Mountainboarding is a unique extreme sport that combines elements of snowboarding, skateboarding, and BMX. It started when snowboarders wanted to continue their sport year-round. To get started, one should rent equipment at a mountainboarding slope to learn from an instructor before investing in a board. When purchasing a board, factors like deck size based on height, trucks (skate or channel), bindings, and standard 8-inch wheels should be considered to get the right board for your ability level and increase the chances of sticking with the sport long term.
2. With elements of snowboarding,
skateboarding and BMXing,
mountainboarding is a truly unique
extreme sport. Mountainboarding
originally began when snowboarding
enthusiasts wanted a way to do the
sport all year round.
3. Now, mountainboarding is a sport all
its own. Snowboarding can be an
expensive activity because of the
price of travel to and from no resorts.
Mountainboarding, on the other
hand, can be done almost anywhere.
4. Learning to mountainboard is not
particularly difficult. Most people
are able to move comfortably on the
mountainboard within their first
hour. The best way to get started is
by getting help from a qualified
5. While mountainboarding, you should
wear personal protection
equipment. This includes knees pads,
elbow pads, a helmet and wrist
guards. You should wear this
equipment whenever you’re on the
6. To get started, you’ll probably want
to get a feel for the activity before
buying the board and equipment.
Head to a mountainboarding slope so
that you can rent a board and all the
protective equipment. You can also
get a lesson from an instructor.
7. After you learn, you may get hooked
and want to get your own mountain
board. When this comes to pass,
you’ll want to make sure you get the
right mountainboard for you. You’ll
really want to make sure you have
the right mountainboard, since this
will increase the likelihood that
you’ll stick with mountainboarding.
8. When you’re trying to find the right
mountainboard, there are a few
things to take into a consideration.
One part of the board you’ll want to
pay attention to is the deck. When
you’re a beginner you’re going to
want to focus on the length of the
9. Generally, the larger you are the
larger the deck should be. A small
child typically gets an 80 centimeter
deck while a six-foot tall adult is
likely to have a 100 centimeter deck.
10. You’ll also need to pay attention to
trucks. There are two main truck
types that are often found on
beginner’s mountainboards. These
are skate trucks and channel trucks.
Skate trucks are similar to the trucks
used on skateboards.
11. The main difference is that they are
beefed up so that they are able to
operate on rough terrain. They also
have longer axles than those on a
skateboard in order to accommodate
the bigger wheel.
12. Channel trucks are made of a
channel-shaped axle that is bolted
horizontally into a hanger. It has
springs and dampers which control
the degree to which the truck can
13. Some channel trucks allow you to
adjust the movement so that you can
get more or less turn. Because of
their adjustability and their stability,
channel trucks are probably the
most widely used trucks.
14. Bindings are another important
aspect of a board. You can choose a
simple velcro strap, more adjustable
ratchet straps or snowboard
bindings. All of the bindings work in
a similar way, and the chances are,
the binding you get is just going to
depend on which board you buy.
15. You can easily upgrade your bindings
as you get more into
mountainboarding. This way you will
know which type of riding you want
to do and get the bindings that are
best for that type of riding.
16. The last important aspect to look at is
the wheels. Most mountainboards
have wheels that are 20 centimeters
(8 inches) in diameter. There is a
variety of hubs and tires for you to
choose from, but it is typical for a
beginner to go with plastic hubs and
8 inch tires.
17. As is true with bindings, you will
probably just get whichever wheels
come with the board.
18. Mountainboarding can be an
extremely exciting and accessible
sport. Give it a try and chances are
you’ll be hooked.
19. Mountainboarding can be an
extremely exciting and accessible
sport. Give it a try and chances are
you’ll be hooked.