坦n y conocimiento a trav辿s de redes sociales que fomentan la inteligencia colectiva. El autor recomienda usar una licencia Creative Commons "Reconocimiento - No Comercial" para su blog, permitiendo el uso no comercial de
Las herramientas web 2.0 permiten compartir y acceder a informaci坦n a trav辿s de blogs y cuentas en l鱈nea, lo que facilita la interacci坦n y participaci坦n entre usuarios de Internet; entre sus ventajas se encuentra la capacidad de subir y descargar archivos e informaci坦n de otros, pero tambi辿n presenta desventajas como el uso inadecuado de contenido protegido por derechos de autor y la posibilidad de acceso no autorizado a cuentas personales.
This document contains the results of the John Birch trophy golf competition held on May 26th 2011. It lists the players' scores and shows that D. Ford had the lowest net score of 73 to win with a CSS of 70. R. Singleton came second.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la seguridad inform叩tica y describe varios tipos de software maliciosos como phishing, virus, troyanos y gusanos. Explica que es necesario proteger nuestra informaci坦n personal y la de los dem叩s de estas amenazas cibern辿ticas.
Las herramientas de Web 2.0 permiten a los usuarios interactuar y colaborar generando contenido en comunidades virtuales. Facilitan el compartir informaci坦n y conocimiento entre usuarios para apoyarse mutuamente en investigaciones. Algunas ventajas son que son gratuitas, multiplataforma, siempre actualizadas y permiten la colaboraci坦n remota, mientras que las desventajas son la privacidad de datos con terceros y posibles cambios en las condiciones del servicio.
Este documento presenta una definici坦n y los beneficios de las licencias Creative Commons, as鱈 como los cuatro tipos principales de licencias CC: Atribuci坦n, No Comercial, No Derivaci坦n del Trabajo e Igualmente Compartido. Proporciona ejemplos para ilustrar cada tipo de licencia y c坦mo permiten o restringen el uso y distribuci坦n de obras creativas.
Policy Making and Innovation to support Sustainable Lifestyles & Entrepreneur...Patrick Niemann
Policy Making and Innovation to support Sustainable Lifestyles & Entrepreneurship by Kristian Road Nielsen, Christiane Mera, Rosina Watson, Hugh Wilson
the World Climate Summit held in Paris, our Prime Minister committed
to a sustainable lifestyle as a way to reduce the global warming.
To make this commitment a reality, we have conceptualized a novel idea to
rejuvenate the rural economy with a carbon negative agricultural produce
that can generate tremendous job opportunities at the village level, which
will stop farmers from committing suicide and mass migration from villages
to the cities.
Using better cultivation method, like water harvesting, producing bio
charcoal and compost to increase land fertility organically, we aim to
reduce the dependency on hazardous fossil fuels, plastics, cottons, paper
from wood pulp, concrete and other degradable products, that causes
havoc to our ecology.
From food, cloth, paper, building material, biodegradable plastics, fuel oil;
everything should be generated from the fields of rural India and
processed at the village level to sustain the ever growing needs of the
modern civilization.
On 19th March, our PM at the Pusa Agricultural Fair suggested the farmers
to not only do farming but also do something else.......
This project could be that- farming + something else" our PM was
referring to, and could also fulfill our obligation to create a sustainable lifestyle.
Life is too precious; you will not have any time to spend on brooding over unwanted things. Always find reasons in life to be happy. Manage those things that are withing your control, leave aside those that are not.
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. It includes over 50 photos covering a wide range of subjects including nature, cities, technology, and people. The photos are credited to their original photographers and linked back to Flickr for viewing the full image.
How to Sell Retail Products (Even Boring Ones) With Your BlogStanford Smith
Not sure how to use your blog to sell more products? Get some quick tips on what you can do to turn your blogging efforts into increased sales, even if your product is thought of as "boring."
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. It includes over 50 photos covering a wide range of subjects including nature, cities, people, and more. The photos come from many different photographers and were likely compiled for a presentation or article utilizing stock images from Flickr.
Having a hard time writing that thousand-word blog post that was due last week? Do you hit that writers block wall all the time?
Don't fret, content can be created in a variety of ways and forms. If youre of the artistic bent, and prefer to communicate your thoughts visually, infographics, illustrations, photos and videos are fantastic types of content to publish to a blog.
Heres a quick list of different types of content you can create for your blog, and how to create them.
The document is a collection of 20 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a wide range of subjects including nature, cities, sports, and more. Attribution is required for some photos while other have additional restrictions around commercial use or modifications. Proper attribution is needed to reuse the photos according to their licenses.
Integrating digital, communications and marketingKai Gait
My presentation from PR Moments in May 2015. The presentation is about how to integrate digital, communications, public relations and marketing with large scale, enterprise organisations. There is information on the pitfalls and opportunities with integration and I highlight two marketing models I use - RACE and POEM.
