Sylvia Rogers helps you redesign your approach to cleansing and detox in a toxic world. She focuses on how to get the most out of your eliminating functions on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and even annual basis!
This document provides information on various cleansing and detoxification strategies. It discusses the need to cleanse regularly due to environmental toxins and chemicals found in food, water, and consumer products. It then outlines different cleansing approaches that can be done daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually to support the body's cleansing functions and eliminate toxins. These include taking liquid chlorophyll, CleanStart supplements, performing a Tiao He cleanse with herbal formulas, and using specialized cleanses for children, dieters, or targeting conditions like Candida. The goal is to give the tools to design a personalized cleansing program for optimal health.
Whole Food Diet, Flower Child Radiant Health Series (2015)Lisa Dawn
The document discusses the benefits of a whole foods diet for maintaining health and balancing acidity and alkalinity in the body. It notes that modern diseases are often caused by toxins and stress, and that most American diets are too acidic. Adopting a diet focused on alkaline foods like vegetables and wheatgrass can help cleanse the body and support overall wellness. Key recommendations include cleansing the liver and kidneys every 120 days and maintaining a lifestyle focused on exercise, yoga, and avoiding processed foods.
The document discusses hazardous waste management and the design of a Hazardous Waste Treatment Center (HWTC). The HWTC would include facilities for liquid waste treatment, land farming, hazardous and regular waste landfilling, solidification and stabilization, and incineration. The design aims to safely manage hazardous wastes while minimizing environmental and health risks through a modular and flexible approach.
The document discusses biotransformation and detoxification reactions. It describes how xenobiotics are metabolized in two phases: Phase 1 involves reactions like hydroxylation and Phase 2 involves conjugating these products to make them more hydrophilic and excretable, through glucuronidation, sulfation, acetylation, methylation or conjugation to amino acids or glutathione. The cytochrome P450 system is important for Phase 1 reactions like oxidation. Phase 2 makes compounds more polar through conjugating them to compounds like glucuronic acid. This allows xenobiotics to be safely eliminated from the body.
This document discusses hazardous waste management. It defines hazardous waste and lists its sources such as chemical, petroleum, metal, and leather industries. Hazardous wastes are classified based on their ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity. The rules and regulations for hazardous waste specify responsibilities for generators and transporters for preparation, manifests, and record keeping. Transportation of hazardous waste requires packing and labeling, and storage facilities are used temporarily before treatment and disposal. The management strategy includes waste minimization, various treatment methods like physical, chemical, and biological, incineration, solidification, and finally disposal in landfills or by deep well injection.
The Unify Company is a new centralized web development company in the Caraga Region of the Philippines. It is led by CEO Ferdinand Balbin and aims to create a website that promotes tourism and allows local businesses to advertise their products and services. This centralized portal will help overcome the challenges of individual business websites having low visibility. The company works with the Department of Tourism to distribute promotional materials and hopes to generate revenue through business subscriptions to the website.
Features & Application of CaliVita dietary supplementsMarta Kinga Veres
The top油reasons why it is important to take natural supplements:
- Increasing levels of environmental pollution in our air, water and food
- Depleted soils
- A study油published in the Journal of Nutrition and Health found copper levels in the UK have dropped by 90% in dairy, 55% in meat, and 76% in vegetables from 1940 - 2002.
- Food processing, cooking, and preserving
- Normal Aging = Digestion Issues
- Stress + Stress + Stress = Compromised Immune System
CaliVita food supplements:
- They are made from fresh natural ingredients and contain no chemical additives (sugar, salt, preservatives, artificial colors or genetically modified components)
- Delayed release油technology
- Synergic (mutually strengthening)油effect
- They are manufactured in the USA under the controll of US Food and Drug Administration, according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)
You can buy Calivita products here:
This document provides information about a spring cleanse program designed to help reduce toxins in the body. It discusses how modern lifestyles expose people to many chemicals that can accumulate in tissues over time. The cleanse aims to help the body eliminate stored toxins through a low allergenic diet, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Following the program may help people lose weight and improve symptoms like headaches, fatigue, digestion issues and more. Testimonials from past participants report benefits like increased energy, clearer thinking and weight loss. Interested individuals can sign up for the program below.
