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How to Overcome the fear in Job Search You MUST Breakthrough It!
It all comes down to  your ATTITUDES   and   BELIEFS Dreams Purpose Passion Courage Goals Simplify
It all comes down to   ATTITUDES   and   BELIEFS Dreams Purpose Passion Courage Goals Simplify Laughter Expect the best Be Kind Rejoice and Sing Love
What Type of People Are Here? An informal Survey
Typos Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch stduy at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.  The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.  Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. 油
My Goals for You Create value Give a Gift  Impart Knowledge Deliver Motivation
Harvard Study Listening Actively participate Have fun 10%- 20 % 20%-80% 100%  Learning is remembering -Socrates-
Commitments for Today Have fun Stretch yourself Respect each other Play team
Hows Your Energy Level? -Exercise-
You must  BREAKTHROUGH It! x x x x You must BREAKTHROUGH your comfort zone
Comfort Zone Strategies x x x x X
Pick A partner Belief that your parents gave you! What do you want to breakthrough in 2009? What are some things that are stopping you?
FOCUS  I X F = PR This is what stops most of us! What you choose to Focus on, will Determine how you Feel in that Moment FEAR
Human Behavior Behavior/ Victim?/Hero? Event/input/Job Loss Focus  (why me) State Physiology Whats your Mental State???
What is your attitude about successful people? How do we learn? Success leaves clues. Find someone that has gotten the result you want.
What is a Belief? A feeling of Certainty Roger Bannister
What to model BS Strategy Physiology Energy
Whats Your Strategy? Motivation only takes you so far It is a recipe for success Top Executives share one formula (ErL)
Interview strategies Energy (Whoa Clap) Turn FIP Matching and Mirroring Define what you want before you sit down Why-Values/Motivators
The 4 Ms of Life Metaphor Modeling Moments Meaning
What is YOUR Belief What is stopping you? What is your 4 minute mile? How will you Breakthrough in 2009? Expose recurrent patterns? How will you get out of your own way?
Lets take a moment for clarity -Exercise-
What is YOUR Belief.about this? Can you Breakthrough? Is it easy?/Will it HURT? What if I break my hand? Have people done it in the past? What are your references?  Can they be Shaken up?  (Release)
Lets Demonstrate! Who Thinks they can do this? Who believes that they CANNOT? Who is in the Middle? Who believes that with the right strategy YOU CAN DO IT?
The 4 Ms of Board Breaking Metaphor Modeling Moments Meaning
5 Keys to efficiency Stance Speed Snap Breathe Whole Body/ Whole Earth Modeling a strategy
Whats Your Strategy? Next 24 Hours Are Crucial. What Action Will You Take on your Top 4 Goals? What Strategies will you use to reinforce them? Whats your motivation?  Who will you get to help you? Whose recipe for success will you use?
Things to Remember The Journey and Your Happiness 5, 10, 20 years Take Action Be a lifelong learner Give more than you receive
You Should Still Dream Have Purpose Live with Passion Have Courage Create Goals Simplify your life Laugh often Expect the best Be Kind Rejoice and Sing Love
Shifting results.  Because even Tiger Woods gets distinctions from his coach

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How To Overcome The Fear In Job Search

  • 1. How to Overcome the fear in Job Search You MUST Breakthrough It!
  • 2. It all comes down to your ATTITUDES and BELIEFS Dreams Purpose Passion Courage Goals Simplify
  • 3. It all comes down to ATTITUDES and BELIEFS Dreams Purpose Passion Courage Goals Simplify Laughter Expect the best Be Kind Rejoice and Sing Love
  • 4. What Type of People Are Here? An informal Survey
  • 5. Typos Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch stduy at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. 油
  • 6. My Goals for You Create value Give a Gift Impart Knowledge Deliver Motivation
  • 7. Harvard Study Listening Actively participate Have fun 10%- 20 % 20%-80% 100% Learning is remembering -Socrates-
  • 8. Commitments for Today Have fun Stretch yourself Respect each other Play team
  • 9. Hows Your Energy Level? -Exercise-
  • 10. You must BREAKTHROUGH It! x x x x You must BREAKTHROUGH your comfort zone
  • 12. Pick A partner Belief that your parents gave you! What do you want to breakthrough in 2009? What are some things that are stopping you?
  • 13. FOCUS I X F = PR This is what stops most of us! What you choose to Focus on, will Determine how you Feel in that Moment FEAR
  • 14. Human Behavior Behavior/ Victim?/Hero? Event/input/Job Loss Focus (why me) State Physiology Whats your Mental State???
