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#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
How to optimize,
retain and get
double digit
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Michal Parizek
Senior e-commerce specialist (optimization)
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
About Avast
 Worlds most popular antivirus
 230M free users
 6M paid users
 Plus other security utilities and products
 1 billion $ evaluation
 Sales via an eCom partner (Digital River)
 15+ CRO FTEs (eCom specialists)
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Big and small optimization projects
 In-product checkout
 Local currencies and payment methods
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Auto-renewal / subscriptions  standard business
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Why standard?
 Higher renewal rate
 More loyal customers
 More $
Valuable for companies
 Lower initial costs
 No pain of payment
Valuable for customers
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
+ 43%
Renewal Rate - USA
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Auto-renewal vs. Manual-renewal
Auto-Renewal Manual-Renewal
Renewal Rate Higher Lower
Payment Methods Supported Online Online + Offline
Degree of ownership Lower Higher
Data source E-commerce partner Internal sources
Commission Same
Market Penetration Mainly USA, Canada, UK, Australia All
Maintenance Costs Lower Higher
Refund Rate Higher Lower
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Setting up Auto-renewal
 Customer Portal
 Email templates and flow architecture
 Checkout  prepare to AR
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Customer Portal
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Emails and flow architecture
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Checkout  prepare to AR
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
3 key AR metrics to optimize
 AR disable rate
 Disabled subscriptions/All expiring subscriptions
 Payment failure rate
 Subscriptions with failed billing/All expiring subscriptions
 AR refund rate
 Refunded renewed subscriptions/All renewed subscriptions
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
The more payment
attempts, the better.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Use Account Updater 
for finding credit card
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Offer all payment methods
even for
AR opt-out.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Your eCom partner should
have local well respected
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Help with refunds, dont
leave it just to your eCom
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Get customers feedback
why they decided to stop
their AR plan.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Our reasons to stop AR
I'm 86 years old and I don't know if I'll be around
at 89.
I don't believe I ever ordered a paid version of AVAST.
I didn't STOP it!!All I wanted to know was WHICH
ACCOUNT you deducted my latest renewal from.
Hit the wrong button.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Big and smalloptimization projects
 In-app Store Optimization
 Introducing a New Product Email Campaign
 In-app Banner Messaging Optimization
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
In-app Store
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
First we thoroughly analyzed performance of current
in-app store
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Customers rarely
downgrade their
level of protection
when renew from
our store.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Avast GrimeFighter
and Avast SecureLine
are the two best-
selling attached
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
There is a
significant share
of Avast Premier
at our 3 key
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Customers buy
attached products
often few days
after their antivirus
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app store
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app store
CVR: +47%
AOV: -18%
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Introducing new product
email campaign
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Email campaign stages
Pick two test markets1
A/B test: content and subject2
Full-scale the winning version3
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Pick two test markets1
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B test: content and subject2
Subject A: Can your PC boot in less than 30 seconds?
Subject B: Its time to speed up your PC
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B test: content and subject2
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B test: content and subject2
Subject: Can your PC boot in less than 30
Subject: Its time to speed up your PC
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B test: content and subject2
Subject A: Can your PC boot in less than 30 seconds? Subject B: Its time to speed up your PC
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B test: content and subject2
Subject A: Can your PC boot in less than 30 seconds? Subject B: Its time to speed up your PC
Open Rate: +7%
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B test: content and subject2
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B test: content and subject2
CVR: +11%
CTR: -22%
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Placing CtA at the top
of the email may
increase CTR but
doesnt automatically
increase CVR.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
More specific CtA may
lower CTR but it brings
more quality leads and
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Expert opinion does
not necessarily need
to be the best one.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Different open
rate and CTR
Australia Czech Republic
Open rate
Australia Czech Republic
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Full-scale the winning version3
Subject B: Its time to speed up your PC
Emails sent 4M
Sales generated $350k
Estimate of sales using
alternative designs
A/B test impact $50k
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
In-app Banner Messaging
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app banner  different headline, icon, CtA
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app banner  different headline, icon, CtA
CVR: +39%
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app banner - headline
PC testing your patience? Speed it up in seconds.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app banner - headline
PC testing your patience? Speed it up in seconds.