This document provides information about a 14-day spring cleanse program to help reduce toxins in the body. It discusses how toxins can build up in the body over time from various environmental exposures and cause health issues. The cleanse aims to flush out stored toxins and reduce inflammation through a low allergen diet, whole food supplements, and lifestyle changes over 14 days. Completing the program may provide benefits like weight loss, improved mood and energy levels, and better digestion. It offers daily support and recipes to help participants succeed in the cleanse.
This document discusses the importance of intestinal health and provides information about the intestinal system. It describes the functions of the small intestine and colon, including absorption, elimination of waste, and housing beneficial bacteria. It then discusses challenges to intestinal health like stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise. The remainder of the document provides dietary and supplement recommendations to support a healthy intestinal system and maintain regular bowel movements and transit time. These include increasing fiber intake, staying hydrated, and using products like aloe vera, psyllium, and probiotics.
By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. These foods will assist in boosting your metabolism, optimizing digestion, while allowing you to lose weight and fortify your immune system.
Holistic approach to detoxing the body from toxins. Using Colon Hydrotherapy our Wellness Center provides top care through treatment on the FDA certified LIBBE beds.
The document summarizes a 10-day cleansing program offered by Living Waters Wellness Center. It includes colon hydrotherapy sessions daily, organic meals, juice cleanses, massage, infrared sauna, and other treatments to release toxins from the body. Past clients reported feeling renewed, having more energy, and gaining emotional and spiritual clarity after completing the program.
Click here/below to get more details. -
100% Natural Colon Cleanse- How to Clean your Colon and Eliminate Waste and Bad Bacteria
Experience the benefits of helping your body cleanse with the 21-day Standard Process Purification Program. This isnt just a cleanse diet. Its a structured program that combines eating whole food, drinking nutritious shakes, taking supplements made with whole food ingredients, and light exercise. Learn more at
Natural colon cleansing has been practiced since ancient Greece and involves removing built-up waste from the colon. There are two main methods - using colon cleansing products containing herbs and supplements intended to flush the colon, or receiving colon irrigation from a therapist using pumped water. Colon irrigation involves a therapist administering 15 gallons of water into the colon then massaging the abdomen to flush out liquid and waste, which can last over an hour. Proponents believe colon cleansing removes toxins from built-up waste that can be reabsorbed and cause issues like constipation, acne, or potentially more serious diseases.
The document introduces Isagenix, a company that provides nutritional cleansing products. It discusses the health problems facing society like obesity and toxicity and how Isagenix products can help cleanse and replenish the body. It then highlights the financial benefits of the Isagenix business opportunity and compensation plan.
This document discusses maintaining health span and achieving longevity by addressing lifestyle factors like diet, stress, exercise, sleep, and hydration. It provides information on several DXN products and their functions, including balancing pH, improving blood circulation, enhancing immune function, and increasing oxygen levels in the body. Key products mentioned are RG, GL, Cordyceps, Spirulina, Lion's Mane, Black Cumin Plus, and their main active ingredients and health benefits.
Basic cleansing techniques: a detox guiede for beginnerschrysalis_massage
This document provides information and guidelines for conducting a basic cleansing program. It discusses the three main steps of clearing toxins from the body, cleansing to remove toxins, and repairing the body. Specific techniques covered include colon cleansing, eating an alkaline diet, dry brushing, oil pulling, castor oil packs, herbs and supplements to support detoxification, movement, emotional release, and meal planning. The goal is to gently and gradually remove built-up toxins from the body and provide it with nutrients for healing. Planning, self-care, and listening to your body's needs are emphasized for a successful cleansing experience.
This document provides an overview of a presentation about Kangen water and its health benefits. The key points are:
1. Kangen water is produced using ionizer machines from Enagic that filter and electrically charge water to make it more alkaline and antioxidant.
