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By identifying the Dis-ease that creates
dysfunction in your life, you bring beauty back
into being as the natural state of life.
YOUFinding your way in life
by Anita Wilson
油 Life,油it can be said, when encountered
油through the many art forms and from our
油philosophical discussions, shows us the way
油we identify such versions that are our own
油pains/struggles/challenges  delights and
油aversions of life as we live it today. For it is
油the油Artists, Educators, Engineers and
油Philosophers who gracefully convey and
油interpret what we have felt. They have the
油capacity and creativity to present such
油experiences intelligently. As creative giants油
油they bring shape, structure, feeling &油form
油that brings you - the canvas to life.
油They build the framework by implementing
油tools that then introduce the conditions we
油have all recognised at times as our own 
油fighting disease and dysfunction that eats
油away at the quality of life.
The He(art) of
油 They educate us on the sublimation of
油training  our resilience and time  how we
油manipulate it to arrest ourselves or to move
油forward; of how great insight, can fire
油transformation and change the alchemy of
油the mind. They gently massage and
油encourage us through dialect and images to
油embrace change, to make the paradigm
油shift. A Powerful shift that takes
油responsbility for life and accepts all blame.
油It is our awareness, deep compassion and
油capacity to understand others that moves us
油from ordinary towards ventures and abilities
油that can lead to extraordinary. We all have a
油choice, to bury ourselves in the roots
油beneath the ground, continuing to dig in
油the dark, or lay new seeds in a rich soil that
油will enable us to sprout upwards and reach
油for the light.油
Observe the
油We all deserve the right to be afforded the
油natural order of things, to make good
油choices for ourselves and towards the
油betterment of others, to explore options,
油look for alternatives and to educate and
油improve the self. In that moment of duality 
油of what stirs within us all  the dance
油between light and dark, we clearly see a
油path, it is the choice with regard to what
油thoughts we will embrace. I can either stay
油in pain, which feels like hell, moving
油through life in a surreal manner like Alice
油through the looking glass, or I can move
油towards a life of complete fulfilment and be
油received by purpose, intent and with
油happiness. In a maladaptive state we slide
油into the negative forces pulling at our
油But when we learn to rise above by
油analysing and moving into awareness we are
油able to let go. Looking for alternatives and
油reworking the ways we do things. It is this
油investigation and search within that equates
油to a binary relationship 油- the marriage of
油life with death out of which builds growth.
油Anyone, moving away from infliction on life
油will experience a period of death, but for
油every end is a new beginning 油 such is the
油acceptance we eventually make of what we
油know to be the impermanence of life. It is
油this, which can become the core belief of
油the workings of our mind. Sometimes the
油art of letting go is not necessarily just in the
油work you need to 油do but in the
油understanding that you need to patiently
油wait for others and things to let go of you. 油油
To Rise Above
油As with the coined phrase from 油my
油favourite movie the shawshank 油redemption
油 Get busy living or get busy dying so it can
油be said from another great movie, The
油Green Mile  This too shall pass This
油concept is hard for anyone to understand
油especially when faced with a death, even if
油life on the other side can already been seen
油as a joyous celebration of future events. For
油Deprivation of anyones liberty will arrest a
油soul. Hence, why we are duty bound to
油appraise and raise the attitude and
油wellbeing of others. It is the legacy of all of
油us to instil those good morals, the ethics
油behind what is to Do the right thing: Do
油unto others, as you would have done unto
油you Humanity begins to evolve, to start
油again, when we reach a level of cooperation,
油tolerance and healthy respect.油
Coin your
油Only when we join together can we be
油successful in influencing the positive
油development and improved survival of
油others. It takes a hive of great bees to
油produce the best honey! There is work in all
油life that collectively we need to do, for
油apathy will only breed terrible unrest. When
油we take the time we have  which is ours 
油to remove the impulsivity and raise our
油understanding and patience  when we can
油weigh our options through our careful
油deliberation  we move into a better age of
油reason and become showered in a light of
油great wisdom. Awareness, depth of clarity
油and insightfulness are the keys to enable
油one to rewrite the chapters on new and
油open pages.油
The Hive of
Great Bees
油For laying between the protective covers is
油your turnaraound  how death succumbs to
油life  of how by doing great work  the book
油is your world discovery of what will abound.
