This document provides instructions for getting unlimited favorites on Fiverr gigs. It explains that favorites can help boost rankings. The secret method involves adding random collection names between 5-52 characters to the "save in" button on the gig page. Checking and unchecking the collections a few times and reloading the page should increase the favorite count. Repeating this process allows sellers to get an unlimited number of favorites on their gigs.
2. Hey guys, in the previous ranking Fiverr gigs PDF, I
stated that favourites is one factor that can help
rankings EXPLODE. Now what if I told you that I have
found a secret method that allows you to get
UNLIMITED favourites?
Well thats what Im going to expose to you right
now. This method is completely BRAND NEW. No one
from any other Fiverr guide has mentioned this
secret. Now do with it as you please. Its up to you if
you want 10 favourites or 1,000. Just dont share the
secret sauce.
Are you ready to know how to get UNLIMITED
favourites? This is how you do it.
1) First of all, you need to go to your gig page. So go
to your gig page and you should see a button on
the top right hand corner that says favourite.
2) Secondly, what you need to do is click on the
By @BlondelSeumo
3. save in button on the left side of the
favourite button. Its the button with the 3
lines going vertically.
3) Once you are on there, it says add collection.
Now all you need to do is write in random
things. It doesnt matter what you write as long
as it is longer than 5 characters and less than 52.
4) Once you have added a few collections (I
recommend at least 20), you are going to want
to check and uncheck them. Do this a couple of
times and then check them all. Reload the page
and your favourites should now be higher.
As you can see, the favourites are now higher.
Simply rinse and repeat and you should now be able
to add UNLIMTIED favourites on your gig.
By @BlondelSeumo