2. Drinking alkaline Kangen water is said to improve health by reducing oxidative stress, acidity, and dehydration in the body which are linked to chronic diseases.
3. The machines produce 7 types of waters claimed to have benefits like disinfecting surfaces and wounds or improving skin and beauty.
This document discusses detoxification and homeobotanicals. It lists various foods that aid the body's natural detoxification processes such as cucumber, garlic, broccoli, lentils and turmeric. It also discusses hydration and green tea for their role in flushing out toxins. Additionally, it describes homeobotanicals as a natural health modality developed in New Zealand that uses both homeopathic and botanical indications in concentrated formulas to support various health applications and conditions like allergies, sensitivities, and liver and respiratory function.
This document discusses the dangers of toxic exposure and promotes ClearTRS, a zeolite supplement, as a solution. It notes that the World Health Organization found that 82% of chronic diseases are caused by environmental toxins. It then lists many common sources of toxic exposure and symptoms of toxicity. The document promotes ClearTRS, saying it contains a patented form of zeolite that can safely remove heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins from the body. It cites studies showing ClearTRS is effective at removing toxins like lead and mercury. The document claims ClearTRS supports overall health by reducing inflammation and supporting natural sleep, hair/nail growth, and cellular health.
This seminar discusses achieving optimal health through nourishing and cleansing the body's systems. It explains how the digestive system works and how nutrients and toxins are absorbed. An optimal diet focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats while limiting processed foods. Nutritional supplementation can help provide nutrients not getting from diet alone. The seminar recommends a 7-day cleansing program and ongoing isotonic supplements like multivitamins and fish oils to support the body's systems and maintain optimal health.
The Gentle Flor Essence Seven Day Purification Program supports and enhances purification of the blood system as well as the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver and colon.
This document discusses the benefits of multivitamin supplementation. It argues that modern farming practices and genetic modification have reduced the nutrient levels in foods over the past 50 years. It then highlights that the isotonic multivitamin product Isotonix can help supplement nutritional deficiencies. Key points made include that Isotonix delivers nutrients in the same concentration as bodily fluids, maximizing absorption. The document also notes the benefits of Isotonix in supporting overall health, immune function, energy levels and more.
This presentation provides a detailed exploration of the morphological and microscopic features of pneumonia, covering its histopathology, classification, and clinical significance. Designed for medical students, pathologists, and healthcare professionals, this lecture differentiates bacterial vs. viral pneumonia, explains lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia, and discusses diagnostic imaging patterns.
Key Topics Covered:
Normal lung histology vs. pneumonia-affected lung
Morphological changes in lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia
Microscopic features: Fibroblastic plugs, alveolar septal thickening, inflammatory cell infiltration
Stages of lobar pneumonia: Congestion, Red hepatization, Gray hepatization, Resolution
Common causative pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, etc.)
Clinical case study with diagnostic approach and differentials
Who Should Watch?
This is an essential resource for medical students, pathology trainees, and respiratory health professionals looking to enhance their understanding of pneumonias morphological aspects.
This document provides information about a spring cleanse program designed to help reduce toxins in the body. It discusses how modern lifestyles expose people to many chemicals that can accumulate in tissues over time. The cleanse aims to help the body eliminate stored toxins through a low allergenic diet, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Following the program may help people lose weight and improve symptoms like headaches, fatigue, digestion issues and more. Testimonials from past participants report benefits like increased energy, clearer thinking and weight loss. Interested individuals can sign up for the program below.
This document provides information about a 14-day spring cleanse program to help reduce toxins in the body. It discusses how toxins can build up in the body over time from various environmental exposures and cause health issues. The cleanse aims to flush out stored toxins and reduce inflammation through a low allergen diet, whole food supplements, and lifestyle changes over 14 days. Completing the program may provide benefits like weight loss, improved mood and energy levels, and better digestion. It offers daily support and recipes to help participants succeed in the cleanse.
