Lloyd's Register supports condition-based maintenance (CBM) as a best practice for managing assets and is working to align classification processes with CBM. Companies seeking CBM program approval can apply for Lloyd's Register's MCBM notation, which takes a risk-based approach, or work with surveyors to eliminate open-out inspections for survey credit using condition monitoring data. To meet the requirements for MCBM, companies need only provide the necessary condition monitoring data if their risk-based maintenance system follows current best practices outlined in ISO 17359:2011.
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How to achieve fleet cbm program approval with class
1. ShipRight MCBM How to achieve fleet CBM Program approval with Class Lloyds Register: Marine We are actively seeking to develop relationships with companies who wish to apply condition monitoring and work with surveyors to eliminate the need to perform any open out inspection for survey credit. To avoid any confusion call us on +44 207 423 1868
2. Why? Condition Monitoring and Condition Based Maintenance is considered best practice as the principle means of managing assets. Lloyds Register recognises this and is moving to lead alignment and facilitate best practice
3. Lloyds Register and CBM Lloyds Register is committed to supporting best practice solutions in maintenance management and recognises that; The business needs of companies are all different from each other Alignment with classification process should be equally achievable whether taking a time or risk based approach to maintenance management Companies who operate CBM need to remain flexible to respond to changing operational risk profiles this flexibility must be reflected in their relationship with class.
4. Current alternatives MPMS Machinery Planned Maintenance Scheme Allows CE to credit certain items based upon his own inspection of machinery when opened out for maintenance MCM Machinery Condition Monitoring Allows CE to credit certain items on the basis of CM data/ MPMS Pre-requisite and surveyor required for certain items There are also schemes for Screw Shafts (SCM), Turbines (TCM) and Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM)
5. What take up is there currently? ~9% of vessels registered with LR currently uses MPMS, of these 15% have MCM descriptive note assigned This means only 1-2% of the LR fleet Why is this? Are companies not operating PMSs or not reflecting this with class? What role must class play in this? How can we ensure that all the stakeholders are aligned? OEMs, Port State, Vetting, Insurers etc.
6. Aligning CBM with classification Services are now available which have been designed from the perspective of alignment with best practice in CBM; MCBM notation , a risk based approach Service Supplier Approval , to enable streamlining of third party contractors CM Product Assessment Specification , to enable the use of CM tools MCBM Awareness Training , internal and external Maintenance Management Optimisation Hands on assistance for cultural change Requests for these are being taken now and will be delivered in 2012 .
7. How to meet the requirements of MCBM If you have designed your Risk Based Maintenance system according to the current best practices then you will have already done enough to be able to extract the data we require for MCBM. ISO 17359:2011 illustrates the necessary activities that are required for a modern CBM system.
Editor's Notes
#3: There is an increasing trend within industries, supported by manufacturers and owners to move towards Condition Monitoring and Condition Based Maintenance as the principle means of operating and maintaining assets. LR recognises this trend and is moving to align and facilitate with best practice