2. Strive to do work only
you can do.
Delegation can be the most useful tool
in a pharmacy or any office. By
delegating tasks amongst team
members, you ensure that everyone is
working on an assignment that best
suits their skill set.
It is important to train your staff or co-
workers and provide benchmarks to
ensure they understand the tasks and
complete them as desired. Giving
feedback will guarantee the job is done
to the best of everyones ability
(800) 766-0122
3. Only do the work that
needs to be done.
It is easy to eliminate unnecessary
work by requiring every member of the
staff to fill out a daily task list. This will
demonstrate how everyone spends
their time on the job and may provide
the opportunity to see where
inefficiencies lie and what solutions can
be implemented.
Solutions could include using a
computer to do the work instead or
reducing the number of people working
on the same task ect.
(800) 766-0122
4. Write before you speak.
Communication can sometimes be more
reliable when written, rather than spoken.
If you are discussing a long list of items it
may be beneficial to send an email or
write it down before speaking in person.
This way both people have a copy to look
back on when doing the work in the
future. Even if one of you cant remember
every detail, the information will be
available to look back on to figure out
what work to do without having to repeat
portions of the conversation.
(800) 766-0122
5. Organize the kind of
communication you use
to improve efficiency.
Try to distinguish when a phone call,
email, short notice, instant message or
in person conversation is more
appropriate/useful. This will ease
communication and ensure complete
(800) 766-0122
6. Know when youre busy
and in demand.
Keep track of when your busiest times
tend to be and prepare the pharmacy
adequately in order to serve customers
as best and quickly as possible.
Planning ahead will ensure customer
satisfaction and may indicate when the
pharmacy could stand lower staff
(800) 766-0122
7. Dont rely on memory.
Avoid counting on staff to be careful or
remember everything you want them to
do. Instead, use systems such as
tickler files, calendars, checklists, email
chains, and printed forms that remind
staff for you each day.
If you are using one of these forums,
make sure you work through tasks
systematically in the most efficient
order and dont neglect any.
(800) 766-0122
8. Always be one step
ahead of inventories.
Keep track of the supplies which your stock
is running low on so that you can order
more in time and avoid a backorder which
will cost you time and make customers
It is possible to do so by placing colored
paper towards the back of the shelf where
supplies are kept when the paper is
visible it is time to order more supplies.
If certain supplies are regularly used, get
on a schedule for how often you need to
order them; such as replacing your printer
ink on the first of every month. (800) 766-0122
9. Make some noise.
Working in silence all day isn't necessarily
the most productive option, music can
actually make you more productive.
Classical music has been said to boost
spatial-temporal reasoning, although this
does not work for everyone. In any case,
the rhythm and pace of the music youre
listening to can also help you move at the
right pace and keep motivation up while
also blocking out other distractions that
would be audible in a silent workspace.
Build a playlist with the best songs for your
individual pharmacy setting. (800) 766-0122
10. Put it on hold.
Take a short 5 minute break when
feeling distracted to help gather your
thoughts and re-focus on the tasks you
need to accomplish.
Sometimes taking a breather from
looking at the computer screen or
sitting in the same position can help
you feel more energized and
(800) 766-0122
11. Create a hierarchy.
Organize drawers and computer icons
according to the frequency of their use.
By creating a hierarchy so that your
most commonly used items are in the
top drawer or easiest to access, you
will save yourself the time it takes to sift
through irrelevant material.
Implement these strategies in your
workplace and let us know how it
works! Message us on Facebook or
LinkedIn and check out our website at
(800) 766-0122