This document discusses the importance of intestinal health and provides information about the intestinal system. It describes the functions of the small intestine and colon, including absorption, elimination of waste, and housing beneficial bacteria. It then discusses challenges to intestinal health like stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise. The remainder of the document provides dietary and supplement recommendations to support a healthy intestinal system and maintain regular bowel movements and transit time. These include increasing fiber intake, staying hydrated, and using products like aloe vera, psyllium, and probiotics.
By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. These foods will assist in boosting your metabolism, optimizing digestion, while allowing you to lose weight and fortify your immune system.
Holistic approach to detoxing the body from toxins. Using Colon Hydrotherapy our Wellness Center provides top care through treatment on the FDA certified LIBBE beds.
The document summarizes a 10-day cleansing program offered by Living Waters Wellness Center. It includes colon hydrotherapy sessions daily, organic meals, juice cleanses, massage, infrared sauna, and other treatments to release toxins from the body. Past clients reported feeling renewed, having more energy, and gaining emotional and spiritual clarity after completing the program.
Click here/below to get more details. -
100% Natural Colon Cleanse- How to Clean your Colon and Eliminate Waste and Bad Bacteria
Experience the benefits of helping your body cleanse with the 21-day Standard Process Purification Program. This isnt just a cleanse diet. Its a structured program that combines eating whole food, drinking nutritious shakes, taking supplements made with whole food ingredients, and light exercise. Learn more at
Natural colon cleansing has been practiced since ancient Greece and involves removing built-up waste from the colon. There are two main methods - using colon cleansing products containing herbs and supplements intended to flush the colon, or receiving colon irrigation from a therapist using pumped water. Colon irrigation involves a therapist administering 15 gallons of water into the colon then massaging the abdomen to flush out liquid and waste, which can last over an hour. Proponents believe colon cleansing removes toxins from built-up waste that can be reabsorbed and cause issues like constipation, acne, or potentially more serious diseases.
The document introduces Isagenix, a company that provides nutritional cleansing products. It discusses the health problems facing society like obesity and toxicity and how Isagenix products can help cleanse and replenish the body. It then highlights the financial benefits of the Isagenix business opportunity and compensation plan.
This document discusses maintaining health span and achieving longevity by addressing lifestyle factors like diet, stress, exercise, sleep, and hydration. It provides information on several DXN products and their functions, including balancing pH, improving blood circulation, enhancing immune function, and increasing oxygen levels in the body. Key products mentioned are RG, GL, Cordyceps, Spirulina, Lion's Mane, Black Cumin Plus, and their main active ingredients and health benefits.
Basic cleansing techniques: a detox guiede for beginnerschrysalis_massage
This document provides information and guidelines for conducting a basic cleansing program. It discusses the three main steps of clearing toxins from the body, cleansing to remove toxins, and repairing the body. Specific techniques covered include colon cleansing, eating an alkaline diet, dry brushing, oil pulling, castor oil packs, herbs and supplements to support detoxification, movement, emotional release, and meal planning. The goal is to gently and gradually remove built-up toxins from the body and provide it with nutrients for healing. Planning, self-care, and listening to your body's needs are emphasized for a successful cleansing experience.
This document provides an overview of a presentation about Kangen water and its health benefits. The key points are:
1. Kangen water is produced using ionizer machines from Enagic that filter and electrically charge water to make it more alkaline and antioxidant.
2. Drinking alkaline Kangen water is said to improve health by reducing oxidative stress, acidity, and dehydration in the body which are linked to chronic diseases.
3. The machines produce 7 types of waters claimed to have benefits like disinfecting surfaces and wounds or improving skin and beauty.
This document discusses detoxification and homeobotanicals. It lists various foods that aid the body's natural detoxification processes such as cucumber, garlic, broccoli, lentils and turmeric. It also discusses hydration and green tea for their role in flushing out toxins. Additionally, it describes homeobotanicals as a natural health modality developed in New Zealand that uses both homeopathic and botanical indications in concentrated formulas to support various health applications and conditions like allergies, sensitivities, and liver and respiratory function.
