This document provides tips on how to manage your boss and get along in your career. It outlines things you can do to impress your boss like being popular, going the extra mile, and taking criticism well. It also lists things to avoid like badmouthing past bosses, gossiping, or upstaging your boss. The document notes some things bosses may not tell employees directly, like issues with the company's performance. It also discusses dealing with micromanagement and difficult bosses. In summary, the document offers advice on positively engaging with bosses and looking out for your career advancement.
2. Road Map Memory Lane Why Boss? 3 Things Impress your Boss Dos Don’t List of things your Boss wont tell u Micromanagement & your Boss Difficult Boss
7. Dos Be Popular Extra Mile Identify with the Organization Take critics well Write Competently Be Open Minded Bring Solution Praise Be Loyal Under promise over deliver
8. Don’ts Splash out expenses Bad mouth ex bosses Menial Task Bear Grudge Confront your boss Repeat Mistake Gossip Upstage your boss
9. List of things your Boss wont tell you The company is in trouble I m busy worrying about me, not u Dress to impress You are too keen Your best career move is not in my interest Your smell You deserve a pay rise You are running your personal life through your desk Stand on your ground Your should resign