
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Embedding Content in a Widget
   Ex: YouTube, Prezi, 際際滷Share
Embedding Content in a Widget

This tutorial deals directly with embedding videos and presentations in your widget, with the assumption that you know the basics of adding a widget to your
dashboard. If you need more detailed instruction on adding a widget to your dashboard, see the Adding a Text Widget tutorial.

   A. Find the HTML widget under Essential widgets. Be sure that you select the HTML widget and not the HTML editor widget, which is used for adding text
      boxes to your dashboard.

   B. As shown below, a dialogue box will pop up any time you select a widget to add. Simply click Add to my page. All other edits are made once your widget
      is on your page.

1. Go to the website with your embedded content. This tutorial will show you examples from YouTube, Prezi, and Slidshare but you can apply similar technics
   to embedding content from other sources as well. For any website, you want to look for a link that says either embed or share. On YouTube, you will
   have to select share first. YouTube and websites like it will change their layout from time to time but the share link is usually shortly below the video or
   title of the video, as circled in red below.
2. After you click share, you will then need to click the embed link. Put your cursor in the text box of code that appears. Be sure you select the entire code
   and then copy the code.
3. Go back to Netvibes and select the gear symbol (as circled below) on your HTML widget.

4. Give the widget a title appropriate to the content you are embedding and then paste the embed code in the Source field. Once all your edits are made,
   click Ok.
5. You will now be able to watch your YouTube video directly on your dashboard.
1. Follow steps A and B at the top of this tutorial and then go to the website with your embedded content. Remember, for any website you need to look for a
    link that says either embed or share. On Prezi, you will have to select share first. The share link is usually beneath the presentation, as circled in red
2. After you click share, a box will expand to show your sharing options. Select the embed link. You have a couple of options for how you want your
   embedded content to appear. If in doubt, just use the defaults. That said, dont be scared to play around with the settings to see if certain changes will
   work better for your dashboard. Once you have made your edits, select the entire code in the text box and copy it. You can also click the Copy code to
   clipboard button.
3. Go back to Netvibes and select the gear symbol (as circled below) on your HTML widget.

4. Give the widget a title appropriate to the content you are embedding and then paste the embed code in the Source field. Once all your edits are made,
   click Ok.
5. You will now be able to watch the Prezi directly on your dashboard.
1. Follow steps A and B at the top of this tutorial and then go to the website with your embedded content. Remember, for any website you need to look for a
    link that says either embed or share. On 際際滷share, you can select embed, found at the top of the presentation, as circled below.
2. Clicking embed will open a box with your embed code. You can click customize for size options or you can simply click copy to copy the code to
   your clipboard.
3. Go back to Netvibes and select the gear symbol (as circled below) on your HTML widget.

4. Give the widget a title appropriate to the content you are embedding and then paste the embed code in the Source field. Once all your edits are
   made, click Ok.
5. You will now be able to watch the 際際滷share directly on your dashboard.

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How to - Embed Content in a Widget on Netvibes

  • 1. Embedding Content in a Widget Ex: YouTube, Prezi, 際際滷Share
  • 2. Embedding Content in a Widget This tutorial deals directly with embedding videos and presentations in your widget, with the assumption that you know the basics of adding a widget to your dashboard. If you need more detailed instruction on adding a widget to your dashboard, see the Adding a Text Widget tutorial. A. Find the HTML widget under Essential widgets. Be sure that you select the HTML widget and not the HTML editor widget, which is used for adding text boxes to your dashboard. B. As shown below, a dialogue box will pop up any time you select a widget to add. Simply click Add to my page. All other edits are made once your widget is on your page.
  • 3. YouTube 1. Go to the website with your embedded content. This tutorial will show you examples from YouTube, Prezi, and Slidshare but you can apply similar technics to embedding content from other sources as well. For any website, you want to look for a link that says either embed or share. On YouTube, you will have to select share first. YouTube and websites like it will change their layout from time to time but the share link is usually shortly below the video or title of the video, as circled in red below.
  • 4. 2. After you click share, you will then need to click the embed link. Put your cursor in the text box of code that appears. Be sure you select the entire code and then copy the code.
  • 5. 3. Go back to Netvibes and select the gear symbol (as circled below) on your HTML widget. 4. Give the widget a title appropriate to the content you are embedding and then paste the embed code in the Source field. Once all your edits are made, click Ok.
  • 6. 5. You will now be able to watch your YouTube video directly on your dashboard.
  • 7. Prezi 1. Follow steps A and B at the top of this tutorial and then go to the website with your embedded content. Remember, for any website you need to look for a link that says either embed or share. On Prezi, you will have to select share first. The share link is usually beneath the presentation, as circled in red below.
  • 8. 2. After you click share, a box will expand to show your sharing options. Select the embed link. You have a couple of options for how you want your embedded content to appear. If in doubt, just use the defaults. That said, dont be scared to play around with the settings to see if certain changes will work better for your dashboard. Once you have made your edits, select the entire code in the text box and copy it. You can also click the Copy code to clipboard button.
  • 9. 3. Go back to Netvibes and select the gear symbol (as circled below) on your HTML widget. 4. Give the widget a title appropriate to the content you are embedding and then paste the embed code in the Source field. Once all your edits are made, click Ok.
  • 10. 5. You will now be able to watch the Prezi directly on your dashboard.
  • 11. 際際滷share 1. Follow steps A and B at the top of this tutorial and then go to the website with your embedded content. Remember, for any website you need to look for a link that says either embed or share. On 際際滷share, you can select embed, found at the top of the presentation, as circled below.
  • 12. 2. Clicking embed will open a box with your embed code. You can click customize for size options or you can simply click copy to copy the code to your clipboard.
  • 13. 3. Go back to Netvibes and select the gear symbol (as circled below) on your HTML widget. 4. Give the widget a title appropriate to the content you are embedding and then paste the embed code in the Source field. Once all your edits are made, click Ok.
  • 14. 5. You will now be able to watch the 際際滷share directly on your dashboard.