This document provides tips for creating effective presentations with 10-20 slides that last 10-30 minutes. It recommends using sticky notes to plan the presentation, choosing fonts and colors that are easy to read, using the full screen for each slide, practicing beforehand, engaging the audience, and facing the audience when presenting.
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1. How to present almost anything in Mr. Freeman's Class or anywhere else A simple guide to presentation NCSOS Social Studies Skill Competency Goal 5.04
13. Practice your presentation before you give it. Engage your audience. Don't be afraid to interact with them.
14. Face the audience when you present. They are here to see you. Not the back of your head.
15. For a full copy of the notes from this presentation click the download link below.
Editor's Notes
#3: After you finish your research, the first step in presenting in Mr Freeman's class is to plan out what you're going to present and how you're going to do it. There are many ways to present. You could use PowerPoint, ActivInspire, Prezi, or other media. Don't wait until the night before it's due.
#4: Rule number one is 1 idea equals 1 slide. If you put to many ideas on the same page or slide the audience, that's everyone watching you present, will get confused and stop paying attention.
#5: Before you sit down at the computer and try to make your presentation plan it out. Use sticky notes to write or draw your ideas. Remember 1 idea 1 note. If the ideas too big to fit on the sticky note in marker it's too big for your slide.
#6: Time and space are important. Ask Mr. Freeman how much time you will have and how many slides you're allowed to use before you start. You can explain anything in ten slides. It shouldn't take more than twenty minutes, and if you use small font the people in the back can't read the information.
#7: Never copy and paste information. If you do it is plagiarism, and that will never be tolerated in Mr. Freeman's class. Your audience wants to know what you know.
#8: Bright colors are offensive to the eye. Don't use them like this. Click the image to fix the problem... ...See isn't that easier to read.
#10: The human brain reads images faster than words. When you're presenting let the picture be the backdrop for your story, but use the whole screen. Click the image to expand it to its proper size.
#13: If you have more than 75 words on a page it is a document which should be printed and handed out. People learn faster through images to show them exactly what you mean. If you still need them to read give them the document separately.
#14: Practice at home or with friends before you present. Don't be afraid to get your audience involved. They will learn more about what you're trying to teach them if they are engaged in the action. Ask them questions; just make sure you know the answers. Ask simple questions first and space them throughout your presentation.
#15: You should know all of the information that you're presenting. Face your audience as much as possible. If you turn around the audience will think that you don't know and then they won't care.