The Company and its subsidiaries focus on operating its business taking into account the ethics and Good Corporate Governance,
including transparency and a commitment to promoting the interests of the economics, community and the environment through
its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies. As part of its CSR policies, the Company and its subsidiaries organize charitable
events encouraging its employees to participate in various activities, including environmental conservation, supporting sporting
events as well as supporting religious and cultural traditions to sustainably strengthen the society and community.
This document presents a cloud decision making framework developed by Andy Marshall as part of his MSc thesis in Cloud Computing at the National College of Ireland. The framework aims to help IT decision makers in SMEs determine whether to adopt cloud computing or continue using on-premise IT solutions.
The document provides background on cloud adoption trends, benefits and challenges for SMEs. It then describes the design of the cloud decision making framework, which evaluates cloud and on-premise options across quantitative and qualitative criteria such as cost, security and vendor lock-in. The framework was implemented as a web application hosted on Microsoft Azure. It was evaluated through feedback from organizations that used the framework.
The Challenges of Cambodian SMEs in ASEAN IntegrationSao Layhour
This paper is a thesis aiming to identify the challenges of SME in Cambodia that we need to focus in order to ensure the competitiveness of the SME.
There are 10 challenges have been identified, and although we can do million things to help SME, we may be able to do 3 such as financing, networking, and investment environment.
This short paper is a small paper that is written to fulfill the course of introduction to Anthropology at University Cambodia.
This paper is not a research paper, but it can serve as a basic information for those who are interested in Herbal medicine.
This document discusses herbal medicine in Cambodia. It provides background on the history and origins of herbal medicine, noting its use dating back 60,000 years. It outlines different forms of herbalism from China, India, and the West that have influenced Cambodia. Herbal medicine in Cambodia is administered based on "hot" and "cold" notions to balance the body and can involve plants, animals, or microorganisms. While herbal medicine is effective and accessible, it lacks regulation and standardized training for practitioners in Cambodia. The document concludes that herbal medicine should continue its use, but needs better governance to ensure safety.
The Challenges of Cambodian SMEs in ASEAN IntegrationSao Layhour
ASEAN integration is a integration weave that is unavoidable. The weave bring both advantages and disadvantages to Cambodia; however, according to the current situation of SMEs in Cambodia nowadays, all stakeholders including SMEs owners and institutions in charged of SMEs development express their concern about the bankruptcy of the sector. Therefore, the paper tries to address how the upcoming 2015 integration will affect the SMEs in Cambodia, what make SMEs in Cambodia be less competitive in the region, and what government and the owners of SMEs should do to solve the problem.
This document presents Cambodia's Small and Medium Enterprise Development Framework. It aims to promote SME development through improving the legal/regulatory framework, facilitating access to finance, and coordinating support activities.
Key issues facing SMEs are an inadequate legal/regulatory system, limited access to finance due to lack of collateral/land titles and financial diversity, and lack of business support services.
The framework establishes a vision of a competitive SME sector contributing to employment and economic growth. It creates an inter-ministerial committee and secretariat to coordinate SME development activities across ministries.
The strategy focuses on streamlining business registration, establishing regulatory review/appeals processes, completing the commercial legal framework,
This document contains a summary of grammar rules for using "so" and "such" to indicate cause and effect relationships, as well as rules for using "the...the..." patterns to show how increases or decreases in one thing cause related changes in another. Specifically, it provides examples of how to use "so" and "such" with different types of nouns and adjectives to link a cause to its resulting effect. It also gives examples of double comparative patterns using "the...the..." to relate how changes in one element impact another element. The document was prepared by students at the University of Cambodia as part of their English language course.
The Challenges of Cambodian SMEs in ASEAN IntegrationSao Layhour
This paper is a thesis aiming to identify the challenges of SME in Cambodia that we need to focus in order to ensure the competitiveness of the SME.
There are 10 challenges have been identified, and although we can do million things to help SME, we may be able to do 3 such as financing, networking, and investment environment.
This short paper is a small paper that is written to fulfill the course of introduction to Anthropology at University Cambodia.
This paper is not a research paper, but it can serve as a basic information for those who are interested in Herbal medicine.
This document discusses herbal medicine in Cambodia. It provides background on the history and origins of herbal medicine, noting its use dating back 60,000 years. It outlines different forms of herbalism from China, India, and the West that have influenced Cambodia. Herbal medicine in Cambodia is administered based on "hot" and "cold" notions to balance the body and can involve plants, animals, or microorganisms. While herbal medicine is effective and accessible, it lacks regulation and standardized training for practitioners in Cambodia. The document concludes that herbal medicine should continue its use, but needs better governance to ensure safety.
The Challenges of Cambodian SMEs in ASEAN IntegrationSao Layhour
ASEAN integration is a integration weave that is unavoidable. The weave bring both advantages and disadvantages to Cambodia; however, according to the current situation of SMEs in Cambodia nowadays, all stakeholders including SMEs owners and institutions in charged of SMEs development express their concern about the bankruptcy of the sector. Therefore, the paper tries to address how the upcoming 2015 integration will affect the SMEs in Cambodia, what make SMEs in Cambodia be less competitive in the region, and what government and the owners of SMEs should do to solve the problem.
This document presents Cambodia's Small and Medium Enterprise Development Framework. It aims to promote SME development through improving the legal/regulatory framework, facilitating access to finance, and coordinating support activities.
Key issues facing SMEs are an inadequate legal/regulatory system, limited access to finance due to lack of collateral/land titles and financial diversity, and lack of business support services.
The framework establishes a vision of a competitive SME sector contributing to employment and economic growth. It creates an inter-ministerial committee and secretariat to coordinate SME development activities across ministries.
The strategy focuses on streamlining business registration, establishing regulatory review/appeals processes, completing the commercial legal framework,
This document contains a summary of grammar rules for using "so" and "such" to indicate cause and effect relationships, as well as rules for using "the...the..." patterns to show how increases or decreases in one thing cause related changes in another. Specifically, it provides examples of how to use "so" and "such" with different types of nouns and adjectives to link a cause to its resulting effect. It also gives examples of double comparative patterns using "the...the..." to relate how changes in one element impact another element. The document was prepared by students at the University of Cambodia as part of their English language course.