This document discusses the dangers of toxic exposure and promotes ClearTRS, a zeolite supplement, as a solution. It notes that the World Health Organization found that 82% of chronic diseases are caused by environmental toxins. It then lists many common sources of toxic exposure and symptoms of toxicity. The document promotes ClearTRS, saying it contains a patented form of zeolite that can safely remove heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins from the body. It cites studies showing ClearTRS is effective at removing toxins like lead and mercury. The document claims ClearTRS supports overall health by reducing inflammation and supporting natural sleep, hair/nail growth, and cellular health.
This seminar discusses achieving optimal health through nourishing and cleansing the body's systems. It explains how the digestive system works and how nutrients and toxins are absorbed. An optimal diet focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats while limiting processed foods. Nutritional supplementation can help provide nutrients not getting from diet alone. The seminar recommends a 7-day cleansing program and ongoing isotonic supplements like multivitamins and fish oils to support the body's systems and maintain optimal health.
The Gentle Flor Essence Seven Day Purification Program supports and enhances purification of the blood system as well as the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver and colon.
This document discusses the benefits of multivitamin supplementation. It argues that modern farming practices and genetic modification have reduced the nutrient levels in foods over the past 50 years. It then highlights that the isotonic multivitamin product Isotonix can help supplement nutritional deficiencies. Key points made include that Isotonix delivers nutrients in the same concentration as bodily fluids, maximizing absorption. The document also notes the benefits of Isotonix in supporting overall health, immune function, energy levels and more.
This presentation provides a detailed exploration of the morphological and microscopic features of pneumonia, covering its histopathology, classification, and clinical significance. Designed for medical students, pathologists, and healthcare professionals, this lecture differentiates bacterial vs. viral pneumonia, explains lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia, and discusses diagnostic imaging patterns.
Key Topics Covered:
Normal lung histology vs. pneumonia-affected lung
Morphological changes in lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia
Microscopic features: Fibroblastic plugs, alveolar septal thickening, inflammatory cell infiltration
Stages of lobar pneumonia: Congestion, Red hepatization, Gray hepatization, Resolution
Common causative pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, etc.)
Clinical case study with diagnostic approach and differentials
Who Should Watch?
This is an essential resource for medical students, pathology trainees, and respiratory health professionals looking to enhance their understanding of pneumonias morphological aspects.
Flag Screening in Physiotherapy Examination.pptxBALAJI SOMA
Flag screening is a crucial part of physiotherapy assessment that helps in identifying medical, psychological, occupational, and social barriers to recovery. Recognizing these flags ensures that physiotherapists make informed decisions, provide holistic care, and refer patients appropriately when necessary. By integrating flag screening into practice, physiotherapists can optimize patient outcomes and prevent chronicity of conditions.
Title: Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption A Comprehensive Overview
This lecture provides a detailed and structured explanation of the mechanisms regulating tubular reabsorption in the kidneys. It explores how different physiological and hormonal factors influence glomerular filtration and reabsorption rates, ensuring fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
Who Should Read This?
This presentation is designed for:
鏝 Medical Students (MBBS, BDS, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences) preparing for physiology exams.
鏝 Medical Educators & Professors looking for structured teaching material.
鏝 Healthcare Professionals (doctors, nephrologists, and physiologists) seeking a refresher on renal physiology.
鏝 Postgraduate Students & Researchers in the field of medical sciences and physiology.
What Youll Learn:
Local Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Glomerulo-Tubular Balance its mechanism and clinical significance
鏝 Net reabsorptive forces affecting peritubular capillaries
鏝 Role of peritubular hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures
Hormonal Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Effects of Aldosterone, Angiotensin II, ADH, and Natriuretic Peptides
鏝 Clinical conditions like Addisons disease & Conn Syndrome
鏝 Mechanisms of pressure natriuresis and diuresis
Nervous System Regulation
鏝 Sympathetic Nervous System activation and its effects on sodium reabsorption
Clinical Correlations & Case Discussions
鏝 How renal regulation is altered in hypertension, hypotension, and proteinuria
鏝 Comparison of Glomerulo-Tubular Balance vs. Tubulo-Glomerular Feedback
This presentation provides detailed diagrams, flowcharts, and calculations to enhance understanding and retention. Whether you are studying, teaching, or practicing medicine, this lecture will serve as a valuable resource for mastering renal physiology.
