1. Build the right team
2. Create the right space
3. Don卒t fear conflict
4. Stay on course, measure progress
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How to Boost Innovation in your Development Team
1. 1. Build the right team:
Innovative products come
from innovative minds, so
build a creative team based
on personality rather than
2. Create the right space:
Teamwork and comfort are key
to innovation. Ensure both of
these by providing your team
with a working space where
they communicate and
collaborate in a relaxed
manner.3. Dont fear con鍖ict:
Con鍖ict will always arise
within the team, as
innovation is disruptive and
implies shifting
perspectives. Harness it
into a constructive
outcome by encouraging
engineers to embrace
challenge and questions. 4. Stay on course,
measure progress:
Innovation without direction is
just misdirected creativity. To
be useful it needs to serve the
project and its needs. Direct it
towards your goal and measure
its impact whenever possible.
How to
in your development team.