CVR: +40%
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app banner  headline II
Give your PC the ultimate speed-over!
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/B Test of an in-app banner  headline II
Give your PC the ultimate speed-over!
CVR: +58%
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Messaging inducing
concerns does work
very well for security
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/A Test
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/A Test  Multiple expiration content
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
A/A Test  Multiple expiration content
CVR: +4%
AOV: +3%
Page views per variant: 5M+
Transactions per variant: 2K+
A/A test duration: 11 days
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
We need to set
minimum CNV
and AOV lifts.
#TLE2015息 2015, WhichTestWon. All rights reserved.
Michal Parizek
Senior e-commerce specialist (optimization)

More Related Content

How to optimizite, retain and get double digit conversions (TLE2015 Europe)

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Does anyone know Avast? Dont forget: We not the entity which sell our products. We use eCommerce partners to do so. We are operating globally and to sell globally we would need to have legal entities in those countries we would need to know local law and accounting. And that would be very resource demaning. Thats why we use those ecommerce partners we have few local partner and one global Digital River. In Avast eCommerce does majority of company sales. We sell almost entirely online and most of the sales happen in the program not at the website. Therefore we have quite large eCommerce team: we have more than 15 CRO FTEs..
  • #5: Those 15+ FTE focusing on CRO work on both big and small optimization projects. Among the BIG ones certainly belong these: In product checkout (the shopping experience is within the program better for conversion rate and ux experience) Local currencies and payment methods (Brazil Boleto, installments, Germany Direct Debit etc. a constant project) Auto-renewal (recurring payments, subscription model..)
  • #7: Subscription model with auto-renewal is becoming a standard business model: - Spotify, Apple Music, Adobe products, Office, Apps like Evernote, Wunderlist, Honest.. More and more companies are switching to subscription model and Avast is among these companies. Why?
  • #8: It is beneficial for both the companies and the customers. Companies: Higher renewal/retention rate renewal rate means how many customers stay with you for the next period (typically another year) It also means more loyal customers And in the end more $ Companies like Adobe, Microsoft also did the the math and find out that they can get more customers by lower initial costs and keep sustainable revenue streams by monthly or yearly fees. Customers Despite some people dont like it in general becuase sometimes auto-renewal has sometimes bad reputation, it perceived as a bit a shady there are also benefits for the customers: It is more convenient, you dont need to carry about expirations, you always have up-to-date version etc. There are usually lower initial costs (example of Adobe, MS) And there is no pain of payment it hurts a bit everytime we need to pay (take out our wallet or credit card..) but with AR it seems that there is none of it. Just seems of course
  • #9: And this Avast real data example. We introduced AR first in US in October 2012 and in October 2013 we could see how it changes the renewal rate (=first customers with AR have expired). And there is the real data plus 43%! It becomes a big success and we started preparing AR for other countries as well. We have expanded it many major markets and in all of them we can see a similar increase in renewal rate. AR then becomes one the major drivers of 2014 record sales year. It took our business to the next level (with the other 2 big optimization projects) and it contributed to the 1 billion $ evaluation by our investors.
  • #10: However AR has some limitations and specifics. So lets have a closer look at it. Renewal Rate we talked about it already. Payment merhods thats crucial it works only with online payment methods (credit debit cards, paypal). Thats not the issue in US, UK, but in Brazil or Germany.. So you cant offer AR to everyone Ownership usually lower especially when you work with an eCom partner. They have the credit cards stored, they manage the whole flow, emails etc. You need to pick up a partner which you will have great relationship Data the same, the partner have much richer data how many stoppend AR, why the automatic billing failed etc. Again you need to rely on him Markets it is common in US, UK, CA, AU but it is still relatively new in Europe. Maintanance once it is setup (and the initial setup is not easy, we talk about it in a minute) it relatively ok to maintain it. E.g. Avast situation with thousands of expiration screens and pages for our 50 supported locales.. Refund rate higher for AR. People sometimes forget about their subscription and then want to refund.
