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How To Conjugate Verbs In Russian

       Present-Future Tense

             by Eugenia Vlasova
There are two conjugations in Russian
The first conjugation

   is the 亠-conjugation

    because it has -亠-
in most personal endings.
First Conjugation Endings
        st                       st

    1        s. ()  /   
                                1 pl. (仄)  亠仄

    2nd s. ()  亠       
                                2ndpl. (于)  亠亠

    3rd s. (仂仆, 仂仆舒)  亠   
                                3rd pl. (仂仆亳)  /ム
First conjugation example
      亳舒 (to read)

   亳舒    仄 亳舒亠仄

  亳舒亠 于 亳舒亠亠

 仂仆/仂仆舒 亳舒亠 仂仆亳 亳舒ム
The second conjugation

  is the 亳-conjugation

    because it has -亳-
in most personal endings.
Second Conjugation Endings

    1st singular ()  /        
                                      1st plural (仄)  亳仄

    2nd singular ()  亳       
                                      2ndplural (于)  亳亠

    3rd singular (仂仆, 仂仆舒)  亳   
                                      3rd plural (仂仆亳)  舒/
Second conjugation example
     弌仂亳 (to build)

   仂       仄 仂亳仄

   仂亳    于 仂亳亠

  仂仆/仂仆舒 仂亳 仂仆亳 仂
Which verb

belongs to which

The following types of verbs

belong to the second conjugation:
All verbs ending with -亳

亠仆亳 (to rate)      于亠亳 (to trust)
 亠仆                 于亠
 亠仆亳              于亠亳
仂仆 亠仆亳              仂仆 于亠亳
仄 亠仆亳仄              仄 于亠亳仄
于 亠仆亳亠             于 于亠亳亠
仂仆亳 亠仆             仂仆亳 于亠
with the exception of verbs
              with one letter stem
仗亳 (to drink)         仍亳 (to pour)
 仗                    仍
 仗                 仍
仂仆 仗                 仂仆 仍
仄 仗仄                 仄 仍仄
于 仗亠                于 仍亠
仂仆亳 仗ム                仂仆亳 仍ム
Many verbs ending with -亠

亠仗亠 (to bear)   亞仂亠 (to burn)
 亠仗仍             亞仂
 亠仗亳           亞仂亳
仂仆 亠仗亳           仂仆 亞仂亳
仄 亠仗亳仄           仄 亞仂亳仄
于 亠仗亳亠          于 亞仂亳亠
仂仆亳 亠仗          仂仆亳 亞仂
Few verbs ending with -舒/-

亟舒 (to breathe) 仂 (to stand)
 亟                仂
 亟亳            仂亳
仂仆 亟亳            仂仆 仂亳
仄 亟亳仄            仄 仂亳仄
于 亟亳亠           于 仂亳亠
仂仆亳 亟舒           仂仆亳 仂
All other types of verbs

belong to the first conjugation,

    including the following:
Most verbs ending with -舒/-

仄亠舒 (to dream)   亠仍 (to shoot)
 仄亠舒              亠仍
 仄亠舒亠           亠仍磳
仂仆 仄亠舒亠           仂仆 亠仍磳
仄 仄亠舒亠仄           仄 亠仍磳仄
于 仄亠舒亠亠          于 亠仍磳亠
仂仆亳 仄亠舒ム          仂仆亳 亠仍ム
Most verbs ending with -亠

亟亠 (to lose weight) 弍仂仍亠 (to be sick)
 亟亠                 弍仂仍亠
 亟亠亠              弍仂仍亠亠
仂仆 亟亠亠              仂仆 弍仂仍亠亠
仄 亟亠亠仄              仄 弍仂仍亠亠仄
于 亟亠亠亠             于 弍仂仍亠亠亠
仂仆亳 亟亠ム             仂仆亳 弍仂仍亠ム
All verbs ending with -仂于舒/-亠于舒