油When we can look back on all we have
油endured  that experience of a time of
油death, we honour the pilgrimage towards
油awakening our soul  new life  see your
油body as the vehicle - that means of
油transportation that affords you the right to
油drive your life. Later, as you will come to
油know, it is the journey more than the
油destination that puts you on the path of
油where you always need to be.Freedom and
油fulfillment is found when you can let go and
油just Be.油
油The followig Posts were designed and
油created to reconnect the body and the
油mind. A fusion of thought and feeling to
油create something in you that reaches an
油expression of Sublime.油
油The gift is to inspire you to 'make your
油move', for whatever it is that will:
油-油motivate 油you
油- transpire you
油- captivate you
油- educate you
油- bring joy to 油you.
油Any genuine design is always created with油
油You in mind.油
Journaling by
01 Discover what sets your soul
on fire and develop that. The
joy you feel, shows it was
designed for you, this is your
life work - your Gift.
Promote Passion
02 Let your intuitive guidance put
you on the path to
transformation. by sharing
your gifts with others, aligns
you to be open to receive so
much more.
An Act of Service
03 Patterns repeat until we can
learn the lessons that are
being shown to us. Only by
looking within will you reveal
the answer behind the reason
for what it is you choose to do
Choose You
04 For what you see, will always
cultivate your own beauty. It
is our shared interpretation
that is at the heart for all to
see. Your thoughts manifest
into feelings.
05 Bad stuff is easy to believe,
but we don't want to hear it,
the good stuff we struggle to
say, but so need to hear it.
Make the difference today
Changing the Cellular
06 To make enquiry into the state
of wellness for another, brings
to life the kindness and
compassion that resides within
us all, it generates in you -
good health.
State of Mind
07 The energy that vibrates from
you attributes the traits that
give reference to you. Your
values become symbolic as
they highlight your talents
that attract people to you.
08 The gesture of good will by
giving honour towards others
shows a sign of respect and
benevolence - any act of
kindness brings peace to a
Infused with Grace
09 When you are open and
reflective, your spiritual
intention - the power of
intuition, becomes a state of
true life. Dream Big
Manifest your Dreams
10 Your real power doesn't come
from the need to "shout it out"
or to use "klout", it lends itself
to those of quiet confidence
who gently reach out.
11 Your pool of potential comes
from the primary substance of
which thoughts and feelings
are formed. The answers
inside you, lead you to the
questions asked.
12 Remember: An educated man
will give the answers that
serve him best; whereas a
Wise man, will set himself a
measure for what they choose
to test
Measure of Success
13 Within the reverence of the
universe are masters of mind,
compassion for others and all
humans kind. Be the current
you wish others to see.
Rhythm of Life
14 The mind is not just a
mechanical tool, it is a sensory
phenomena to which we all
feel. The interconnectedness
of minds amplifies on a higher
frequency which brings us
into a state of Sublime.
Free Pharmacy
15 Foundations are built from
your centre - the Heart Place.
How you connect, shows
through the energy and
essence of what you give to
others - 'souls in sync'.
Hearts Communication
16 When you anticipate
happiness, health and
success, you can overcome
any challenge faced. Always
direct your thoughts by
setting a good intention.
Positive Thought
17 Let Self efficacy teach you to
attribute good habits, how to
persist, how to harness
creativity, be enthusiastic,
find a shared & common vision
that benefits you in a holistic
Fusion of Heart and Mind
18 It will only be through our
fraternity that we strengthen
the social cohesion that aims
to favour solidarity and
cooperation. When we can
furnish the lives of others,
through giving, sharing,
comforting & caring  we
expand into a universal
Be the Conduit
Recognise that the gifts
bestowed upon you, mark a
meekness for which you see
not why you should have to
through conformity change;by
withholding a modesty of
behaviour, attitude and spirit -
called Grace. Let this be the
"Move into You".