Keywords for Easy Search:
#Physiology #RenalPhysiology #TubularReabsorption #GlomeruloTubularBalance #HormonalRegulation #MedicalEducation #Nephrology
Cardiac Arrhythmia definition, classification, normal sinus rhythm, characteristics , types and management with medical ,surgical & nursing, health education and nursing diagnosis for paramedical students.
Chair and Presenters Sara A. Hurvitz, MD, FACP, Carey K. Anders, MD, FASCO, and Vyshak Venur, MD, discuss metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer in this CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE activity titled Fine-Tuning the Selection and Sequencing of HER2-Targeting Therapies in HER2-Positive MBC With and Without CNS Metastases: Expert Guidance on How to Individualize Therapy Based on Latest Evidence, Disease Features, Treatment Characteristics, and Patient Needs and Preferences. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until March 2, 2026.
The course covers the steps undertaken from tissue collection, reception, fixation,
sectioning, tissue processing and staining. It covers all the general and special
techniques in histo/cytology laboratory. This course will provide the student with the
basic knowledge of the theory and practical aspect in the diagnosis of tumour cells
and non-malignant conditions in body tissues and for cytology focusing on
gynaecological and non-gynaecological samples.
FAO's Support Rabies Control in Bali_Jul22.pptxWahid Husein
What is FAO doing to support rabies control programmes in Bali, Indonesia, using One Health approach with mass dog vaccination and integrated bite case management as main strategies
Unit 1: Introduction to Histological and Cytological techniques
Differentiate histology and cytology
Overview on tissue types
Function and components of the compound light microscope
Overview on common Histological Techniques:
o Fixation
o Grossing
o Tissue processing
o Microtomy
o Staining
o Mounting
Application of histology and cytology
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza Aminnejad
Local anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, well explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
Dr. Anik Roy Chowdhury
MBBS, BCS(Health), DA, MD (Resident)
Department of Anesthesiology, ICU & Pain Medicine
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (ShSMCH)
The shoulder complex acts as in coordinated fashion to provide the smoothest and greatest range of motion possible of the upper limb.
Combined motion of GH and ST joint of shoulder complex helps in:
Distribution of motion between other two joints.
Maintenance of glenoid fossa in optimal position.
Maintenance of good length tension
Although some amount of glenohumeral motion may occur while the other shoulder articulations remain stabilized, movement of the humerus more commonly involves some movement at all three shoulder joints.
Stability of Dosage Forms as per ICH GuidelinesKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation covers the stability testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms according to ICH guidelines (Q1A-Q1F). It explains the definition of stability, various testing protocols, storage conditions, and evaluation criteria required for regulatory submissions. Key topics include stress testing, container closure systems, stability commitment, and photostability testing. The guidelines ensure that pharmaceutical products maintain their identity, purity, strength, and efficacy throughout their shelf life. This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical professionals, researchers, and regulatory experts.
1. Explain the physiological control of glomerular filtration and renal blood flow
2. Describe the humoral and autoregulatory feedback mechanisms that mediate the autoregulation of renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate
How to Detox and Cleanse to Survive a Toxic World
2. SurvivingNo, Thriving
in Our Toxic World!
