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Mass Transmit
                  Mass Transmit provides professional marketers with

Mass Transmit =   email tools, services and expertise. We create email
Email Marketing
                  communications, manage data integration, deliver
                  email campaigns and measure campaign
                  performance. We produce email marketing that
                  generates measurable results.

                                                       Mass Transmit
About Mass Transmit
We re headquartered in New York City with offices
in Charlotte NC and Seattle WA.

Our 22-person team is comprised of strategists,
creatives and techies; all of whom are thought-
leaders in their respective specialties.

We ve been neck-deep in online marketing since
1996 and along the way have provided services to
a wide range of clients including.

                                           Mass Transmit
We Work With
Twitter hashtag: #mtwebinar

                        Mass Transmit
Why You Need Effective
Mobile Email Campaigns

                     Mass Transmit
The Rise Of The Smartphone

                    ≒ 234 million mobile users in the US

                    ≒ 119.3 million smartphone users

                    ≒ 51% of all mobile users use smartphones
                      (up from 38% last year)

                    ≒ 2 out of 3 new purchases are smartphones

                    ≒ Smartphones will outsell PC s by end of
                      this year

                                                Mass Transmit
Mass Transmit
82% of smartphone users
check and send email with their device.

                            Mass Transmit
38% of all emails are opened on a mobile device,
an increase of 80% over the past 6 months. 	

Now more than desktop (33%) or webmail (31%).	

Source: Litmus, September 2012

                                              Mass Transmit
Source: Litmus, September 2012

                                 Mass Transmit
Smartphones: Platform Market Share

Source: Nielsen, July, 2012
                              Mass Transmit
Email Opens By Device

Source: Litmus, October 2012
                               Mass Transmit
Most Popular Email Clients

   Apple iOS (iPhone & iPad) 35%   Yahoo! Mail 10%

   Outlook 20%                     Gmail 8%

   Live Hotmail 14%                Google Android 5%

   Apple Mail 11%                  Windows Live Mail 2%

                                                       Mass Transmit
90% of smartphone owners
access the same email account on mobile
and desktop.

                               Mass Transmit
10% of consumers use mobile as
their primary device for checking email.

                                 Mass Transmit
39% of companies said their mobile strategy was
 non-existent , and 48% don t know if their emails
are read on mobile devices.

                                         Mass Transmit
Tweet-worthy Takeaway:	

38% of all emails are opened on a mobile device.


                                        Mass Transmit
How To Design
Mobile Email Messages

                        Mass Transmit
The Mobile Inbox


Front-load subject lines

   35 characters or less for iPhone 	

Pre-headers are important

   Keep them short
   (under 80 characters)

   Use to supplement subject line

                                          Mass Transmit
Content Considerations
 ≒   Keep it short and to the point


 ≒   Direct, easy to see calls to action


 ≒   Divide content into sections


 ≒   Prioritize content blocks by stacking


 ≒   Remove low priority content or link to it on your mobile-friendly web site

                                                                   Mass Transmit
Simplify Layouts

                   Mass Transmit
Plan For iPhone Scaling
Email widths at 640px will scale evenly
to the iPhone standard of 320px

                                          Mass Transmit
Design for touch
 ≒   Buttons should be 44x44px minimum with 10px padding to
      accommodate touch


 ≒   Design entire sections to be clickable


 ≒   Consider adding additional clickable space around buttons


 ≒   Longer text links work better as they provide more room for

                                                                  Mass Transmit
Avoid Mistaps
These items are not
touch-friendly at
scaled display

                      Mass Transmit
Text To Win
 ≒   Headlines should be at least 30px


 ≒   Body Copy should be 14px minimum


 ≒ Try to avoid using font sizes below 13px

 ≒ iOS will auto-scale small text sizes up to 13px. This may break your


 ≒ Can eliminate auto-adjust for iPhone and Android:
       -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;

 ≒ Remember iOS devices will change dates, times and addresses to
      blue links. You can use styles to override that.

                                                          Mass Transmit
Mobile Design Best Practices
 ≒ Think about mobile first

 ≒ Stack content, avoid columns

 ≒ Make content areas fluid, not fixed

 ≒ Simple, bold images are the most clear and readable

 ≒ Keep file size at a minimum

                                                          Mass Transmit
Special Considerations For iPhone 5

                       ≒ More content above the

                       ≒ Consider adjusting
                          media query settings to
                          568px) vs. 480px for
                          the iPhone 4.