  • 15. What is your attitude about successful people? How do we learn? Success leaves clues. Find someone that has gotten the result you want.
  • 16. What is a Belief? A feeling of Certainty Roger Bannister
  • 17. What to model BS Strategy Physiology Energy
  • 18. Whats Your Strategy? Motivation only takes you so far It is a recipe for success Top Executives share one formula (ErL)
  • 19. Interview strategies Energy (Whoa Clap) Turn FIP Matching and Mirroring Define what you want before you sit down Why-Values/Motivators
  • 20. The 4 Ms of Life Metaphor Modeling Moments Meaning
  • 21. What is YOUR Belief What is stopping you? What is your 4 minute mile? How will you Breakthrough in 2009? Expose recurrent patterns? How will you get out of your own way?
  • 22. Lets take a moment for clarity -Exercise-
  • 23. What is YOUR Belief.about this? Can you Breakthrough? Is it easy?/Will it HURT? What if I break my hand? Have people done it in the past? What are your references? Can they be Shaken up? (Release)
  • 24. Lets Demonstrate! Who Thinks they can do this? Who believes that they CANNOT? Who is in the Middle? Who believes that with the right strategy YOU CAN DO IT?
  • 25. The 4 Ms of Board Breaking Metaphor Modeling Moments Meaning
  • 26. 5 Keys to efficiency Stance Speed Snap Breathe Whole Body/ Whole Earth Modeling a strategy
  • 27. Whats Your Strategy? Next 24 Hours Are Crucial. What Action Will You Take on your Top 4 Goals? What Strategies will you use to reinforce them? Whats your motivation? Who will you get to help you? Whose recipe for success will you use?
  • 28. Things to Remember The Journey and Your Happiness 5, 10, 20 years Take Action Be a lifelong learner Give more than you receive
  • 29. You Should Still Dream Have Purpose Live with Passion Have Courage Create Goals Simplify your life Laugh often Expect the best Be Kind Rejoice and Sing Love
  • 30. Shifting results. Because even Tiger Woods gets distinctions from his coach

Editor's Notes

  • #3: You know, When I first thought about putting together this presentation, I thought how can I inspire these people. Lyra wanted a motivational speech or sortsright? I thought I could speak about Dreams and the journey of a thousand mile beginning with a single step, or purpose, having the vision to look inside your heart. No, passionI mean passion rarely fails right? Courage, moving beyond fear! Goals, everybody talks about goalsthey are easya long view taken one day at a timeoh yeahwere impatient.
  • #4: Then I thought Laughter, thats the best medicine right? It releases tension and stress and Ohhh Endorphins. Nah!!! How about expect the best.We are what we think about most if the timeseek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened..right? The golden rule, Be Kind, treat people as you yourself would like to be treated. How about rejoice and Sing/!!! Feeling grateful always propels you and feeds you spiritually!! Finally Love, Love is the greatest emotion. Countries have radically changed because of Love. But as I look at all these, I thoughtwhat is the common theme in all of these and the answer I came up with was, Attitude.ATTITUDE! And your attitude is mainly determined by what your beliefs are.. So that is what we are going to discuss this afternoon.
  • #5: Before we get started, I would like to do an informal survey about the kind of people that are in this class. Please take a moment to draw these shapes on a piece of paper. This is an informal study that was conducted at UCLA in the early nineties. If everybody is finished, please put a check mark by the shape that best represents you. Share results: Square: Rarely any people checks the sq.The connotations are evident They are intelligent ,rigid information gatherers Rectangular people are highly engaged, focused but more flexible similar to square Triangle's have a pointed awareness of their surroundings. They have laser focus. They have a solid base of friends colleges and family to bounce their ideas of of. Circle:. These are the lovers in the room. They bring people into their circle of love and influence. They roll with the punches Squiggles: These are the sex maniacs in the room. They are the non-conformist. In they are the rebels. They dont paint inside the lines These are you teammates for tonight.,
  • #6: For those of you that have the talent of finding every error that Word did not catch, I just want you to know that they are intentional and placed in there for the sole reason of making you not fall asleep. They will in no way affect your understanding of the information as noted by Cambridge University.
  • #7: Bur seriously, Here are my Goals for you: #1 To add value To give you a gift a nugget that you can take with you to enhance your business sales/experience for the rest of this year. I will give you first hand knowledge about how to immediately improve your personal life as well as your future professional lives. And with that knowledge, I hope to impart some motivation that you can use the rest of the year.
