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How to Deal with
Mobile Traffic Expansion
Mevlana M. G端rbulak
Mobile Traffic
Desktop Traffic
responsive sites
mobile first
native apps
Main challenge is
 Device fragmentation
 Connection issues
 Form factor
 Browser capabilities
Strategy One
Use the power
of the native
Deeplinking simply means
sending the user with a URL
directly to the same page in
the native app.
2-App Indexing
Index your apps pages on
Google so that users can reach
directly to your app even if your
app is not installed
2-App Indexing
3-App Streaming
App streaming enables users to
reach the content of an app
without installing it.
Strategy One
Use the power
of the native
Desktop Apps to Web Apps
Despite this, Web interaction designers cant help but feel a little envious of
our colleagues who create desktop software.
Desktop applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed
out of reach on the Web.
The same simplicity that enabled the Webs rapid proliferation also creates a
gap between the experiences we can provide and the experiences users can
get from a desktop application.
Ask the server for more information without
having to download the whole page again
(asyncronous data retrieval) thanks to
XMLHttpRequest by Ajax
Web Sites vs Native Apps
Desktop Apps to Web Apps
Despite this, Web interaction designers cant help but feel a little envious of
our colleagues who create desktop software.
Desktop applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed
out of reach on the Web.
The same simplicity that enabled the Webs rapid proliferation also creates a
gap between the experiences we can provide and the experiences users can
get from a desktop application.
Web Sites vs Native Apps
Despite this, Web interaction designers cant help but feel a little envious of
our colleagues who create native applications.
Native applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed
out of reach on the Web.
The same simplicity that enabled the Webs rapid proliferation also creates a
gap between the experiences we can provide and the experiences users can
get from a native application.
Strategy Two
Create app-like
on the web
Whats Missing on Web
Homescreen Access
Offline Mode
Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps are
experiences that combine the
best of the web and the best
of apps. It uses modern web
capabilities to deliver an app-
like user experience on web.
Whats Missing  Homescreen Access
Whats Missing  Homescreen Access
Whats Missing  Homescreen Access
Whats Missing  Homescreen Access
Whats Missing on Web
Homescreen Access
Offline Mode
Whats Missing on Web
Homescreen Access
Offline Mode
Whats Missing  Offline Mode
Whats Missing  Offline Mode
Whats Missing on Web
Homescreen Access
Offline Mode
Whats Missing on Web
Homescreen Access
Offline Mode
Progressive Web Apps
Progressive - Work for every
user, regardless of browser
choice (well almost)
Progressive Web Apps
Responsive - Fit any form factor:
desktop, mobile, tablet, or
whatever is next.
Progressive Web Apps
Enhanced Connectivity -
Enhanced with service workers
to work offline or on
low quality networks.
Progressive Web Apps
App-like - Feel like an app
to the user with app-style
interactions and navigation.
Progressive Web Apps
Fresh - Always up-to-date
thanks to the service worker
update process.
Progressive Web Apps
Safe - Served via HTTPS
Progressive Web Apps
Discoverable - Are identifiable
as applications and search
engines can find them.
Progressive Web Apps
Re-engageable - Make re-
engagement easy through
features like push notifications.
Progressive Web Apps
Installable - Allow users to keep
apps they find most useful on
their home screen without the
hassle of an app store.
Progressive Web Apps
Linkable - Easily share via URL
and not require complex
Service Workers
Service Workers
A service worker is a script that is run by
your browser in the background, separate
from a web page.
Service Workers
 Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no
users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc.
Service Workers
 Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no
users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc.
 Reacting to push messages: Start up a service worker to send users a
message to tell them new content is available.
Service Workers
 Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no
users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc.
 Reacting to push messages: Start up a service worker to send users a
message to tell them new content is available.
 Reacting to a particular time & date
Service Workers
 Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no
users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc.
 Reacting to push messages: Start up a service worker to send users a
message to tell them new content is available.
 Reacting to a particular time & date
 Entering a geo-fence
The Progressive Web App Experience
 Reliable: Fast loading, offline and on weak networks
 Fast: Smooth animation, scrolling and navigation
 Engaging and integrated:
On the home screen, no URL bar, icons, splash
Re-engaging with push notifications
 Consistent experience across browsers (still in
Overall Strategy
Mobile SitesNative Apps
Deep Linking
App Indexing
App Streaming
Make use of new technologies
Progressive Web Apps
Better Experience
Thank you!
Mevlana M. G端rbulak

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How to deal with mobile traffic expansion

  • 1. How to Deal with Mobile Traffic Expansion Mevlana M. G端rbulak @MevlanaM @UXTurkiye
  • 5. Device fragmentation Connection issues Form factor Browser capabilities
  • 6. Strategy One Use the power of the native apps
  • 7. 1-Deeplinking Deeplinking simply means sending the user with a URL directly to the same page in the native app.