亳仂于舒 (to draw)   舒仆亠于舒 (to dance)
 亳               舒仆
 亳亠            舒仆亠
仂仆 亳亠            仂仆 舒仆亠
仄 亳亠仄            仄 舒仆亠仄
于 亳亠亠           于 舒仆亠亠
仂仆亳 亳ム           仂仆亳 舒仆ム
Note the regular change in verbal stems:

           -仂于舒-/ -亠于舒  --

 于仂仂于舒 (to steal)  于仂, 于仂亠
All verbs ending with -仆

仄亳亞仆 (to blink)     仂仆 (to touch)
 仄亳亞仆                 仂仆
 仄亳亞仆              仂仆亠
仂仆 仄亳亞仆              仂仆 仂仆亠
仄 仄亳亞仆仄              仄 仂仆亠仄
于 仄亳亞仆亠             于 仂仆亠亠
仂仆亳 仄亳亞仆             仂仆亳 仂仆
All verbs ending with -仂仂/-仂仍仂

从仂仍仂 (to stab)    弍仂仂 (to fight)
 从仂仍               弍仂ム
 从仂仍亠            弍仂亠
仂仆 从仂仍亠            仂仆 弍仂亠
仄 从仂仍亠仄            仄 弍仂亠仄
于 从仂仍亠亠           于 弍仂亠亠
仂仆亳 从仂仍ム           仂仆亳 弍仂ム
Note that in reflective verbs

       - goes after

  the personal endings.
All verbs ending with -亳

亳亟亳 (to go)           仆亠亳 (to carry)
 亳亟                   仆亠
 亳亟                仆亠
仂仆 亳亟                仂仆 仆亠
仄 亳亟仄                仄 仆亠仄
于 亳亟亠               于 仆亠亠
仂仆亳 亳亟               仂仆亳 仆亠
All verbs ending with -

仗亠 (to bake)           亠 (to flow)*
 仗亠从                    亠从
 仗亠                 亠
仂仆 仗亠                 仂仆 亠
仄 仗亠仄                 仄 亠仄
于 仗亠亠                于 亠亠
仂仆亳 仗亠从                仂仆亳 亠从
*Yes, I know.

It is an absurdic, psychodelic example

  Who would ever say you flow?
A few verbs ending with -亳

弍亳 (to shave)     亞仆亳 (to rot)
 弍亠                亞仆亳
 弍亠亠             亞仆亳
仂仆 弍亠亠             仂仆 亞仆亳
仄 弍亠亠仄             仄 亞仆亳仄
于 弍亠亠亠            于 亞仆亳亠
仂仆亳 弍亠ム            仂仆亳 亞仆亳ム
When conjugate a verb

 don't forget to check

for changes in its stem.
Good news:

many changes

 are regular!
Here are some examples

   of (more or less)

   regular changes:
弍/仗/于//仄 + 仍 in 1st person

仍ミ頴狐 (to love)    仍仂于亳 (to catch)
 仍ミ頴姿              仍仂于仍
 仍ミ頴狐            仍仂于亳
仂仆 仍ミ頴狐            仂仆 仍仂于亳
仄 仍ミ頴湖            仄 仍仂于亳仄
于 仍ミ頴狐亠           于 仍仂于亳亠
仂仆亳 仍ミ英           仂仆亳 仍仂于
c/亰  /亢

仗亳舒 (to write)   仍亳亰舒 (to lick)
 仗亳               仍亳亢
 仗亳亠            仍亳亢亠
仂仆 仗亳亠            仂仆 仍亳亢亠
仄 仗亳亠仄            仄 仍亳亢亠仄
于 仗亳亠亠           于 仍亳亢亠亠
仂仆亳 仗亳           仂仆亳 仍亳亢

仗舒 (to hide)    仗仍舒从舒 (to cry)
 仗               仗仍舒
 仗亠            仗仍舒亠
仂仆 仗亠            仂仆 仗仍舒亠
仄 仗亠仄            仄 仗仍舒亠仄
于 仗亠亠           于 仗仍舒亠亠
仂仆亳 仗           仂仆亳 仗仍舒

