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Money, looks, and fame are the usual suspects when it comes to what women find attractive. However, most people dont bother to think more deeply than that. How did these people come into money? What did they invest to look like they do? What did they pass up to become famous? Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that a certain lifestyle and decisions lead them there. And this lifestyle is the true aphrodisiac.
In this presentation youll learn:
- The elements that must not miss in your lifestyle.
- Why men like Ryan Gosling are so damn attractive to women.
- Why you should do everything you can outside of your home.
- What you think is a character trait might just be the result of your lifestyle.
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How To Attract Women Passively Through Your Lifestyle
1. How to Attract Women
Passively Through Your
by Julian Reisinger
3. I am the guy behind Love Life Solved,
which I run just for fun as a way to
share my personal experiences from
well over 10 years in the dating & love
advice industry as a client, assistant to
a coach, business owner, and
published writer. All for free.
4. My main job is being a co-founder
over at Reconnected, a full circle
coaching agency for all things love,
social, and personal life. Its unlike
anything else in the industry.
5. The most desirable men never
seem to concern themselves
with becoming better with
6. Or can you imagine Ryan
Gosling memorizing pickup
7. Women somehow just seem to
flock to them, as if drawn by
some mysterious magnetism.
9. The reason for this doesnt lie
in looks, money, or fame.
(although all three are factors)
10. It lies in the lifestyle that leads
to money and looks and fame.
20. Many regular folks seem to think
that success with the most desirable
women is possible despite them
living a solitary life in an uncleaned
apartment eating leftover pizza
while playing video games.
31. Good Bodily Hygiene
No beautiful woman was ever
into a guy who didnt shower,
brush his teeth, and clip his
32. You can see if your personal
hygiene is up to date with this
checklist I put together.
33. Having Your Shit
A man who cant keep his life
organized surely isnt mature
enough for a relationship with a
woman who is and Ive never
met a high-quality woman who
hasnt had her shit together.
34. Decent Job and
Having a stable, reasonably
paid job is rarely a bad thing
and for most high-quality
women its a must have. You
dont need to make millions, but
you need to be able to make
ends meet.
35. Active Social Life
In peoples minds there must be
something seriously wrong with
a guy who doesnt have any
friends. The same is true for
someone who doesnt have any
passions or interests.
36. Keeping your mind busy with living, not with women.
E L E M E N T # 2
37. A focus on yourself builds a habit
of self-care, which keeps you fit
and healthy, improves your
career, and nurtures your social
38. A focus on women makes you
needy, boring, and
exhausting to be around.
39. F O C U S O N R E S U LT
Proving to your
friends that you
can get the hottest
Enjoying life
Improving yourself
Being a great
Needy, egotistical man
without real friends,
who is boring and a
pain in the ass to be
Man who is happy, has
interesting stories to tell,
and is a positive and fun
person to be around.
40. F O C U S O N R E S U LT
Proving to your
friends that you
can get the hottest
Enjoying life
Improving yourself
Being a great
massively unattractive
massively attractive
41. L E S S O N # 2
Always be more invested in
yourself than in women.
50. Thats why you need to compensate
with social spare time activities.
51. Most peoples way to achieve this is
by going out to bars and night clubs.
53. But, at least to me, stuffing myself
into a filthy, dark, loud and
overpriced venue, only to stand
around and try to look as cool as
possible, never made much sense.
54. I always loved doing different
sports, so the natural route for
me was to join sports clubs.
55. But you are different and there is
not just one way to meet women
passively though your spare time
56. Other possible options are art
workshops, dance classes, book
clubs, networking events, travel
meetups, study groups,
excursions, competitions,
57. L E S S O N # 3
Find an enjoyable activity that
allows you to meet new women
passively and your romantic
success rate will soar.
58. Moving as many activities as possible from indoors to
E L E M E N T # 3
87. It got so far that I started to
believe I was such an extreme
introvert that I just couldnt
stand others and would always
have to live in solitude.
88. Fortunately, at some point I
realized that this
development seriously
impaired my ability to get
the results that I wanted in
life and love.
94. L E S S O N # 6
The things we believe to be
unchangable parts of our
character are often merely the
result of our shitty lifestyles and
can be changed just as easily.
95. But how can you build a
new lifestyle despite
already leading a busy
103. If you value comfort and
avoidance of fear and anxiety
over a fulfilling life together with
an exceptional woman then its
perfectly fine to not change a
104. But if you want to live like few
people ever will, then you need to
make decisions based on what
their long-term consequences for
your life are and not how
uncomfortable they make you
short term.
105. L E S S O N # 7
Every lifestyle choice you
make bears consequences.
Make sure you are aware of
them and use them to your
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