The document proposes upgrading the human operating system from Economy 2.0 to Economy 3.0. Economy 2.0 is based on self-interest and institutionalized greed, but often results in situations where some parties lose. Economy 3.0 aims for "win-win-win" situations where the transaction benefits all parties as well as the commons, community, culture, and ecology. It suggests training "collaboration facilitators" and "business intelligence facilitators" to consider these additional stakeholders in each transaction and ensure the "third win." The curriculum focuses on principles like collective intelligence, transparency, and continual learning to build Economy 3.0 through facilitated collaboration.
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How To Create A Thriving Economy
1. True WealthCreationin the 21st CenturyA StoryboardByMushin J. Schilling, 2010,Berlin, Basel, San FranciscoHowTo Create A Thriving EconomyYou are very welcome to redistribute this information in any context you want, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to its author.
2. Message fromthebridgeofSpaceship EarthA Message fromtheBridge ofSpaceship EarthCrash ofPlanet Earth Operating System imminent.Upgrade Human Operating System toEconomy 3.0
6. A collaborative speciesCivilisation whereveritsucceeded reflectssuccesfulcooperationandcollaboration.Thereis a worldofdifferencebetweencooperationandcollaboration:Ifyou do what I tellyouto, youcooperateIfwebothagree on a courseofaction, wecollaborateIn prehistoricandhistorictimescollaborationandcooperationusuallyhappenedbetweengroups, clans & large families. Notindividuals.
8. Economy 1.0Then, withthethedawnofliving in settlementseconomy was invented the word can be traced back to Greek 凌畆肝採刃 house, and originally 凌畆偉採仁塾仁捨留 meant household management. I call the period from the first settlements untiltheAge ofEnlightenmentin the 17th Century Economy 1.0I regardEconomyas an upgradablepartofthe Human Operating System thewaywe do things.
14. Economy 1.0During all this time economicactivity was mostly in-grouporbetweengroups, almostnoneofitbetweenindividuals the individual wasntreallyinvented yet, at least outside ofhighnobility; andeventhenitfamiliesanddynastiesratherthanindividualscountedAll ofthisstartedtoseriouslychangearoundsome 400 yearagowiththe
15. Age of EnlightenmentIn theAge ofEnlightenment(17th Century) thethreemainpillarsthatdeterminethemodern worldweredeveloped. Nowcollaborationandcooperationcouldfinallybecomea muchmoreindividualhappening.And, in consequence, thebasicecologyfor Real Collaborationcouldcomeintobeing.
16. The Pillars of the Modern WorldThese aretheadvancesofthe Age ofEnlightenmentthatallowReal Collaborationbetweenequals:Political equality: DemocracyEqualitybeforethelaw: JusticeEqualeconomicopportunity: Free enterpriseThese advancesleadtothefirstseriousupgradeoftheHuman Operating System toEconomy 2.0
17. Economy 2.0The Human Operating System, upgradedtodemocracy, allowspeopletoparticipate in decisionmaking, and protectedbylaw hugenumbersofpeoplecanfollowtheirownwit, ceaseopportunityandgoverntheirownenterprises.All ofwhichwentpretty well untilthedawnofwhatwenowcallthe Industrial Revolution
18. Economy 2.0 Industrial Revolution ITheIndustrial Revolutionbegan in the 18th century with major changes in agriculture, manifacturing, mining and transport. It started in England and rapidly spread across Europe, North America and the whole world.And it soon turned into unbridled capitalism leading to mass exploitation, poverty, urbanization etc. Thereis a specterhaunting Europe, thespecterofcommunism. ~ Karl Marx
19. Economy 2.0 Industrial Revolution IIThen, in the first half of the 20th Century, after the devastations of the Great Depression, WW1 and WW2 and due to the challenge of the Socialist states in most Western nations the former unbridled capitalism was reigned in and Greed was institutionalizedState-Bureaucracy controlledCivilized by Trade and Workers UnionsKeynesianised byJohn Maynard Keynes(18831946)
20. Economy 2.0 At CorePrivate ownership Institutionalized greedSelf-InterestMe, mycompany, mygroup, myshareholders etc. firstThismeans, ofcourse, that an economicsubjectwhotriestorun her orhisbusiness on altruismorothers (thecommons, even) interest, will not be on themarketforverylong unlessrunbythestateor a subsidiaryandfedbypublicfunds.
21. Economy 2.0 Self-InterestEconomy 2.0, thesystemthatruns on institutionalizedgreedandstate-protectedself-interesthasgovernedoursocietiesforaround 400 yearsnow. Thissystemhascreatedunprecendentedwealthfor large portionsofthepopulationandhasspawned an enlightend variantBut ithasobviously also gottenusintoWinWin
23. Upgradingfrom Economy 2.0 to Economy 3.0Wewanttomigratefrom Economy 2.0, where in thebestpossiblescenario 2 partieswinto Economy 3.0 whereeverybodywins.