仄舒舒 (to wave)   仗舒舒 (to plow)
 仄舒              仗舒
 仄舒亠           仗舒亠
仂仆 仄舒亠           仂仆 仗舒亠
仄 仄舒亠仄           仄 仗舒亠仄
于 仄舒亠亠          于 仗舒亠亠
仂仆亳 仄舒          仂仆亳 仗舒
There are also many

other changes in verbal stems

 that you have to memorize.
Some Other Changes
弍舒 (to take)    亰于舒 (to call)
 弍亠              亰仂于
 弍亠           亰仂于
仂仆 弍亠           仂仆 亰仂于
仄 弍亠仄           仄 亰仂于仄
于 弍亠亠          于 亰仂于亠
仂仆亳 弍亠          仂仆亳 亰仂于
Some Other Changes
仄 (to wash)    亠 (to sit)
 仄仂              磲
 仄仂亠           磲亠
仂仆 仄仂亠           仂仆 磲亠
仄 仄仂亠仄           仄 磲亠仄
于 仄仂亠亠          于 磲亠亠
仂仆亳 仄仂ム          仂仆亳 磲
Some Other Changes
仍亠 (to lie down)   于舒 (to stand up)
 仍磪                于舒仆
 仍礀亠             于舒仆亠
仂仆 仍礀亠             仂仆 于舒仆亠
仄 仍礀亠仄             仄 于舒仆亠仄
于 仍礀亠亠            于 于舒仆亠亠
仂仆亳 仍磪            仂仆亳 于舒仆
And many more
How to conjugate a verb in Russian

        For personal endings,

      check which conjugation

         a verb belongs to.
How to conjugate a verb in Russian

 For any possible changes in a stem,

   check vocabulary for the forms

   of 1st singular and 3rd singular
Is it possible to memorize all the

   paradigms and changes?
Simply listen to songs in Russian,

     watch Russian movies,

       read Russian books,
... and you'll succeed!
Thank you

For more information, visit

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How To Conjugate Verbs In Russian