  • #8: Before we get started with my presentation, I want to share a formal study that was done at Harvard in 1989 and retested again 10 years later. As a matter of fact, adult learning theory is based on the second study that was done in 1999. The study says that if you listen to information once and thats all you do, your retention of that information is 10% 20% tops.and thats if you have good photographic memory capability. If you actively participatethat is takes notes, ask questions etc, Then your retention miraculously improves to almost 80%. The same study also concluded that if you add just one more component to create a picture story in your mind then your retention jumps to 100%. Do you know what element that is? Fun! We remember things that we have enjoyed and had fun with.
  • #9: Well here are some commitments I would like to get from you! We already discussed that adding fun increases retention so, Who's is in favor of having a little fun say Aye. Anybody apposed? Motioned carried.now that was not so bad was it? As we go through this interactive presentation, we will do some live exercises. I ask that you stretch yourself beyond your current comfort zone and play full out. Those in favor say Aye! Apposed? Motion Carried. We also have to realize that there are different personalities in here and I ask that you respect those and at the same time not judge each other. In other words respect each other and play as a team. Any questions? Those in favor say Aye. Any apposed? Motioned carried.and thats the hardest part for tonight.
  • #10: So! Lets see if you are really committed. Everybody up! I want you all to go around the room and greet each and every person in this room.there is one caveat. You cannot shake hands or touch each other or speak.all you can do is make eye contact. Ready set Go! OK Stop. How those that feel.On a scale of one to ten, one being dead cant get out of bed and 10 being unstoppable, where are you? Alright now this time I want you to go around the room and great one another as you would at a networking event.ready ,set, Go! Ok Freeze, How does that feel..on a scale of one too ten? All right finally, I want you to imagine this.You are at the airport and you are very excited because you are about to greet someone you have not seen in 2 years. It is your best friend from high school. No better yet your best Girl or boy friend.anyway, you are at the airport and they have just walked off the planeReady. Set. Go! Now how is the energy level in the room? Can you feel the difference? On a scale of one to ten where are you? 9-10? OK have a seat..you see, This exercise is a metaphor for life. We can either go around unimpressed and in our own little cloud or we can put it out there put it on the line. Make ourselves vulnerable. Trust me life is more exciting when you step out of your comfort zone.
  • #11: This evening is all about breaking through what stops you!! You see most of us have some fear and thats healthy. Thats what keeps us from getting in a car with a drunk driver or driving 100 MPH while in a rainstorm. Unfortunately, the same fear that protects us also holds us back from being magnificent. These fears are fueled by our own limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs keep us small. Some of you are thinkingAm I too old? Or I am not smart enough or I dont have the right educationmaybe Im too young. How many of you made goals for 2004? How many of you honestly can say that you are 110% on target..How many are wondering where the year went? Let me ask you thisWHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? In the next 3-5 years, what do you think you will gain if you break through just one of your goals? Anytime we go beyond our comfort zone, we call that stretching What are some things that keep you in your comfort zone? What strategies do you use?
  • #12: Lets go back to our comfort zone example. You see, in the past we have had strategies for not breaking through. What are some of those?? Lets hear some examples: Have you ever heard someone sayI really did not want that anyway. Or Im to good for them. What are some other justifications. Applaud These!/Write on Whiteboard Progress slide: We talked about strategies for not breaking through, now lets talk about strategies FOR Breaking through. When something shows up outside of this and we do break through, An amazing thing happenswe expand our entire circle exponentially. We become more. Just like we have strategies for NOT breaking through, We also have strategies for Breaking throughwhat are some? Stopped procrastinating/called a friend/made public commitment/chunked it down to lowest common denominator. I want to make sure you have clarity
  • #13: I want to make sure you have clarity on what you really want in your life. That way you can maximize this program. I am going to give you 5 minutes to write down anything that you would want to do, be have, create, give, share, discover, see, feel, hear, make in your life over the next year if you KNEW>>>YOU COULD NOT FAIL. Materialistic things, Emotional things, Spiritual, Physical, Family,social, Mental..remember, let go of the filters. What would really inspire you. Now, Circle the top 4 goals that are most compelling to you! The top 4 goals that you are committed to achieving by year end!
