To stay motivated to study, set realistic goals by writing them down and setting short-term milestones. Schedule time daily for your goals and reward yourself upon completing chunks of work. Take control by getting organized, minimizing distractions, and just starting to study regardless of motivation. Remind yourself that challenges are temporary. If competitive, approach assignments as challenges and try to do outstanding work. Seek support from others who have a stake in your success.
2. Motivation
the general desire or willingness of someone
to do something.
the act or process of giving someone a reason
for doing something : the act or process of
motivating someone
3. Set Realistic Goal
Setting clear and concise goals will help
you stay motivated when times are tough
Start by dividing large tasks into smaller,
more manageable parts. Then set a mini
deadline for each of them.
Write Your Goals Down
you are far more likely to achieve your goals if
you write it down.
I personally like to write my goals down and
refer to them daily to keep them at the front
of my mind and also helps make them real to
5. Set Short Term Milestones
Goals that are far out of reach are easy to
procrastinate on and put off.
Its fine to have long term dreams but in the short
run, you should have regular mile stones as well.
Be Specific
The more specific you are, the better motivated
youll be as you get closer to achieving your goal.
With vague goals, its very easy to get
discouraged, because you may not feel like youre
getting closer to due to having no clear end in
6. Schedule In Time For Your Goals
If you dont make time for your goals, youll never
accomplish them.
Rather than leave it to chance, I recommend
scheduling a specific time every day for your goal.
Set Goals You Actually Want To Achieve
Dont set goals because you think you should or
because they sound good.
Look at your life and the direction you want it to
take and set goals that you realistically can
achieve, but more important pick goals you
want to achieve.
Check your study plan and make sure that
you've divided your work into do-able chunks.
Plan a reward at the end of each chunk.
Write a list of your rewards.
Build morale boosters into your study
timetable studying is hard work so reward
yourself with time off once a week for sticking
to your timetable the rest of the time.
Select a reward that applies
Material or experiential, a reward that
nourishes a healthy work ethic will feel less like
a guilty pleasure and more like a complimentary
Set a reasonable budget
Set the budget of the reward which you can
9. Think positively
Give yourself positive messages
Don't take people's words on heart
Form mental images of working towards
successful outcome
For example: studying hard and passing! (It's
very important to include the 'working hard'
bit: you won't pass if you don't do the
assignments or study for the exam!) Keep
thinking about this, reinforcing the image.
10. If you succeeded once, you can do it again.
Think about how you did it and use those
techniques again.
Revise with a friend or fellow student Then, if
one of you is having a bad day, the other can
be encouraging and get you motivated again.
11. Take control
Start by deciding to take full responsibility for
what you do.
Dont overcommit yourself. You may feel like
youre struggling to gain control of your time
and your life because youve committed
yourself to way too many tasks
12. Get organized. Getting organized can help you
feel much more in control of how you spend
your hours. Having a planner, a calendar,
working pens, and a clean notebook where
you can make your to-do lists can help you
feel less overwhelmed.
Minimize your distractions. If you really want
to make the most of your time, then put away
your phone, Facebook
13. Just Do It
Start studying, no matter what. Boost
yourself to get started with studying, no matter
if you feel tired or if the teaching material isnt
interesting at all.
Simply because it will allow you to free your
mind from all kinds of negative thoughts about
being lazy or lacking the right motivation
14. Instead of wasting important time worrying
about being unenthusiastic and lazy (in short:
playing the victim) you take action
Once you got into the habit of studying, it will
feel just natural after a while to remain on your
tasks for longer periods of time.
15. Get Competitive
This problem could be real or imagined. Either
way, this problem is the best kind If you have a
competitive spirit, you can have a lot of fun
with this one.
If you think youre at a disadvantage to other
people, you can turn things around by getting
a competitive attitude.
16. Think of every project as a challenge and set
out to do your assignment better than
anybody else. Try to surprise everyone by
doing outstanding work.
17. Remind yourself that this wont go
on forever
A lot of students that are really overwhelmed
and want to throw in the towel at this point in
the year in regards to their studies. If youre a
student, remind yourself that this wont go on
forever, that everything changes and all you
need to do is just keep taking action.
18. Music
It can cause a spirit of optimism which evokes
the epic feeling of being able to do anything.
Choose songs that you find motivating and
inspiring, songs that immediately energize
your whole body and make you smile from ear
to ear.
19. Get Competitive
This problem may be imagine or
real .
The most important is this
problem is the best kind!
If you have a competitive spirit,
you can have a lot of fun with this
20. Think of every project as a challenge
and set out to do your assignment
better than anybody . Try to surprise
everyone by doing outstanding
If you think youre at a disadvantage
to other students, turn things around by
getting a competitive attitude.
21. Its unfortunate but true that some students
dont receive much encouragement or support
when doing work.
When someone support you to do, we
will have a positive attitude to push you
and make you finish it quickly
Get Support
22. I believe that you have experienced .
People in your school have a big
stake in your success. They are
judged on your performance. If you
dont do well, they will aslo dont .
Youll find that there are lots of
people who are interested and willing
to cheer you on!