The document discusses the conventions of a film opening. A film opening usually lasts 2-4 minutes and introduces the film institutions, cast, and crew through title cards. It aims to show the audience the main characters and locations without revealing the entire plot. Film openings typically set the atmosphere and hook the audience through establishing shots, titles, and graphic or animated sequences. Micro conventions of openings include font, sound design, lighting, framing, and color used to present key information to viewers.
2. The conventions of a film opening
A film opening is the start of the film where the film institutions and
companies as well as the cast and crew are introduced through titles. The
opening itself usually contains a variety of shots such as an establishing shot.
However these are the aspects of a sequence and they should be evenly
distributed in the scene:
Genre Narrative/Plot Characters Themes Atmosphere
3. Story
I have learned from various studies on film openings that the aim is not to
present the entire plot in the opening 2 minutes as if it is a short film. A film
opening is mainly dedicated to showing the audience who is in the film and
introducing locations and some characters.
However it can just be an all animated/graphic sequence like in many James
Bond films, Casino Royale in particular.
4. Basic Points
Generally 2-4 minutes
A specific order of cast and crew: 2 main stars, title, rest of the actors and
crew etc // All stand alone titles or a few names in one
Saul Bass style of openings are common.
Atmosphere set to hook the audience
5. Micro Conventions
The micro conventions are the more behind the scenes conventions such as
- Font -Sound Design
- Lighting
- Framing
- Colour
- Costume