This document discusses strategies for communicating effectively with cats. It suggests that the best way is to understand a cat's body language and adapt one's voice and tone accordingly. For example, using a louder, happier tone when pleased with the cat rather than screaming when upset. An app is proposed that could translate messages to cats into meows with the proper vocal tones to help owners communicate their intent more clearly to their feline companions.
2. Communicate with cats
You know that when your cat waves his tail
is usually happy and you understand some
of his meows, like I want food or You
stepped on my tail, but its not very easy
to tell him what hes not allowed to do.
Most cats have a strong personality,
knowing exactly what they want, and you
need to manage this behavior to share your
home with this small and friendly pet.
3. When trying to communicate with your cat, what
strategies do you usually use? Do you talk louder or
scream when youre mad? Do you give him a treat
when hes well behaved? Answer the following quiz.
8. Specialists say the best way to communicate is to
study the cats body language and adapt your
voice and actions to it.
What if you had a tool that converted your
message to a meow? Perfect, right? Impossible?
Probably. But this tool could be more realistic if
adapted your message to the voice tone the cat
knows best. For instance, if youre happy, you
should use a louder voice tone to talk to your cat
then when youre mad. So no need to scream
when your cat destroys your favorite shoes.
The best way to communicate
9. The tool could be an app for your
smartphone that adapts what you want to
say to your cat to the correct voice tone
and to the meow language.
Cat talking app
Dont jump into
the dinner table Cat talking app
Sounds like