  • 1. How To Conjugate Verbs In Russian Present-Future Tense by Eugenia Vlasova http://properrussian.com
  • 2. There are two conjugations in Russian
  • 3. The first conjugation is the 亠-conjugation because it has -亠- in most personal endings.
  • 4. First Conjugation Endings st st 1 s. () / 1 pl. (仄) 亠仄 2nd s. () 亠 2ndpl. (于) 亠亠 3rd s. (仂仆, 仂仆舒) 亠 3rd pl. (仂仆亳) /ム
  • 5. First conjugation example 亳舒 (to read) 亳舒 仄 亳舒亠仄 亳舒亠 于 亳舒亠亠 仂仆/仂仆舒 亳舒亠 仂仆亳 亳舒ム
  • 6. The second conjugation is the 亳-conjugation because it has -亳- in most personal endings.
  • 7. Second Conjugation Endings 1st singular () / 1st plural (仄) 亳仄 2nd singular () 亳 2ndplural (于) 亳亠 3rd singular (仂仆, 仂仆舒) 亳 3rd plural (仂仆亳) 舒/
  • 8. Second conjugation example 弌仂亳 (to build) 仂 仄 仂亳仄 仂亳 于 仂亳亠 仂仆/仂仆舒 仂亳 仂仆亳 仂
  • 9. Which verb belongs to which conjugation?
  • 10. The following types of verbs belong to the second conjugation:
  • 11. All verbs ending with -亳 亠仆亳 (to rate) 于亠亳 (to trust) 亠仆 于亠 亠仆亳 于亠亳 仂仆 亠仆亳 仂仆 于亠亳 仄 亠仆亳仄 仄 于亠亳仄 于 亠仆亳亠 于 于亠亳亠 仂仆亳 亠仆 仂仆亳 于亠
  • 12. with the exception of verbs with one letter stem 仗亳 (to drink) 仍亳 (to pour) 仗 仍 仗 仍 仂仆 仗 仂仆 仍 仄 仗仄 仄 仍仄 于 仗亠 于 仍亠 仂仆亳 仗ム 仂仆亳 仍ム
  • 13. Many verbs ending with -亠 亠仗亠 (to bear) 亞仂亠 (to burn) 亠仗仍 亞仂 亠仗亳 亞仂亳 仂仆 亠仗亳 仂仆 亞仂亳 仄 亠仗亳仄 仄 亞仂亳仄 于 亠仗亳亠 于 亞仂亳亠 仂仆亳 亠仗 仂仆亳 亞仂
  • 14. Few verbs ending with -舒/- 亟舒 (to breathe) 仂 (to stand) 亟 仂 亟亳 仂亳 仂仆 亟亳 仂仆 仂亳 仄 亟亳仄 仄 仂亳仄 于 亟亳亠 于 仂亳亠 仂仆亳 亟舒 仂仆亳 仂
  • 15. All other types of verbs belong to the first conjugation, including the following:
  • 16. Most verbs ending with -舒/- 仄亠舒 (to dream) 亠仍 (to shoot) 仄亠舒 亠仍 仄亠舒亠 亠仍磳 仂仆 仄亠舒亠 仂仆 亠仍磳 仄 仄亠舒亠仄 仄 亠仍磳仄 于 仄亠舒亠亠 于 亠仍磳亠 仂仆亳 仄亠舒ム 仂仆亳 亠仍ム
  • 17. Most verbs ending with -亠 亟亠 (to lose weight) 弍仂仍亠 (to be sick) 亟亠 弍仂仍亠 亟亠亠 弍仂仍亠亠 仂仆 亟亠亠 仂仆 弍仂仍亠亠 仄 亟亠亠仄 仄 弍仂仍亠亠仄 于 亟亠亠亠 于 弍仂仍亠亠亠 仂仆亳 亟亠ム 仂仆亳 弍仂仍亠ム
  • 18. All verbs ending with -仂于舒/-亠于舒 亳仂于舒 (to draw) 舒仆亠于舒 (to dance) 亳 舒仆 亳亠 舒仆亠 仂仆 亳亠 仂仆 舒仆亠 仄 亳亠仄 仄 舒仆亠仄 于 亳亠亠 于 舒仆亠亠 仂仆亳 亳ム 仂仆亳 舒仆ム
  • 19. Note the regular change in verbal stems: -仂于舒-/ -亠于舒 -- 于仂仂于舒 (to steal) 于仂, 于仂亠
  • 20. All verbs ending with -仆 仄亳亞仆 (to blink) 仂仆 (to touch) 仄亳亞仆 仂仆 仄亳亞仆 仂仆亠 仂仆 仄亳亞仆 仂仆 仂仆亠 仄 仄亳亞仆仄 仄 仂仆亠仄 于 仄亳亞仆亠 于 仂仆亠亠 仂仆亳 仄亳亞仆 仂仆亳 仂仆
  • 21. All verbs ending with -仂仂/-仂仍仂 从仂仍仂 (to stab) 弍仂仂 (to fight) 从仂仍 弍仂ム 从仂仍亠 弍仂亠 仂仆 从仂仍亠 仂仆 弍仂亠 仄 从仂仍亠仄 仄 弍仂亠仄 于 从仂仍亠亠 于 弍仂亠亠 仂仆亳 从仂仍ム 仂仆亳 弍仂ム
