Check out the slide on "How to be a Successful Freelancer (Bangla)". I hope it will helpful for others who are interested to be a Freelancer and want to work independently.
We are covering following topics:
If...Else...Elseif Statements: if油statement executes some code if one condition is true.
Switch Statement: Switch Statement tests a variable against a series of values.
For Loop: For油loop executes a block of code a specified number of times.
While油Loop: While油loop executes a block of code as long as the specified condition is true.
DoWhile Loop: Do...While油loop will always execute the block of code once, it will then check the condition, and repeat the loop while the specified condition is true.
DSDM is currently known as an agile development type. DSDM is a methodology that prioritizes schedule and quality over functionality. DSDM methodology has evolved and matured to provide a comprehensive foundation for planning, managing, executing and scaling agile process and iterative software development projects.
> Its Straight forward framework.
> Simple & Extensible.
> But not suitable for all projects.
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Similar to How to be a Successful Freelancer (Bangla) (20)
We are covering following topics:
If...Else...Elseif Statements: if油statement executes some code if one condition is true.
Switch Statement: Switch Statement tests a variable against a series of values.
For Loop: For油loop executes a block of code a specified number of times.
While油Loop: While油loop executes a block of code as long as the specified condition is true.
DoWhile Loop: Do...While油loop will always execute the block of code once, it will then check the condition, and repeat the loop while the specified condition is true.
DSDM is currently known as an agile development type. DSDM is a methodology that prioritizes schedule and quality over functionality. DSDM methodology has evolved and matured to provide a comprehensive foundation for planning, managing, executing and scaling agile process and iterative software development projects.
> Its Straight forward framework.
> Simple & Extensible.
> But not suitable for all projects.
Common Excel Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+PgDn Switches between worksheet tabs,
from left-to-right.
Ctrl+PgUp Switches between worksheet tabs,
from right-to-left.
Ctrl+Shift+& Applies the outline border to the
selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift_ Removes the outline border from the
and many more. ................
Simulation Problem with Solution: Simulation enables the study of, and experimentation with, the interactions of a complex system. Simulation examples will be given in queuing, inventory, reliability and network analysis. A queuing system is described by its calling population, nature of arrivals, service mechanism, system capacity and the queuing discipline.
The term Big Data is commonly associated with the three Vs that define properties or dimensions, Volume, Variety and Velocity. Volume refers to the amount of data; variety relates to the number of types of data and velocity refers to the speed of data processing.
This document discusses the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. It defines both AI and big data. AI is making computers do intelligent tasks like humans, while big data refers to large amounts of structured and unstructured data. The document explains that AI needs large amounts of data to replicate human intelligence and make intelligent decisions, just as human intelligence is built on experiences and data. It provides examples of how AI uses big data, such as Google's self-driving cars gathering sensor data to make driving decisions. The document also covers predictive analytics, unstructured data analysis, and data mining techniques like genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic.
Health Prediction System - an Artificial Intelligence Project 2015Maruf Abdullah (Rion)
This document proposes the development of a health prediction system that allows users to get guidance on health issues through an online intelligent healthcare system. It will include features like patient and doctor registration and login, disease prediction based on entered symptoms, doctor search, and admin functions like adding doctors and diseases. The system will use data mining techniques to predict illnesses based on entered symptoms. It will provide a way for patients to get medical advice online when doctors are unavailable. The proposal outlines the requirements, workflow, advantages and disadvantages of the system.
E-Voting System Development (Software Engineering Presentation)Maruf Abdullah (Rion)
This document provides details about the development of an online voting system for university elections including:
- A list of group members working on the project.
- An outline of the document contents.
- Motivation and objectives for creating the system to make elections more efficient.
- Requirements, risk analysis, and feasibility studies conducted prior to implementation.
- Overviews of the implementation approach including abstract designs, database design, and UML diagrams.
- Time and budget estimations for a 2 month project timeline.
- A proposed homepage interface for the system.
This document contains information about a group project on big data. It lists the group members and their student IDs. It then provides a table of contents and summaries various topics related to big data, including what big data is, data sources, characteristics of big data like volume, variety and velocity, storing and processing big data using Hadoop, where big data is used, risks and benefits of big data, and the future of big data.
What is the difference between mobile networks? In this presentation we tried to show the evolution of mobile network technology up to 5G.
Read our Short Review on Generation of Mobile Network Technology (1G, 2G, 2.5G 3G, 4G, 5G)
Restaurant Management System
Our main goal of this project is to create such a restaurant management software or system which will save time of both customers & restaurant management team.
E-Learning and Earning Ltd 2003 Of Bangladeshcimivav291
E-Learning and Earning Ltd. has been the foremost information technology service provider since 2013.
The training programs of e-Learning and Earning Ltd. a wide range of skills that are integral and necessary parts of everyday business. In our quest to address every organizational development need, we offer a gamut of training programs, which ranges from Executive Coaching and Leadership Training to basic Communication Skills.
What is Fundamental Analysis? A Complete Guide for Smart InvestorsInvesmate
Want to make safe and profitable stock market investments? Learn how Fundamental Analysis helps determine a stocks real value. A must-read guide for smart investors! Read now for expert insights.