This document provides tips for securing a seat on a crowded bus commute. It suggests guarding just one seat for as long as possible to increase your chances of getting that seat when it empties. Standing to the right of the entryway allows you to watch multiple seats. Look for people carrying groceries who are more likely getting off soon, as well as those sitting in the back who may get off earlier. Assumptions are made that sleeping people and those carrying items are traveling shorter distances.
7. Assumption: You don’t have any info about where someone will get down (that is when a seat will get empty). Theorem1: Chances increase if you guard just one seat for maximum time. Corollary 1: The more seats you guard all at once more are your chances.
8. This is you These are the others This is a seat with 2 people Keep as far as possible from the person just in front. (corollary 1) Do’s
9. Stand just to the right of entry. And stay put. You can stay put, without anyone bothering you and you have 8-10 seats under you eye. It would be even better if you hold on to both seats. Do’s
10. Assumption: People who have to travel far won’t sit at the back. Which means that people sitting at the back get up earlier.