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 50 photos in total contributed by different photographers on topics that are likely diverse given the variety of licenses and photographers. The photos are intended to be used and reused for both commercial and non-commercial purposes depending on the specific license of each photo.
This document is a collection of 30 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos were compiled into a Haiku Deck presentation for unspecified purposes. Each photo is attributed to its photographer on Flickr and notes the Creative Commons license it carries.
Organizations are good at talking about and choosing change but equally important are the plans we develop bring others along with the change. Wise leaders are turning to neuroscience and cognitive psychology to break through our natural "guardians of change." One helpful tool could be what's called the ACE plan, a three-step approach to make transition management stick. In addition, you'll learn why our brains resist change and how to design strategies that make our thinking caps more receptive. Take back a fresh strategy that invites and empowers other to be positively part of the change process.
Presentatie Storytelling Borgmeren Groningen Open Coffee ClubDimitri Lambermont
The document is a collection of 20 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers. Attribution is required for some licenses, while other licenses also stipulate works must be non-commercial and/or share alike.
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 50 photos in total with credits and license information provided for each one. The photos cover a variety of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers.
API 101 workshop slides from APIStrat Chicgo in 9/2014. Note tat the second section, on excellent API design, is better covered in the workshop and deck pointed to on my blog, www.princesspolymat.con
Building Enterprise Products - For Moving Targets of Customer Needs and OutcomesMurali Erraguntala
Building new product is an exciting phase in the career of every Product Manager and each Product Manager would yearn for an opportunity to conceptualize, build and launch new products. The primary goal of every product manager is to ensure the commercial success of new product. Yet, only 50% of new products succeed [1]. New product development is definitely a challenge and Product Manager falters somewhere during the course of building new product. In order to provide some guidance to build new products, I decided to drop my experiences of building new product. Please note that some of the information listed as part of this guide may be biased because of my experiences of building and sustaining B2B HW product of an existing product line.
The primary reason for drafting the guide is to streamline my experiences of building a new product and share actionable points as part of the guide. I have learned about Product Management by reading books, blogs, articles etc and primarily through my role as a Product Manager. The guide is a way of giving back to my fraternity and sharing my experiences. I would be deeply humbled if someone finds the guide helpful and I am open to comments to make it better. The information shared in this guide is already available in my blog @ I appreciate if you could visit my blog and drop your thoughts/comments.
Interning abroad costs money a lot of money. Most international internships are unpaid, airfare is generally not included, and students often have to arrange for their own housing.
Not to mention the cost of living in a foreign country and taking advantage of the opportunity to travel on weekends. Considering how much money it costs to intern abroad, you might think its not worth it. But this article isnt meant to discourage you. Instead, this list of the top 10 benefits of interning abroad will reassure you that pursuing an international internship is a worthwhile investment in your future.
This document is a collection of 6 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show different scenes and were uploaded by different photographers for non-commercial reuse and sharing.
Ask: The Counterintuitive Online Formula to Discover Exactly What Your Custom...Yaseen Dadabhay
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 100 photos in total. The photos cover a wide range of subjects and were uploaded by many different photographers from around the world. Each photo is attributed to its original photographer and linked back to the Flickr page where it was found.
Upgrade your communication with the best mobile VoIP phones and enhance the efficiency of your support and sales team. Get a quick set-up on any device you already have and start smarter communication.
A comprehensive Local SEO Audit evaluates your online presence to identify strengths and weaknesses, ensuring your business is easily discoverable by local customers. Key elements include auditing your Google Business Profile, checking NAP consistency, optimizing on-page SEO for local pages, conducting local keyword research, performing a technical SEO audit, assessing content relevance, reviewing social media engagement, analyzing local traffic metrics, auditing local citations, and evaluating backlinks for local authority.
GRAB Market Expansion of Online Transportation Businesses in IndonesiaAJHSSR Journal
ABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the impact of market expansion carried out by Grab, an online
transportation service provider company from Singapore, on the online transportation business in Indonesia. The
research method used in preparing this thesis is a descriptive method, with data collection techniques in the form
of literature reviews sourced from various literature such as books, journals, articles, official internet sites, news
portals, and reports related to this research. The results of this research show that the market expansion activities
carried out by Grab in Indonesia have had an impact, namely the enactment of the latest regulations and laws
regarding online transportation business operations in Indonesia. Apart from that, the presence of Grab in
Indonesia also revives competition in the online transportation business in Indonesia in the initial process of its
development, several experts believed the science of International Relations covered all relations between
countries, was very dynamic and developed in accordance with the conditions of the natural environment and the
conditions of the human social environment. In Schwarzenbeger's opinion, International Relations is the subject
of sociology which studies international society. In this way, the science of International Relations in a general
sense does not only cover politics, but also includes other elements such as social, economic, cultural, defense
and security, tourism, and cultural exchange. (Perwita & Yani, 2005). The dynamic scope of International
Relations science and the increasing development of the times have finally given rise to other elements of
International Relations science. One of them is the element of international trade which is part of the economic
element of the science of International Relations. Barro (2003) explains that economic growth is closely related
to the openness of a country's economy, where international trade will have a positive and significant impact on
economic growth. Therefore, almost every country has carried out international trade activities. The driving
factors why countries carry out activities are differences in natural resources, differences in production factors,
different economic conditions, not all countries can produce certain goods, the existence of a profit motive in
trade, and competition between nations.