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How to Move into You

  • 1. By identifying the Dis-ease that creates dysfunction in your life, you bring beauty back into being as the natural state of life. HOW TO MOVE INTO YOUFinding your way in life by Anita Wilson
  • 2. 油 Life,油it can be said, when encountered 油through the many art forms and from our 油philosophical discussions, shows us the way 油we identify such versions that are our own 油pains/struggles/challenges delights and 油aversions of life as we live it today. For it is 油the油Artists, Educators, Engineers and 油Philosophers who gracefully convey and 油interpret what we have felt. They have the 油capacity and creativity to present such 油experiences intelligently. As creative giants油 油they bring shape, structure, feeling &油form 油that brings you - the canvas to life. 油They build the framework by implementing 油tools that then introduce the conditions we 油have all recognised at times as our own 油fighting disease and dysfunction that eats 油away at the quality of life. The He(art) of Life.油
  • 3. 油 They educate us on the sublimation of 油training our resilience and time how we 油manipulate it to arrest ourselves or to move 油forward; of how great insight, can fire 油transformation and change the alchemy of 油the mind. They gently massage and 油encourage us through dialect and images to 油embrace change, to make the paradigm 油shift. A Powerful shift that takes 油responsbility for life and accepts all blame. 油It is our awareness, deep compassion and 油capacity to understand others that moves us 油from ordinary towards ventures and abilities 油that can lead to extraordinary. We all have a 油choice, to bury ourselves in the roots 油beneath the ground, continuing to dig in 油the dark, or lay new seeds in a rich soil that 油will enable us to sprout upwards and reach 油for the light.油 Observe the Self.
  • 4. 油We all deserve the right to be afforded the 油natural order of things, to make good 油choices for ourselves and towards the 油betterment of others, to explore options, 油look for alternatives and to educate and 油improve the self. In that moment of duality 油of what stirs within us all the dance 油between light and dark, we clearly see a 油path, it is the choice with regard to what 油thoughts we will embrace. I can either stay 油in pain, which feels like hell, moving 油through life in a surreal manner like Alice 油through the looking glass, or I can move 油towards a life of complete fulfilment and be 油received by purpose, intent and with 油happiness. In a maladaptive state we slide 油into the negative forces pulling at our minds.油 Natural Selection.
  • 5. 油But when we learn to rise above by 油analysing and moving into awareness we are 油able to let go. Looking for alternatives and 油reworking the ways we do things. It is this 油investigation and search within that equates 油to a binary relationship 油- the marriage of 油life with death out of which builds growth. 油Anyone, moving away from infliction on life 油will experience a period of death, but for 油every end is a new beginning 油 such is the 油acceptance we eventually make of what we 油know to be the impermanence of life. It is 油this, which can become the core belief of 油the workings of our mind. Sometimes the 油art of letting go is not necessarily just in the 油work you need to 油do but in the 油understanding that you need to patiently 油wait for others and things to let go of you. 油油 To Rise Above
  • 6. 油As with the coined phrase from 油my 油favourite movie the shawshank 油redemption 油 Get busy living or get busy dying so it can 油be said from another great movie, The 油Green Mile This too shall pass This 油concept is hard for anyone to understand 油especially when faced with a death, even if 油life on the other side can already been seen 油as a joyous celebration of future events. For 油Deprivation of anyones liberty will arrest a 油soul. Hence, why we are duty bound to 油appraise and raise the attitude and 油wellbeing of others. It is the legacy of all of 油us to instil those good morals, the ethics 油behind what is to Do the right thing: Do 油unto others, as you would have done unto 油you Humanity begins to evolve, to start 油again, when we reach a level of cooperation, 油tolerance and healthy respect.油 Coin your phrase
  • 7. 油Only when we join together can we be 油successful in influencing the positive 油development and improved survival of 油others. It takes a hive of great bees to 油produce the best honey! There is work in all 油life that collectively we need to do, for 油apathy will only breed terrible unrest. When 油we take the time we have which is ours 油to remove the impulsivity and raise our 油understanding and patience when we can 油weigh our options through our careful 油deliberation we move into a better age of 油reason and become showered in a light of 油great wisdom. Awareness, depth of clarity 油and insightfulness are the keys to enable 油one to rewrite the chapters on new and 油open pages.油 The Hive of Great Bees