  • #14: What most people lack is the right focus. But even the people that have focus have issues. So what is the deal? Well what you chose to focus on at any given time.determines how you feelor what physical state of mid your in. And that state determines how you behave. Let me explain
  • #16: I want to talk to you about how we learn in life, As kids we watch and duplicate what our parent do. As young adults, we often imitate those we admire, and as corporate execs, we often dress the part and use the language of success. There are two primary ways of learning. One is the infamous university...the one I have a PhD fromthe school of hard knocks also known as trial and error. The second one is modeling! Would you agree that successful people do things day in and day out that make them successful? The concept I am about to share is the concept of modeling or role modeling. If you want to get a specific result, find somebody that is getting that result and duplicate it. I am going to share with you a coupe of fundamental principles that you must duplicate in order to duplicate excellence in any project or task including Job search.
  • #17: The first key to modeling is belief. What is a belief? Well a belief is nothing but a feeling of certainty. How many of you want to be successful in 2009? When I ask sales people for example,.what is your belief about what is going to happen when they get in front of a prospectwhat do you think they say? (9 times out of 10 the response and belief is the same) Who knows who Roger banister is? He was the first the 4 minute mile. Let me ask you. What was the prevailing belief before he broke that barrier...It is impossibleyour lungs will explodeMedical doctors were saying that it was physically impossible. Get this. A lot of people know that story but Do you know how many other people broke that record in the same year? 37 people. Within 2 years, 200 people had broken that barrierToday in high school track, there are kids breaking that record. My question to you iswhat changed? The belief! Somebody did it and if they can do itThen I_________________! Exactly. How many times have we stopped ourselves because we felt we could not do it? WHAT IS YOUR 4 MINUTE MILE? WHAT IS A STRETCH FOR YOU> WHAT beliefs about you are holding you back. What separates the top level people that I work with and all the others is a higher level of certainty. They believe in themselves!! If you want to make major shifts, or move to a higher plateau, you must change your beliefs. Your beliefs provide you with motivation.They are your values that tell you what your world should look like What has been preventing you from achieving this goal? Over the next 3-5 years, what will it cost you if you do not break through and give 100% to achieving these goals? Over the next 3-5 years, what will you gain if you do break through and give 100% to achieving these goals?
  • #18: 1.Board Breaking is a metaphor for breaking through anything that stops you in your life.Being successful in this task.Just as in life, requires that you overcome your fears and develop an effective strategy. Most importantly, it requires that you change any limiting beliefs that you might have. 2.We spoke about Modeling. Modeling is something that you have to do your entire life. The way you learn to speak and communicate from birth. The key here is that you are learning from OPE other peoples experience. Therefore shortening your learning curve. 3. Moments You will anchor this breakthrough so that every time you need a boost of confidence, you can access this memory.. 4. Remember, nothing has any meaning except the meaning we attach to it.
  • #19: How many times have we stopped ourselves because we felt we could not do it? WHAT IS YOUR 4 MINUTE MILE? WHAT IS A STRETCH FOR YOU? WHAT beliefs about you are holding you back. What separates the top level people that I work with and all the others is a higher level of certainty. They believe in themselves!! If you want to make major shifts, or move to a higher plateau, you must change your beliefs. Your beliefs provide you with motivation.They are your values that tell you what your world should look like What has been preventing you from achieving this goal? Over the next 3-5 years, what will it cost you if you do not break through and give 100% to achieving these goals? Over the next 3-5 years, what will you gain if you do break through and give 100% to achieving these goals? That brings me to my next topic, That is you need a good strategy.. All the motivation in world will not help if you do not have a sound strategy. Strategy is nothing more that a formula or recipe. Let me share with you what I have found about all the successful executives that I know. Let me ask you a question, Do you like to read? What books have you read in the last ninety days? YOU SEE. LEADERS ARE READERS. The average person says that they do not have time, but successful people make time. You know, its a good thing that we live in the world of AC not BC. I read an average of 4 books a month 2 and I listen to at least 2 tape programs a month. I would say that I have the equivalent of a masters degree in time spent in the car. But you know what? Even thats not enough. Knowledge by itself is not power neither is wisdomYou still have to take action.
  • #20: 1. You have to stay energized.That means you have to feed your mind and body. You have to exercise. How you can't tackle the world if you dont even have the energy to get out of bed. 2. Sometimes you have to look fear in the face and do it anyway. Ill show you strategies for doing this. 3. Lastly, you have to know what you want and why. These are either ends values or towards values.
  • #21: 1.Board Breaking is a metaphor for breaking through anything that stops you in your life.Being successful in this task.Just as in life, requires that you overcome your fears and develop an effective strategy. Most importantly, it requires that you change any limiting beliefs that you might have. 2.We spoke about Modeling. Modeling is something that you have to do your entire life. The way you learn to speak and communicate from birth. The key here is that you are learning from OPE other peoples experience. Therefore shortening your learning curve. 3. Moments We are all conditioned responses. You will anchor this breakthrough so that every time you need a boost of confidence, you can access this memory.. 4. Remember, nothing has any meaning except the meaning we attach to it.