Keywords: GRAB, Online Transportation, Business Service, E-commerce, Indonesia
Amplifying Black Voices: The Power of Social Media Listening & Inclusive Mark...Jasper Colin
As Black History Month 2025 wraps up, social media has only scratched the surface of how different generations engage with Black culture, history, and representation.
The Relationship Between Stressful Environment and Academic Performance Among...AJHSSR Journal
ABSTRACT : This study aimed to deduce the academic performance of the University of Mindanao Criminology
students and its relationship with stressful environments and mediated by their psychological well-being. The
stratified simple random sampling technique selected 300 Criminology students as respondents. The study utilized
an adapted questionnaire to gather the needed data. The study used Mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation,
Medgraph using Sobel z-test, and path analysis to analyze the collected data. The study disclosed that the
Criminology students' psychological well-being and academic performance are high. On the other hand, the
stressful environment they experienced was rated moderately. A significant correlation was observed between the
stressful environment and the academic performance of Criminology. Furthermore, there is a significant
correlation between the stressful environment and the psychological well-being of Criminology students and the
psychological well-being and academic performance of the Criminology students. The mediation test revealed
that psychological well-being fully mediated the relationship between the stressful environment the Criminology
students experience and their academic performance.
KEYWORDS - stressful environment, academic performance, psychological wellbeing, mediation.
Choosing the Right Social Media Agency in Dubai_ A Complete Guide.pdfSafcodes LLC
In today's digital era, businesses in Dubai need a strong online presence to stay ahead of the competition. Social media marketing plays a crucial role in brand awareness, customer engagement, and lead generation. However, choosing the right social media agency in Dubai can be challenging with so many options available. This guide will help you understand what to look for when selecting the best agency for your business.
Carnival Across The Globe: Social Media InsightsUNICEPTA
UNICEPTA analyzed the public discourse on social media throughout the year regarding various Carnival festivities across the globe. Which carnival generates the most engagement on social media? Which countries are in the focus of the public?
Carnival captivates millions worldwide, but which festivities spark the most engagement on social media? UNICEPTA analyzed global public discourse throughout the year to uncover which Carnival celebrations generate the highest buzz online. From Rio to Cologne, from Mardi Gras to Barranquilla - our data-driven insights reveal which countries dominate the conversation and how regional traditions shape engagement. Discover the key trends, cultural significance, and social media impact of the worlds most celebrated Carnivals.
This ppt analyses how Brain-rot has become part and parcel of everyone's day to day life and how it is affecting us as a society, along with discussing its who where when how why
Buy Facebook Reactions Boost Your Posts Instantly Sociocosmos.pdfSocioCosmos
Looking to increase engagement on your Facebook posts? Sociocosmos offers a reliable and efficient way to buy Facebook reactions. Get the reactions you need to make your content stand out and reach a wider audience. Enhance your social proof and create a buzz around your posts with our easy-to-use service. We provide genuine reactions, ensuring a natural and organic look for your profile. Discover how Sociocosmos can help you amplify your Facebook presence today.
In todays competitive job market, having a strong LinkedIn presence is essential for both individuals and businesses. Whether youre looking to enhance your professional network, promote your brand, or connect with potential clients, buying LinkedIn accounts can be a strategic move. Purchasing pre-established accounts allows you to leverage existing connections and credibility, providing an instant boost to your online visibility.
When you buy LinkedIn accounts, you gain access to a platform with millions of professionals across various industries. This enables you to tap into new opportunities, engage with industry leaders, and showcase your expertise. Its an effective way to save time and effort in building a network from scratch.
1. Photo by r.nial.bradshaw - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
2. Photo by clasesdeperiodismo - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
3. Photo by Charles Williams - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
4. Photo by magicatwork - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
5. Photo by mkhmarketing - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
6. Photo by JAMoutinho - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
7. Photo by AdamPrzezdziek - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
8. Photo by Johan Larsson - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
9. Photo by Robbert Noordzij - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
10. Photo by Daniel Y. Go - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck
11. Photo by jacsonquerubin - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
12. Photo by Charles Williams - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
13. Photo by free pictures of money - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
14. Photo by afagen - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
15. Photo by boltron- - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
16. Photo by Johan Larsson - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
17. Photo by chrismar - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck
18. Photo by kid-josh - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
19. Photo by Intersection Consulting - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck
20. Photo by GotCredit - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
21. Photo by shutterhacks - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
22. Photo by Enthuan - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck
23. Photo by vistamommy - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck