Petroleum conservation: Why Necessary for us?
In the past year alone, oil prices got doubled.This has imposed a huge burden on our finances & on the financial resources of oil companies.In the case of oil, nature has not blessed India and the country remains dependent on imports.
How To Conserve Petroleum?
Curtail wasteful traveling/ driving.Car pooling to work,will not only conserve fuel,but will also improve social relations with your colleagues.The criteria for choosing the vehicle to buy,should be its fuel efficiency.Follow traffic signals to avoid jams.Timely attention, servicing tuning of the vehicle in fuel conservation & emission control is important.Avoid sudden speeding, braking, stopping,clutch riding, idling, over-speeding and over-loading.Try other substitutes too,such as:- CNG, solar power etc.
3. Reasons for conserving
Development of the Nations.
Protection of Natural areas.
To Control Pollution.
To Maintain a Proper
Balance & for Long-term
Conservation is important
for Next Generation
Protect Earth
4. An Alarming Situation!!!
The natural gas is being used in
progressively large volumes by
Power, Fertilizer, Industrial,
Commercial, Domestic and
Transport sectors.
As the demand is increasing, there
is a large scope for gas
Federal and Academic studies in
US has pointed the year 2040 as
the End of all Oil Production
across the world.
5. Let us reduce wasteful consumption
of petrol
Lets learn to save and use it efficiently.
Petroleum: World's Primary Energy Source
6. How To Conserve Petroleum ?
Curtail wasteful traveling/ driving.
Car pooling to work, will not only conserve
fuel, but will also improve social relations
with your colleagues.
The criteria for choosing the vehicle
to buy, should be its fuel efficiency
Follow traffic signals to avoid jams.
7. Continued
Timely attention, servicing tuning
of the vehicle in fuel conservation
& emission control is important.
Avoid sudden speeding, braking, stopping,
clutch riding, idling, over-speeding
and over-loading.
Try other substitutes too, such as:
CNG, solar power etc
8. Petroleum conservation:
Why Necessary for us?
In the past year alone, oil prices got doubled.
This has imposed a huge burden on our finances
& on the financial resources of oil companies.
In the case of oil, nature has not blessed India
and the country remains dependent on imports.