  • #11: Backend and infrastructure There need to be a connection between your backend and infrastructure and your ecommerce partner systems. A lot of things are store at the partners systems so there need to be some API connection or similar stuff. When customers enable AR, it needs to be sent to your systems so you can send it to your client.. Etc Customer portal customers need some space where they can disable or enable autorenewal. Or when they can update their credit card information. Email templates and flow architecture You need to deisgn your communication flow. When do you send your emails (reminder emails, payment failure emails etc.), define triggers, define actions based on emails. Checkout You need to prepare it for AR: Add a checkbox where customers opt-in to AR or opt-out from AR. Add terms and conditions..
  • #14: How do we select markets of AR opt-out? Sales prioritization How AR is traditional in those countries? Share of online payment methods A/B test of opt-out vs. opt-in (both Renewal and Free Registered) AR can have negative impact on the acquisiton conversion rate
  • #15: Renewal Rate impact 100% - these 3 = minus those who turned it off, who failed at billing and minus those who refunded. How to improve those? AR disable rate Communicate better the benefits of AR from user perspective not that you have more money from it Payment failure rate When customers credit card is expiring send them an email Have a good partner with great PSPs payment processors (entities which do the actual billing for the partner) More payment attempts sometimes the billing does not go through for the first time Refund rate Have a transparent communication reminder email, customer know what will happen Allow customers easily disable AR if not, they refund it anyway. Talk to the customers, explain it to them
  • #17: Account Updated can find a credit card successors. If you credit card expires you get a new one. This tool can find the new one and bill the new one instead of the expired one. Just attention/beware it will increase refund rate. Because people will get an email that your credit card expired and we cant bill you automatically. But then this tool finds the successor and successfully bill it. Some customers are then angry and want a refund. But in the end the higher refund rate does not justify the higher renewal rate.
  • #18: A trick for countries with high share of offline payment methods. If we would offer AR preselcted (opt-out) we cant display the offline methods. E.g. 40% Brazilians pay via Boleto, which is an offline payment method. The conversion rate would be horrible. Therefore we came up with this solution. We display all methods even for optout but if somebody chose Boleto we change turn off the AR and sell him the product without AR.
  • #19: PSPs payment processors. If influence a lot the billing failure rate Story with Nexway and US, difference with DR and US. We tested a local French eCom partner to do AR billing in US and our primary US eCom partner has a significanlty higher renewal rate.
  • #21: Customers dont have their PC anymore we start messaging that the license is not fixed for the specific PC but they can use it for any PC.
  • #22: Isnt it awesome that we have an 86 year old customer?! :-)
  • #25: Product portfolio Share of sales in app store low, not so important but still we could see some potential.
  • #26: First we picked 4 the biggest markets (USA manual and auto renewal customers) Then for each of the market we looked at the customer behavior of each of the 3 paid antiviruses so how people use our Store when they have Avast Pro Antivirus, Avast Internet Security and Avast Premier Then we lookend at bunch of metrics like pageviews, opened carts, orders, revenue etc
  • #32: We make it more personal or dynamic. If the customer was not in expiration we offer Upgrade to our best antivirus and the two best selling attached products. If the customer was in expiration we offer Renewal to our best antivirus, then renewal of the current solution and our best selling attached product.
  • #35: This is how we proceeded with the campaign: With email you only have one shot so we decided to pick two smaller markets and test few variants there
  • #43: If we did not run the A/B test we would probably go with the B design ahd A version.
  • #48: Without the A/B test the email campaign would earn 50k less!
  • #50: First let me tell you some background information. There was a feeling in the company that we often scare our users that we are not positive enough... So we wanted to test more positive messaging.