Clean up your health in ways that
have likely been neglected
Sylvia Rogers
3. Redesigning Our Approach to
Cleansing Eliminating Functions
THE GOAL: To give you the tools to design the
programs you personally need
CLEANSING/DRAINING: dislodging, breaking
down, and moving toxic materials through the
body and out through the eliminative channels
involves the constant repair and upkeep of our
5. Why We Need to Detoxify Regularly
Carcinogenic Chemicals in our Water
Carcinogenic Occupational Toxins
Dietary Sources of Pollutants
Cleaning Chemicals
Personal Care Product Chemicals
Air Pollution
Harmful Xenoestrogen Sources
6. The Chemical Load Begins Before Birth
up to 232 toxic
chemicals in the umbilical
cord blood of 10
babiesThe findings
constitute hard evidence
that each child was
exposed to a host of
dangerous substances
while still in its mothers
In 2007, 4.1 billion pounds of approx. 650 chemicals were produced
by industry and federal facilities.
Toxic Inventory Release Database
**We have approximately 75,000 chemicals produced to date
We are plagued by cancers of our eliminative channels with lung
cancer in the lead followed by colon cancer
Lung cancer: 226,160 new cases yearly
Colon cancer: 103,170 new cases yearly
Urinary cancer: 141,140 new cases yearly
Skin cancer: 81,240 new cases year
National Cancer Institute 2012
8. Environmental Medicine
Chemical compounds ubiquitous in our food, air
and water are now found in every person. The
bioaccumulation of these compounds in some
individuals can lead to a variety of metabolic and
system dysfunctions The primary classes of the
most common toxic offenders are solvents,
pesticides, and heavy metals. Of heavy metals,
mercury is the one most individuals are burdened
by. The systems most affectedinclude the
immune, neurological and endocrine system.
Walter J. Crinnion ND. Alternative Medicine Review, Vol 5, 2000.
80% of peoples exposure to chemicals occurs
in the HOME.
EPA (5 year study)
many homes had chemical levels 70 times
higher than that of outside air.
Common household cleaners are 3 times
more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air
10. Harmful Estrogens Are Found Everywhere
Foreign or xenoestrogens are found in:
The plastic or styrofoam cup holding your
morning coffee
The PVC piping used in your homes and lawns
Detergents, cleaners, pesticides, lawn
fertilizers, meat, unfiltered water, cosmetics
Microwaving foods in plastic can enhance the
transfer of the plastics or phthalates into our
11. Universal Chemicals found in Human Fat
Styrene from Styrofoam cups
Dichlorobenzenes from moth balls/deodorants
Xylene from gasoline
Ethylphenol from drinking water
OCDD from wood and treatment chemicals
The first 4 are solvents. The 5th is a dioxin.
The word, universal means that the average
person has all of these in their body.
Opening the door to promoting healing and rejuvenation
and greater longevity.
May promote slowing degeneration and aging.
It provides an internal shower and tune-up.
To be a personal tool for elimination of toxic waste
accumulations, environmental toxins, acids, opportunistic
organisms, mucus, excess fat, fluid buildup.
Inspires us to design for ourselves programs for healthier
skin and complexion, weight management, reduction or
elimination of aches and pains, more energy, more even
moods, positive life outlook and more.
15. Prepare Your Mind to Meet Your Goals
We must have 100% commitment to truly get
well. We may have to do some things we
enjoy less than others. But what if we could
change our thought processes and enjoy it all?
That would be huge!!
For every belief, there is a result. The faster
we change our thinking, the faster the shift
that brings the desired result.
To reduce transit time (the time it takes for food to exit
the body). Transit time can range from 10 to 100 hours.
This reduces harmful chemical generation of bowel
Improve digestion
To improve absorption of water soluble vitamins (B,C)
To maintain already normal range cholesterol levels.
To reduce the amount of pathogenic organisms.
To increase the natural healthy colon flora
A clean environment may reduce toxins reabsorbing into
body tissues
Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a queen, Dinner like a pauper. This
decreases digestive burden at night.
Chew your food well. Eat a high fiber diet. Eat only until satisfied
Eat in a relaxed atmosphere
Drink no more than 6 oz of fluid at a meal. Avoid milk, juice, and coffee
with meals
Make half of your plate fresh, raw, or lightly steamed vegies.
Drink fresh pure water: 8 cups/daily.