  • #22: How many times have we stopped ourselves because we felt we could not do it? WHAT IS YOUR 4 MINUTE MILE? WHAT IS A STRETCH FOR YOU> WHAT beliefs about you are holding you back. What separates the top level people that I work with and all the others is a higher level of certainty. They believe in themselves!! If you want to make major shifts, or move to a higher plateau, you must change your beliefs. Your beliefs provide you with motivation.They are your values that tell you what your world should look like What has been preventing you from achieving this goal? Over the next 3-5 years, what will it cost you if you do not break through and give 100% to achieving these goals? Over the next 3-5 years, what will you gain if you do break through and give 100% to achieving these goals?
  • #23: I want to make sure you have clarity on what you really want want in your life. That way you can maximize this program. I am going to give you 5 minutes to write down anything that you would want to do, be have, create, give, share, discover, see, feel, hear, make in your life over the next year if you KNEW>>>YOU COULD NOT FAIL. Materialistic things, Emotional things, Spiritual, Physical, Family,social, Mental..remember, let go of the filters. What would really inspire you. Now, Circle the top 4 goals that are most compelling to you! The top 4 goals that you are committed to achieving by year end!
  • #25: Lets do an experiment. Who Thinks they can do this? Let me see a show of hands Who believes that they CANNOT? Let me see hands Who is in the Middle? You are thinking maybe.I've seen it done on TV Who believes that with the right strategy YOU CAN DO IT. OK so lets get a couple volunteers!!!
  • #26: 1.Board Breaking is a metaphor for breaking through anything that stops you in your life.Being successful in this task.Just as in life, requires that you overcome your fears and develop an effective strategy. Most importantly, it requires that you change any limiting beliefs that you might have. 2.We spoke about Modeling. Modeling is something that you have to do your entire life. The way you learn to speak and communicate from birth. The key here is that you are learning from OPE other peoples experience. Therefore shortening your learning curve. 3. Moments We are all conditioned responses. You will anchor this breakthrough so that every time you need a boost of confidence, you can access this memory.. 4. Remember, nothing has any meaning except the meaning we attach to it.
  • #27: Stance: Feet, Shoulder width apart. Left hand extended right hand against breast Speed. You are going to move in an instant from point a to point B Snap Its as if you are snapping your arms from a to b like a rubber band snaps back after being stretched Breath. You want to take a deep breath and explode it out as you snapmaybe like this whew!! Lastly, you want to be grounded. Do head high and then as a tree stump in the ground metaphor. DEMONSTRATE!!
  • #28: Lets give these volunteers a hand. Yall have a seat feeling good. That brings me to my final topic, That is you need a good strategy..
  • #29: Remember Life is a Journey not a destination. You must learn to happily achieve not just achieve to be happy. In the end, five years 10 years from nowwe will all arrive at a placethe question is where. Will you be in control of that? My other advice is to take action nothing takes us closer to our goals than a single purposeful action. Continuously Learn! I have learned more since leaving college than I learned during all my other years in formal education. We are lucky to have a university on wheels, our cars. Listening to good educational and motivational tapes while commuting in Atlanta is like attending 520 hour of college. That's almost a degree per year! Practice unconditional giving. Always give more than you take and give more than is expected. You will get back Ten fold says the good book! Thanks for having me. I wish each and everyone of you Joy happiness and Success!
  • #30: You should still: Dream, live with Purpose, have Passion, have Courage, set Goals, Simplifying your life, Laugh often and heartedly, Expect the best from your self and others, Be Kind to everyone ,children animals adults, Rejoice and Sing to the Lord for life is good and finally Love like there is no tomorrow. If you do all these things, not only will you win in 2009 but you will win in life and at the end of your life your friends and your family will look at you and say, he ran that good race he finished the good race. I wish you all much love, peace and joy as you run your race we call life. Take care and God bless.
  • #31: You should still: Dream, live with Purpose, have Passion, have Courage, set Goals, Simplifying your life, Laugh often and heartedly, Expect the best from your self and others, Be Kind to everyone ,children animals adults, Rejoice and Sing to the Lord for life is good and finally Love like there is no tomorrow. If you do all these things, not only will you win in 2009 but you will win in life and at the end of your life your friends and your family will look at you and say, he ran that good race he finished the good race. I wish you all much love , peace and joy as you run your race we call life. Take care and God bless.