  • 22. Note that in reflective verbs - goes after the personal endings.
  • 23. All verbs ending with -亳 亳亟亳 (to go) 仆亠亳 (to carry) 亳亟 仆亠 亳亟 仆亠 仂仆 亳亟 仂仆 仆亠 仄 亳亟仄 仄 仆亠仄 于 亳亟亠 于 仆亠亠 仂仆亳 亳亟 仂仆亳 仆亠
  • 24. All verbs ending with - 仗亠 (to bake) 亠 (to flow)* 仗亠从 亠从 仗亠 亠 仂仆 仗亠 仂仆 亠 仄 仗亠仄 仄 亠仄 于 仗亠亠 于 亠亠 仂仆亳 仗亠从 仂仆亳 亠从
  • 25. *Yes, I know. It is an absurdic, psychodelic example Who would ever say you flow?
  • 26. A few verbs ending with -亳 弍亳 (to shave) 亞仆亳 (to rot) 弍亠 亞仆亳 弍亠亠 亞仆亳 仂仆 弍亠亠 仂仆 亞仆亳 仄 弍亠亠仄 仄 亞仆亳仄 于 弍亠亠亠 于 亞仆亳亠 仂仆亳 弍亠ム 仂仆亳 亞仆亳ム
  • 27. When conjugate a verb don't forget to check for changes in its stem.
  • 28. Good news: many changes are regular!
  • 29. Here are some examples of (more or less) regular changes:
  • 30. 弍/仗/于//仄 + 仍 in 1st person 仍ミ頴狐 (to love) 仍仂于亳 (to catch) 仍ミ頴姿 仍仂于仍 仍ミ頴狐 仍仂于亳 仂仆 仍ミ頴狐 仂仆 仍仂于亳 仄 仍ミ頴湖 仄 仍仂于亳仄 于 仍ミ頴狐亠 于 仍仂于亳亠 仂仆亳 仍ミ英 仂仆亳 仍仂于
  • 31. c/亰 /亢 仗亳舒 (to write) 仍亳亰舒 (to lick) 仗亳 仍亳亢 仗亳亠 仍亳亢亠 仂仆 仗亳亠 仂仆 仍亳亢亠 仄 仗亳亠仄 仄 仍亳亢亠仄 于 仗亳亠亠 于 仍亳亢亠亠 仂仆亳 仗亳 仂仆亳 仍亳亢
  • 32. /从 仗舒 (to hide) 仗仍舒从舒 (to cry) 仗 仗仍舒 仗亠 仗仍舒亠 仂仆 仗亠 仂仆 仗仍舒亠 仄 仗亠仄 仄 仗仍舒亠仄 于 仗亠亠 于 仗仍舒亠亠 仂仆亳 仗 仂仆亳 仗仍舒
  • 33. 仄舒舒 (to wave) 仗舒舒 (to plow) 仄舒 仗舒 仄舒亠 仗舒亠 仂仆 仄舒亠 仂仆 仗舒亠 仄 仄舒亠仄 仄 仗舒亠仄 于 仄舒亠亠 于 仗舒亠亠 仂仆亳 仄舒 仂仆亳 仗舒
  • 34. There are also many other changes in verbal stems that you have to memorize.
  • 35. Some Other Changes 弍舒 (to take) 亰于舒 (to call) 弍亠 亰仂于 弍亠 亰仂于 仂仆 弍亠 仂仆 亰仂于 仄 弍亠仄 仄 亰仂于仄 于 弍亠亠 于 亰仂于亠 仂仆亳 弍亠 仂仆亳 亰仂于
  • 36. Some Other Changes 仄 (to wash) 亠 (to sit) 仄仂 磲 仄仂亠 磲亠 仂仆 仄仂亠 仂仆 磲亠 仄 仄仂亠仄 仄 磲亠仄 于 仄仂亠亠 于 磲亠亠 仂仆亳 仄仂ム 仂仆亳 磲
  • 37. Some Other Changes 仍亠 (to lie down) 于舒 (to stand up) 仍磪 于舒仆 仍礀亠 于舒仆亠 仂仆 仍礀亠 仂仆 于舒仆亠 仄 仍礀亠仄 仄 于舒仆亠仄 于 仍礀亠亠 于 于舒仆亠亠 仂仆亳 仍磪 仂仆亳 于舒仆
  • 39. How to conjugate a verb in Russian For personal endings, check which conjugation a verb belongs to.
  • 40. How to conjugate a verb in Russian For any possible changes in a stem, check vocabulary for the forms of 1st singular and 3rd singular
  • 41. Is it possible to memorize all the paradigms and changes?
  • 42. Yes!
  • 43. Simply listen to songs in Russian, watch Russian movies, read Russian books,
  • 44. ... and you'll succeed!
  • 45. Thank you For more information, visit http://properrussian.com