4. Simplicity
It takes work to simplify
Plan time to simplify your designs
"Looks good, how can we make it simpler?"
5. Reduce
The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through
thoughtful reduction. - John Maeda
What features can we hide?
What can we remove?
6. What would Tufte do?
"There are a lot of terrible graphs out there!"
- things Tufte probably said
Professor Tufte studies how to present various
kinds of information.
11. In action at Google
"A lot of use of white space, not a lot of
artificial, surface-like divisions. Were really
counting on bold typography, white space, and
big images to give emphasis, give character
and give hierarchy to the cards that we give
-Matias Duarte, senior director, Android user experience
13. No Crazy Effects
Fun for a slideshow but bad for comparing data. Imagine a few of these on a screen.