Eat pickled vegetables and fermented foods like sauerkraut.
Eat fruit alone.
Release hatred, anger, rage, fear, stress, anxiety, worry verbally and
verbally replace with the opposite weekly.
Kidneys are the bodys lastroute filtering system. If the
kidneys dont work correctly,
toxins build up.
IN CHINESE MEDICINE, the respiratory system
governs the mucus balance of the body as
well as the voice volume and flow of Chi
It belongs to the Metal Element, which
includes of principle of immunity and
protection to the body.
Elasticity, moisture regulation, and pigment control
are only a few of the functions occurring within the
This marvelous organ functions as a protective
barrier to disease-causing organisms
The skin often is a mirror of inner toxicity. It is an
eliminative organ. Overload here may signal
congestive lymph, colon, and kidneys, and liver.
Keeping cells clean has many benefits:
Healthy aging
Better mental and physical wellbeing
An overall reduction of health
23. Liquid Chlorophyll Daily
Daily cleansing!
Strengthens cells
Promotes a strong immune system
Helps promote the natural blood-cleansing
function of the body
Deodorizes the body, including the bowel
Supports the female reproductive system and the
circulatory system
One of our most popular products now Extra Strength
24. CleanStart Daily
Supports natural daily cleansing of waste
Supports natural elimination, no dangerous side
Energizes, promotes a feeling of well-being
Capsule Packet and a Fiber Packet (10 grams)
Digestive/fiber cleansers
Bentonite, Aloe vera, Chlorophyll, Psyllium
Colon cleansers (LBS II)
Cascara sagrada, buckthorn, turkey rhubarb
Liver and blood cleansers (Envirodetox)
Burdock, dandelion,red clover, milk thistle
25. Tiao He Cleanse Periodically
with Chinese Liver Balance Formula
Combines Chinese and Western knowledge
Supports elimination of waste in the colon
Nutritive herbs to support and build digestive and
intestinal systems
Liver and blood cleansers:
Yellow dock, Oregon grape
Cellular detoxifiers
All cell detox, safflowers, gentian
Colon cleansers:
LBS II, slippery elm, psyllium, black walnut atc,burdock
1 PACKET up to twice daily for 15 days with 8
oz water. Follow with 8 oz water
Goal: 2-3 colon evacuations daily
Not intended for prolonged use
No recommended for children (cascara,
buckthorn, turkey rhubarb, ginseng)
If stool is too loose, reduce packets.
27. Childrens Cleanse
Liquid Chlorophyll
LB extract (promotes regularity)
Red Clover extract (facial /liver signs)
Black Walnut extract (teeth/healthy flora)
Natures Harvest or Love and Peas with a little
added Fiber of choice
Ingred: Bowel detox, Liver Cleanse, Mastergland,
Envirodetox, LBS II, SF, Chromium
29. Para-Cleanse: 1-2 times yearly
Cleanses the body and creates a healthy
intestinal flora
Creates an environment inhospitable to
30. Candida Clear: 1-2 time yearly
Helps balance the colonization of
Supports the bodys immune function
Supports the intestinal tract
Contains the herbs Pau dArco, Oregano,
Garlic, Black Walnut, Elecampane Root
and Caprylic Acid, Enzymes that break
down components in candidas cell wall.
Contains enzymes to which Candidas
cell wall may be vulnerable
31. More Resources
Visit the University of Wisconsin Medical Centers
website for a 7-day detoxification plan (scroll down
midway on the site page), and obtain many handouts
and presentations:
You dont think twice about giving that automobile of yours
regular tune-ups every 6 months or that oil change every
3000 miles.
Dont let your engine break down!
Resolve to live a lifestyle that generates health
Decide today to give your body gentle detoxification tools on a
daily basis with some deeper cleansing periodically. You are
worth the effort and your body will thank you!
33. After the Cleanse...
Your Habit of Health Program becomes crucial
to your continued health and happiness.
Add a detoxifying cleanse to your cart monthly
or every other month.