Sharing from my personal experience what it takes to win at CodeXtremeApps Competition 2016. In this deck, I share about my winning hacks from 2014 and 2015, summarising my learning points into helpful tips for participants this year.
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How to have fun and WIN at CodeXtreme (:
And I am here to share with you...
2. How to have fun and WIN
at codeXtreme (:
*From personal experience
17. Know what is happening in the startup space
Product Hunt
18. Allocation of Skills
APIs ++Back End Front End
App Frameworks
^Tech Shopping ̄
How to integrate APIs
Hardware (start with
toy projects)
Toy Projects
19. Getting the right people and the
right chemistry is more
important than getting the right
23. > Build most important screens
first! (login page is lame)
> Don¨t code what you can¨t show off
> Make it Visually Appealing
(exude professionalism)
> Mockup what you don¨t have time to build
24. Forget Bootstrap if you want to impress (win)
Material Design
3rd Party Plugins
25. hack tips
1.Validate your idea (don¨t kiasu)
2.Create a fully functional product experience
3.Remember to have fun and sleep (really)
28. pitch tips
1.Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse (as a team)
Aim to finish coding
2 hours before pitching
Prepare your demo
29. pitch tips
1.Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse (as a team)
2.Explain WHY you created it, not WHAT it does
b.Solution - You
c.Market/Target Users
e.Highlight Benefits
f.Business Model
g.Future Vision
30. pitch tips
1.Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse (as a team)
2.Explain WHY you created it, not WHAT it does
3.Validate, validate, simplify
#4: Just ship it!
Time Challenge, you will be surprised at what you can build in such a short time period when you push yourself, and work in a team
#6: Talk abit about the background first.
First hackathon, new friends, JC background with no prior experience
#16: So that you get to use buzzworthy technologies! Come up with creative solutions. Bring ideas to the hackathon
#22: I know we are all Singaporeans.. Being kiasu is part of our DNA. We all don¨t want to tell people our awesome idea cos we are scared they will steal it. I know because I was like that, when like other teams ask me, i will tell them abit, BUT never show my trump card. But trust me when I say that this hush hush strategy of keeping to yourself is not a good winning strategy. The only way an idea is improved and polished is when it is challenged. As you share, you will start get validation on what is good or not, and learn things from others participants too. Dont let your idea stay stagnant. Furthermore, really, no one wants to steal your idea. Most probably, they already have an idea that they think is way better than yours (haha). Be social and make new friends!Also, who are the most important people you need to validate with? The judges!! Find out about their concerns as early as possible and that will help you in shaping your winning idea, and also help you tailor your presentation (more on that later)
#23: Not saying that you should not focus on backend, but make sure you SHOW something end users will interact with
#24: Visually Appealing: if you are doing a food app - please get high quality stocks, if you wanna show avatars, there are online generators for that, please use them. Use UI toolkits and CSS Codepen