                                    Mass Transmit
Tweet-worthy Takeaway:	

When designing mobile emails, minimize content,
reduce file size and plan for scaling and touch. 	


                                           Mass Transmit
Mobile Email Coding

                      Mass Transmit
Understand Your Audience

 ≒ Use email client detection services to understand how much of your
    audience is on mobile devices and their platform breakdown.
    (Services available from Litmus and Return Path)


 ≒ Optimize your emails based on mobile detection reporting.

                                                                Mass Transmit
Scalable vs. Fixed
Scalable emails are designed and programmed so the
layout adjusts to the width of the environment where it
is read.	

Fixed emails are usually designed at 320px to display
nicely on a mobile device, but look skinny when
displayed on desktop clients.

Don t go fixed, go scalable.

                                           Mass Transmit

≒ All leading mobile platforms support HTML, but images are blocked in
   some platforms


≒ There is little need for a Text or mobile friendly version message

                                                         Mass Transmit
There Are No Standards

                         Mass Transmit
Viewport Meta Tag
<meta name= viewport content= width=device-width,
initial-scale=1.0 >

Add the Viewport Meta Tag to assure the email scales
and fits the width of the iPhone.	

Without the Viewport tag, the email is initially zoomed
out too far with extra white space on the side. 	

This will only help with scaling on iPhone but it doesn t
adversely affect the way your email displays on other

                                                Mass Transmit
Tweet-worthy Takeaway:	

Optimize email messages for mobile by using
flexible HTML layouts.	


                                       Mass Transmit
Responsive Email Design

                     Mass Transmit
What Is Responsive Design?
One HTML file that uses CSS and media queries
to display certain content and layout based on
the device displaying the email.

                                             Mass Transmit
Responsive Design Benefits

 ≒ Creates a truly mobile optimized message

 ≒ Allows you to reformat content specifically for mobile users

 ≒ Allows you to hide and/or reveal content for mobile vs. desktop

                                                              Mass Transmit
Responsive Design Challenges
 ≒ Doesn t work everywhere

 ≒ Requires designing at least two versions of the message

 ≒ Programming can be complicated

                                                              Mass Transmit
Non-Responsive Email   Responsive Email
Content Scales Down    Content Reformats


                                           Mass Transmit
Media Query Support

                      Mass Transmit
Responsive Design Options

 ≒ Change font styles for better legibility

    Hide, move or wrap blocks of content

    Resize an image

    Hide or move an image

    Swap, crop or hide a background image

                                               Mass Transmit
Is Responsive Design Right For You?

 ≒ If your recipients are reading your emails on both Apple and Android
    devices, consider responsive design.


 ≒ If you have content heavy newsletters, consider responsive design.


 ≒ If you have a large mobile audience and have the budget, consider
    responsive design (try it and test results).

                                                              Mass Transmit
Tweet-worthy Takeaway:	

Use responsive design to create a customized mobile
email experience. 	


                                       Mass Transmit
Generating Conversions
Through Mobile Email
Have A Great Call-To-Action
 ≒ Unique offer (email only offers work great)

 ≒ Very visible call-to-action copy and button

 ≒ Put call-to-action at top of message (and maybe bottom too)

 ≒ Make call-to-action easy to click

                                                            Mass Transmit
Plan For Mobile Beyond Email

Mobile marketing is not limited to email. Your email will
likely link to your web site, landing pages, blog or social
media channels. Are they optimized for mobile?	

Consider responsive design for your web site too!

                                            Mass Transmit
Track And Analyze

 ≒ Track conversions from email to web by using tracking pixel

 ≒ Review the mobile stats in your web site analytics

                                                           Mass Transmit
Mass Transmit
Tweet-worthy Takeaway:	

A complete mobile email marketing experience
includes a mobile optimized destination.	


                                      Mass Transmit
 ≒ Mobile email is here and growing fast


 ≒ There s no standardization between mobile devices


 ≒ Users will flip-flop between desktop and mobile


 ≒ A mobile optimized email can work for desktop, tablet and smartphone


 ≒ Coding emails for specific devices is possible but challenging

                                                                Mass Transmit

Ask questions in chat window or via Twitter using	


                                          Mass Transmit
For Webinar Attendees Only:	

Free Mobile Readiness Assessment	


≒ See how your email renders across devices, full report
≒ Get specific suggestions for improvements 	

Email us

(please include a copy or link to your email)

                                                              Mass Transmit

Presentation can be viewed at 	


                                     Mass Transmit
Thank You!	