24. The Third WinSo whoorwhat will profitfromthethirdwinin Economy 3.0?The commons theresourcesthat are collectively owned or shared between or among populationsThe communityofstakeholders everybodythatisaffectedby an economictransactionThe culture thewholebodyofpracticesandconvictions, theartsandsociality in whicheconomyhappensThe ecology thecomplexnaturaldynamicsthatisboththebeginning(asresource) andtheendpointoforganized matter (waste)
25. The Third WinIn Economy 2.0 thethirdwinisknown but treated abstractly. Itsthebusinessofthegovernment, NGOs, unions, concernedcitizens etc. tryingtolendtheirvoicetoit, totakecarethatcommons, community, cultureandecologyprofitfromeconomicactivity.Thisisalso themainreasonitdoesntwork. Itsreally not veryconcreteandtothepoint
26. Upgradingto Economy 2.0Economy 2.0 isveryconcreteandtothepointTwopartiesbuyandsell a particularproduct, serviceorprocesstoeachotherand, in thebestpossiblecase, creategreaterwealthforeachThe self-interest, thatco-createsthewin-win, isclearlyrelatedtothisparticulartransaction, possiblyguidedby potential futureinteractionsthatmakewin-win a must.Thisis an utterlypracticalandclearhappening. WinWin
27. The Third Win in Economy 2.0Whenparties in Economy 2.0 trytotakecareofthethirdwinTheycatertoan ecologicalethics ortrytomaintainsomeadoptedstandardsthatmake sense tothemTheyplayitaccordingtothe tune of consciouscapitalismThey do in philantropyoractaltruistically whichis an enlightened form ofself-interest andmore thesearetrulywonderfulchangesbut ist still Economy 2.0. Why?
28. Upgradingto Economy 3.0You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.Albert Einstein
30. Helpingto Upgrade to Economy 3.0The personthattakescareofthethirdwinwecallCollaborationFacilitatorAndifhesactive in a pure commercialenvironmentwecallthispersonBusiness IntelligenceFacilitatorWebelievethebridgeto Economy 3.0, toourfuture, will bebuiltbrickbybrick, transactionbytransaction andwehavealreadybegun.
31. The Bridge to Economy 3.0Webelievethebridgeto Economy 3.0, toourfuture, will bebuiltbrickbybrick, transactionbytransaction andwehavealreadybegun.
32. Economy 3.0Wehavestarted a businessnear Basel, Switzerland, whereourBusiness IntelligenceFacilitatorsareusingtheseconcepts in daytodaypractise after a yearitlookslikeourbusiness plan workswell; thebusinessisgrowingandwe plan for a Europe-widelaunchin thenext 2 years.Transaction bytransactionwelearnwhatisrequiredtocreatewin-win-winsituations, measurements, proceduresandbestpractices.Headquartersnear Basel
33. Economy 3.0Weare also anticipating a movetotheUS. Tothat end and andotherstotrainpeople in thepractiseofourcurriculumforCollaborationFacilitatorsandBusiness IntelligenceFacilitatorsadaptourknow-howandknow-whattothe different cultureswecollaborate inco-createtheappropriatebusiness-structures, communicationandfunding
34. The Economy 3.0 CurriculumWhat is possible cannot be determined by opinions, but only by attempt. And we were determined to make the attempt. Dee Hock (co-founder of VISA)Finding out whatthethirdwinactuallyisin everytransactionrequiresthatCollaborationand Business IntelligenceFacilitatorsputintodailypracticethefollowingcurriculum
35. The Economy 3.0 CurriculumIEverybody is a leaderLeading by beingCollaboration Facilitators are the change they wish to see.Collective IntelligenceThe intelligence and intuition of the whole by far exceeds any partial intelligence by individuals and manifests in different and sometimes unprecedented ways. Permission GrantedAccountability and authority are regarded as a natural part of everybodys character.
36. The Economy 3.0 Curriculum IIConnectivity is KingConnectivity & collaborationProvide tools and occasions for maximum connectivity between everyone involved directly or indirectly.SynergyTreat members of aligned external companies, groups and communities with maximum respect and find occasions for synergies or co-create them.ClusterNurture internal and external networks and connections and bring together what aligns well.
37. The Economy 3.0 Curriculum IIISupport mutual apprenticeshipPurpose, principles & peoplePeople with a purpose adhering to robust principles co-create strongly aligned behavior that gets things done in fast and often unprecedented ways.Transparency & Fair ShareTransparency about personal agendas and fairly sharing material and immaterial outcomes fosters the trust needed in real collaboration.Fluid DynamicsLearn through experimentation, differentiation, mutation, mutual apprenticeship, trustful relationships, collaboration and appreciative inquiry and review.
38. The Economy 3.0 Curriculum IVLearning never ends look at natureAutopoiesisThe vital organizations of Economy 3.0 are in a state of continual self-transformation because they continually learn from their members, partners and others.AlignmentLearning organizational networks easily align with other networks, communities and individuals that advance their purpose(s).Emergence and InnovationAll ecologies, natural or cultural, cycle through growth and emergence. Innovation is a natural by-product of facilitated and continually optimized collaboration.
39. Building Economy 3.0 With UsOpen your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. The Dalai LamaIf you are interested in helping build a company on these principles or if you want to learn more please contact: mushin.schilling@gmail.comYou are very welcome to redistribute this information in any context you want, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to its author.