This document discusses various methods for gathering materials for research projects. It covers using your own knowledge and experience, conducting library research, searching the internet, interviewing subjects, and writing or calling organizations for information. Library research involves using card catalogs, computer catalogs, periodical indexes, newspapers indexes, and reference works. When searching the internet, important tools include browsers, search engines, keywords, and evaluating sources. Tips are provided for conducting interviews and requesting information from others. The document concludes with tips for effective research such as starting early, making a preliminary bibliography, taking efficient notes, and thinking about materials as you research.
2. The Contents
Using your own knowledge and
Doing library search.
Searching the internet.
Writing and calling for
Tips for doing research.
3. Using your own knowledge and
Gathering material
= gathering information for any project
= many resources
Interview People
Write or Call Organizations
Research on Library
Use yourself as resource
4. Doing
Library catalogues library
The Card Catalogue
A catalogue that lists on 3x5 cards
all the books and periodicals owned by a library. (authors name, title, or subjects)
The Computer Catalogue
An online listing of the books
and periodicals owned by library. (authors name, title, or subjects, and keyword
Call number : A number used in libraries
to classify books and periodicals and
to indicate where they can be found on the shelves.
Periodical indexes
A research aid that catalogues articles
from large number of journals or magazines.
General indexes *Readers Guide Periodical Literature
Special Indexes *Hispanic American Periodicals Index
8. Doing library search.
Newspaper indexes
A research aid that catalogues articles from one or more newspapers.
Reference works
A work that synthesizes a large amount of related information for easy access by
General Encyclopedia : A comprehensive work that provides information about all branches of
human knowledge.
Special Encyclopedia : A comprehensive reference work devoted to a specific subject such as
religion, art, law, science, music, etc.
Yearbook : A reference work published annually that contains information about the previous
Quotation books
Biographical aids : A reference work that provides information about people.
Atlas : A book of maps.
Gazetter : A geographical dictionary.
10. Searching the internet.
Computer programs for navigating the World Wide
Search Engines.
Programs used in combination with a browser to find
information on the World Wide Web.
Keyword Searches.
Search Box : The space provided by a search engine
for entering the terms to be used in a keyword
Subject Searches.
A feature in a Web browser that stores links to Web
sites so they can be easily revisited
12. Searching the internet.
Specialized Research Resources.
Government Resources.
Reference Sources.
Periodical Resources.
Multicultural Resources.
Evaluating Internet Documents.
Sponsoring organization : An organization that, in the absence of
a clearly identified author, is responsible for the content of a document on
the World Wide Web.
13. Interviewing.
Research interview : An interview conducted
to gather information for a speech.
Before the Interview
During the Interview
After the Interview
14. Before the Interview
Define the Purpose of
the Interview
Decide Whom to Interview
Arrange the Interview
Decide Whether or Not to
Use a Tape Recorder.
Prepare Your Questions.
15. During the Interview
Dress Appropriately
and Be on Time.
Repeat the Purpose
of the Interview.
Set Up the Tape Recorder, If You Are Using
Keep the Interview on Track.
* Listen carefully.
* Dont overstay Your Welcome.
17. Writing and calling for
Check facts and
statistics against
a more impartial
18. Tips for doing research.
Start Early
Make a Preliminary Bibliography
* Preliminary Bibliography is a list
compiled early in the research process
of works that look as if they might
contain helpful information about a
speech topic.
19. Tips for doing research.
Take Notes Efficiently
* Record notes on index cards.
* On each card write the note, the
source of the note, and a heading
indicating the subject of the note.
* Use a separate card for each note.
Think About Your Materials As You Research
20. T
h Gathering Materials
Many Resources
m Inside Information Outside Information
Self -
r Experience
Library Internet Interview