Adam Q. Holden-Bache


704-706-2670 x200

                                     Mass Transmit

More Related Content

How To Create Successful Mobile Email Marketing Campaigns

  • 3. Mass Transmit Mass Transmit provides professional marketers with Mass Transmit = email tools, services and expertise. We create email Email Marketing communications, manage data integration, deliver email campaigns and measure campaign performance. We produce email marketing that generates measurable results. Mass Transmit
  • 4. About Mass Transmit We re headquartered in New York City with offices in Charlotte NC and Seattle WA. Our 22-person team is comprised of strategists, creatives and techies; all of whom are thought- leaders in their respective specialties. We ve been neck-deep in online marketing since 1996 and along the way have provided services to a wide range of clients including. Mass Transmit
  • 7. Why You Need Effective Mobile Email Campaigns Mass Transmit
  • 8. The Rise Of The Smartphone ≒ 234 million mobile users in the US ≒ 119.3 million smartphone users ≒ 51% of all mobile users use smartphones (up from 38% last year) ≒ 2 out of 3 new purchases are smartphones ≒ Smartphones will outsell PC s by end of this year Mass Transmit
  • 10. 82% of smartphone users check and send email with their device. Mass Transmit
  • 11. 38% of all emails are opened on a mobile device, an increase of 80% over the past 6 months. Now more than desktop (33%) or webmail (31%). Source: Litmus, September 2012 Mass Transmit
  • 12. Source: Litmus, September 2012 Mass Transmit
  • 13. Smartphones: Platform Market Share Source: Nielsen, July, 2012 Mass Transmit
  • 14. Email Opens By Device Source: Litmus, October 2012 Mass Transmit
  • 15. Most Popular Email Clients Apple iOS (iPhone & iPad) 35% Yahoo! Mail 10% Outlook 20% Gmail 8% Live Hotmail 14% Google Android 5% Apple Mail 11% Windows Live Mail 2% Mass Transmit
  • 16. 90% of smartphone owners access the same email account on mobile and desktop. Mass Transmit
  • 17. 10% of consumers use mobile as their primary device for checking email. Mass Transmit
  • 18. 39% of companies said their mobile strategy was non-existent , and 48% don t know if their emails are read on mobile devices. Mass Transmit
  • 19. Tweet-worthy Takeaway: 38% of all emails are opened on a mobile device. #mtwebinar Mass Transmit
  • 20. How To Design Mobile Email Messages Mass Transmit
  • 21. The Mobile Inbox Front-load subject lines 35 characters or less for iPhone Pre-headers are important Keep them short (under 80 characters) Use to supplement subject line Mass Transmit
  • 22. Content Considerations ≒ Keep it short and to the point ≒ Direct, easy to see calls to action ≒ Divide content into sections ≒ Prioritize content blocks by stacking ≒ Remove low priority content or link to it on your mobile-friendly web site Mass Transmit
  • 23. Simplify Layouts Mass Transmit
  • 24. Plan For iPhone Scaling Email widths at 640px will scale evenly to the iPhone standard of 320px Mass Transmit
  • 25. Design for touch ≒ Buttons should be 44x44px minimum with 10px padding to accommodate touch ≒ Design entire sections to be clickable ≒ Consider adding additional clickable space around buttons ≒ Longer text links work better as they provide more room for touch Mass Transmit
  • 26. Avoid Mistaps These items are not touch-friendly at scaled display Mass Transmit
  • 27. Text To Win ≒ Headlines should be at least 30px ≒ Body Copy should be 14px minimum ≒ Try to avoid using font sizes below 13px ≒ iOS will auto-scale small text sizes up to 13px. This may break your layout! ≒ Can eliminate auto-adjust for iPhone and Android: -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; ≒ Remember iOS devices will change dates, times and addresses to blue links. You can use styles to override that. Mass Transmit
  • 28. Mobile Design Best Practices ≒ Think about mobile first ≒ Stack content, avoid columns ≒ Make content areas fluid, not fixed ≒ Simple, bold images are the most clear and readable ≒ Keep file size at a minimum Mass Transmit
  • 29. Special Considerations For iPhone 5 ≒ More content above the fold ≒ Consider adjusting media query settings to (max-device-width: 568px) vs. 480px for the iPhone 4. Mass Transmit
  • 30. Tweet-worthy Takeaway: When designing mobile emails, minimize content, reduce file size and plan for scaling and touch. #mtwebinar Mass Transmit
  • 31. Mobile Email Coding Mass Transmit
