Today in the internet era of social media and the connected world, every single internet user in the www is a publisher by him/herself. Every one in this www world generates content and adds their part to the content ocean. The dependency of content to get published is no more on publishers. There are various avenues to publish one's content today, be it text or images or videos. Millions and millions of content is added every day, every hour and every second. Imagine the entire content as a resource pool and you as a publisher your single book that you add into this content pool is a tiny drop in the ocean.
As a publisher the success of your content depends on its sales. Imagine a potential buyer who stands in front of the content ocean and looks at buying your piece. The question that stands in front of you is will the potential buyer notice my content piece in that entire content ocean. If you can make your tiny drop distinctive and noticeable to every buyer standing in front of the content ocean - You are a billionaire.
The point I would like to stress here is no mater how good your content is, how informative or interesting it is, it should be visible to your potential reader first. What is the use of all good things in your content if it is at the bottom of the ocean thousands of feet if the reader is just looking at the surface of the ocean?
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