  • 8. 油For laying between the protective covers is 油your turnaraound how death succumbs to 油life of how by doing great work the book 油is your world discovery of what will abound. 油When we can look back on all we have 油endured that experience of a time of 油death, we honour the pilgrimage towards 油awakening our soul new life see your 油body as the vehicle - that means of 油transportation that affords you the right to 油drive your life. Later, as you will come to 油know, it is the journey more than the 油destination that puts you on the path of 油where you always need to be.Freedom and 油fulfillment is found when you can let go and 油just Be.油 The Turnaround
  • 9. 油The followig Posts were designed and 油created to reconnect the body and the 油mind. A fusion of thought and feeling to 油create something in you that reaches an 油expression of Sublime.油 油The gift is to inspire you to 'make your 油move', for whatever it is that will: 油-油motivate 油you 油- transpire you 油- captivate you 油- educate you 油- bring joy to 油you. 油Any genuine design is always created with油 油You in mind.油 Journaling by Posts
  • 10. 01 Discover what sets your soul on fire and develop that. The joy you feel, shows it was designed for you, this is your life work - your Gift. Promote Passion
  • 11. 02 Let your intuitive guidance put you on the path to transformation. by sharing your gifts with others, aligns you to be open to receive so much more. An Act of Service
  • 12. 03 Patterns repeat until we can learn the lessons that are being shown to us. Only by looking within will you reveal the answer behind the reason for what it is you choose to do Choose You
  • 13. 04 For what you see, will always cultivate your own beauty. It is our shared interpretation that is at the heart for all to see. Your thoughts manifest into feelings. Perception
  • 14. 05 Bad stuff is easy to believe, but we don't want to hear it, the good stuff we struggle to say, but so need to hear it. Make the difference today Changing the Cellular Memories
  • 15. 06 To make enquiry into the state of wellness for another, brings to life the kindness and compassion that resides within us all, it generates in you - good health. State of Mind
  • 16. 07 The energy that vibrates from you attributes the traits that give reference to you. Your values become symbolic as they highlight your talents that attract people to you. Charisma
  • 17. 08 The gesture of good will by giving honour towards others shows a sign of respect and benevolence - any act of kindness brings peace to a life. Infused with Grace
  • 18. 09 When you are open and reflective, your spiritual intention - the power of intuition, becomes a state of true life. Dream Big Manifest your Dreams
  • 19. 10 Your real power doesn't come from the need to "shout it out" or to use "klout", it lends itself to those of quiet confidence who gently reach out. Power
  • 20. 11 Your pool of potential comes from the primary substance of which thoughts and feelings are formed. The answers inside you, lead you to the questions asked. Intention
  • 21. 12 Remember: An educated man will give the answers that serve him best; whereas a Wise man, will set himself a measure for what they choose to test Measure of Success
  • 22. 13 Within the reverence of the universe are masters of mind, compassion for others and all humans kind. Be the current you wish others to see. Rhythm of Life
  • 23. 14 The mind is not just a mechanical tool, it is a sensory phenomena to which we all feel. The interconnectedness of minds amplifies on a higher frequency which brings us into a state of Sublime. Free Pharmacy
  • 24. 15 Foundations are built from your centre - the Heart Place. How you connect, shows through the energy and essence of what you give to others - 'souls in sync'. Hearts Communication
  • 25. 16 When you anticipate happiness, health and success, you can overcome any challenge faced. Always direct your thoughts by setting a good intention. Positive Thought
  • 26. 17 Let Self efficacy teach you to attribute good habits, how to persist, how to harness creativity, be enthusiastic, find a shared & common vision that benefits you in a holistic way. Fusion of Heart and Mind
  • 27. 18 It will only be through our fraternity that we strengthen the social cohesion that aims to favour solidarity and cooperation. When we can furnish the lives of others, through giving, sharing, comforting & caring we expand into a universal dimension. Be the Conduit
  • 28. Recognise that the gifts bestowed upon you, mark a meekness for which you see not why you should have to through conformity change;by withholding a modesty of behaviour, attitude and spirit - called Grace. Let this be the "Move into You". ALWAYS MOVE WITH GRACE & HUMILITY