  • 9. 2-App Indexing Index your apps pages on Google so that users can reach directly to your app even if your app is not installed
  • 11. 3-App Streaming App streaming enables users to reach the content of an app without installing it.
  • 12. Strategy One Use the power of the native apps
  • 13. Desktop Apps to Web Apps http://adaptivepath.org/ideas/ajax-new-approach-web-applications/ Despite this, Web interaction designers cant help but feel a little envious of our colleagues who create desktop software. Desktop applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed out of reach on the Web. The same simplicity that enabled the Webs rapid proliferation also creates a gap between the experiences we can provide and the experiences users can get from a desktop application.
  • 14. AJAX Ask the server for more information without having to download the whole page again (asyncronous data retrieval) thanks to XMLHttpRequest by Ajax
  • 15. Web Sites vs Native Apps
  • 16. Desktop Apps to Web Apps http://adaptivepath.org/ideas/ajax-new-approach-web-applications/ Despite this, Web interaction designers cant help but feel a little envious of our colleagues who create desktop software. Desktop applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed out of reach on the Web. The same simplicity that enabled the Webs rapid proliferation also creates a gap between the experiences we can provide and the experiences users can get from a desktop application.
  • 17. Web Sites vs Native Apps http://adaptivepath.org/ideas/ajax-new-approach-web-applications/ Despite this, Web interaction designers cant help but feel a little envious of our colleagues who create native applications. Native applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed out of reach on the Web. The same simplicity that enabled the Webs rapid proliferation also creates a gap between the experiences we can provide and the experiences users can get from a native application.
  • 19. Whats Missing on Web Homescreen Access Engagement Offline Mode Performance Experience
  • 20. Progressive Web Apps Progressive Web Apps are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps. It uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app- like user experience on web.
  • 21. Whats Missing Homescreen Access
  • 22. Whats Missing Homescreen Access
  • 23. Whats Missing Homescreen Access
  • 24. Whats Missing Homescreen Access
  • 25. Whats Missing on Web Homescreen Access Engagement Offline Mode Performance Experience
  • 26. Whats Missing on Web Homescreen Access Engagement Offline Mode Performance Experience
  • 27. Whats Missing Offline Mode
  • 28. Whats Missing Offline Mode
  • 29. Whats Missing on Web Homescreen Access Engagement Offline Mode Performance Experience
  • 30. Whats Missing on Web Homescreen Access Engagement Offline Mode Performance Experience
  • 31. Progressive Web Apps Progressive - Work for every user, regardless of browser choice (well almost)
  • 32. Progressive Web Apps Responsive - Fit any form factor: desktop, mobile, tablet, or whatever is next.
  • 33. Progressive Web Apps Enhanced Connectivity - Enhanced with service workers to work offline or on low quality networks.
  • 34. Progressive Web Apps App-like - Feel like an app to the user with app-style interactions and navigation.
  • 35. Progressive Web Apps Fresh - Always up-to-date thanks to the service worker update process.
  • 36. Progressive Web Apps Safe - Served via HTTPS
  • 37. Progressive Web Apps Discoverable - Are identifiable as applications and search engines can find them.
  • 38. Progressive Web Apps Re-engageable - Make re- engagement easy through features like push notifications.
  • 39. Progressive Web Apps Installable - Allow users to keep apps they find most useful on their home screen without the hassle of an app store.
  • 40. Progressive Web Apps Linkable - Easily share via URL and not require complex installation.
  • 42. Service Workers A service worker is a script that is run by your browser in the background, separate from a web page.
  • 43. Service Workers Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc.
  • 44. Service Workers Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc. Reacting to push messages: Start up a service worker to send users a message to tell them new content is available.
  • 45. Service Workers Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc. Reacting to push messages: Start up a service worker to send users a message to tell them new content is available. Reacting to a particular time & date
  • 46. Service Workers Background synchronization: Start up a service worker even when no users are at the site, so caches can be updated, etc. Reacting to push messages: Start up a service worker to send users a message to tell them new content is available. Reacting to a particular time & date Entering a geo-fence
  • 47. The Progressive Web App Experience Reliable: Fast loading, offline and on weak networks Fast: Smooth animation, scrolling and navigation Engaging and integrated: On the home screen, no URL bar, icons, splash Re-engaging with push notifications Consistent experience across browsers (still in progress)
  • 48. Overall Strategy Mobile SitesNative Apps Deep Linking App Indexing App Streaming Make use of new technologies Progressive Web Apps Better Experience
  • 49. Thank you! Mevlana M. G端rbulak @MevlanaM @UXTurkiye