  • 32. Understand Your Audience ≒ Use email client detection services to understand how much of your audience is on mobile devices and their platform breakdown. (Services available from Litmus and Return Path) ≒ Optimize your emails based on mobile detection reporting. Mass Transmit
  • 33. Scalable vs. Fixed Scalable emails are designed and programmed so the layout adjusts to the width of the environment where it is read. Fixed emails are usually designed at 320px to display nicely on a mobile device, but look skinny when displayed on desktop clients. Don t go fixed, go scalable. Mass Transmit
  • 34. HTML ≒ All leading mobile platforms support HTML, but images are blocked in some platforms ≒ There is little need for a Text or mobile friendly version message Mass Transmit
  • 35. There Are No Standards Mass Transmit
  • 36. Viewport Meta Tag <meta name= viewport content= width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 > Add the Viewport Meta Tag to assure the email scales and fits the width of the iPhone. Without the Viewport tag, the email is initially zoomed out too far with extra white space on the side. This will only help with scaling on iPhone but it doesn t adversely affect the way your email displays on other devices. Mass Transmit
  • 37. Tweet-worthy Takeaway: Optimize email messages for mobile by using flexible HTML layouts. #mtwebinar Mass Transmit
  • 38. Responsive Email Design Mass Transmit
  • 39. What Is Responsive Design? One HTML file that uses CSS and media queries to display certain content and layout based on the device displaying the email. Mass Transmit
  • 40. Responsive Design Benefits ≒ Creates a truly mobile optimized message ≒ Allows you to reformat content specifically for mobile users ≒ Allows you to hide and/or reveal content for mobile vs. desktop audiences Mass Transmit
  • 41. Responsive Design Challenges ≒ Doesn t work everywhere ≒ Requires designing at least two versions of the message ≒ Programming can be complicated Mass Transmit
  • 42. Non-Responsive Email Responsive Email Content Scales Down Content Reformats Mass Transmit
  • 43. Media Query Support Mass Transmit
  • 44. Responsive Design Options ≒ Change font styles for better legibility Hide, move or wrap blocks of content Resize an image Hide or move an image Swap, crop or hide a background image Mass Transmit
  • 45. Is Responsive Design Right For You? ≒ If your recipients are reading your emails on both Apple and Android devices, consider responsive design. ≒ If you have content heavy newsletters, consider responsive design. ≒ If you have a large mobile audience and have the budget, consider responsive design (try it and test results). Mass Transmit
  • 46. Tweet-worthy Takeaway: Use responsive design to create a customized mobile email experience. #mtwebinar Mass Transmit
  • 48. Have A Great Call-To-Action ≒ Unique offer (email only offers work great) ≒ Very visible call-to-action copy and button ≒ Put call-to-action at top of message (and maybe bottom too) ≒ Make call-to-action easy to click Mass Transmit
  • 49. Plan For Mobile Beyond Email Mobile marketing is not limited to email. Your email will likely link to your web site, landing pages, blog or social media channels. Are they optimized for mobile? Consider responsive design for your web site too! Mass Transmit
  • 50. Track And Analyze ≒ Track conversions from email to web by using tracking pixel ≒ Review the mobile stats in your web site analytics Mass Transmit
  • 52. Tweet-worthy Takeaway: A complete mobile email marketing experience includes a mobile optimized destination. #mtwebinar Mass Transmit
  • 53. Takeaways: ≒ Mobile email is here and growing fast ≒ There s no standardization between mobile devices ≒ Users will flip-flop between desktop and mobile ≒ A mobile optimized email can work for desktop, tablet and smartphone ≒ Coding emails for specific devices is possible but challenging Mass Transmit
  • 54. Q&A Ask questions in chat window or via Twitter using #mtwebinar Mass Transmit
  • 55. For Webinar Attendees Only: Free Mobile Readiness Assessment ≒ See how your email renders across devices, full report ≒ Get specific suggestions for improvements Email us webinar@masstransmit.com (please include a copy or link to your email) Mass Transmit
  • 56. 際際滷share: Presentation can be viewed at http://slideshare.net/masstransmit Mass Transmit
  • 57. Thank You! Adam Q. Holden-Bache 704-706-2670 x200 adam@masstransmit.com @adamholdenbache Mass Transmit