To fix a missing layer in ArcMap 10, right click on the layer to open its properties menu. Select the source tab and click set data source to navigate to the folder containing the shapefile that matches the layer name. Select the shapefile, click add, then apply and OK to update the data source. The missing layer icon will be replaced, and checking the box will display the layer on the map. Repeat for any other missing layers.
3. Right click on the missing layer to view the menu Look at the bottom of the menu and click on Properties
4. First Click on the Source tab at the top of the window Second Click on the Set Data Source button
5. Next Find the Folder where you saved your data All our UNDP data is in the MKShape Folder Then find the .shp file that matches the layer name. In this example we will select Stores.shp Then click the Add button
6. Next Click the Apply button and then the OK Button The Data Source Box will now have correct information
7. In the Layers section the file you just fixed will no longer have a red ! Click on the box so it has a check mark to view the layer on the map Continue until there are no more red !